Alina Bukhtiarova
3 publications
0 books
Dynamics patterns of banks evaluations on the basis of Kohonen self-organizing maps
Serhiy Kozmenko, Inna Shkolnyk
, Alina Bukhtiarova
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 11, 2016 Issue #4 (cont.) pp. 179-192
Views: 1628 Downloads: 303 TO CITEIn the research, bank patterns analysis is held on the basis of Kohonen self-organizing maps with the aim to determine further directions of bank strategies development under the influence of crisis events in Ukraine’s economy. For model practical approval, the sample of 32 banks was formed, which presents four groups of banks according to the classification determined by the National Bank of Ukraine. While constructing model, 15 indexes were used that characterize bank’s functioning efficiency. As a result of research, cluster ranking was constructed, the groups (powerful banks, stable, problem banks and banks that are in the crisis state and bankrupt state) were formed and the trajectory of bank evolution as a patterns unity, each of which characterizes the activity of bank on a definite moment of time. It gives possibility for the government regulation authority – central bank to take decisions according to the appropriateness use of regulation instruments of separate bank with the aim of saving stable banking system state in a whole, and for the clients – to evaluate bank’s reliability.
Keywords: banks, banking system, economic modeling, Harrington desirability function, cluster analysis, self-organizing map, pattern of bank.
JEL Classifications: G17, G21, G33 -
Level of shadow economy in Ukraine: reasons and ways to overcome
Alina Bukhtiarova, Arsen Hayriyan
, Nataliia Vynokurova
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 7, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 6-11
Views: 1864 Downloads: 148 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article offers an investigation of the level of the shadow economy in Ukraine in the period 2007–2016, the structure of the shadow (“grey”) economy in the sectoral section, Ukraine’s place in world rankings in terms of economic freedom, corruption, favorable business conditions, and competitiveness. The main reasons of high level of shadow sector of the national economy are considered, and several measures regarding the reduction of the shadow economy in Ukraine and improvement of its economic situation are presented.
Forecasting the level of financial security of the country (on the example of Ukraine)
Józef Antoni Haber, Alina Bukhtiarova
, Svitlana Chorna
, Olesia Iastremska , Tetiana Bolgar doi:
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 304-317
Views: 1338 Downloads: 317 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the conditions of functioning of economic relations, which arise between subjects of the financial system of Ukraine, the question of creating safe conditions for their activity is increasingly being raised. Attention is paid to the investigation of the state of financial security of the country as a component of economic security, in terms of its key elements, which allows attention to the most important indicators and to develop measures to prevent existing threats.
The purpose of the paper is to forecast the level of financial security of the country based on regression analysis of impacts factors. The object of the study is the financial system as a mechanism, which is aimed at the activities of financial security subjects of the country to ensure its proper level. As a result of the regression analysis, it was found that changing in the country’s banking security by 1% will decrease the overall financial security index by 0.04 points, while the non-banking market will grow by 0.07 and the monetary component will decrease by 0.51.
Based on the calculation of the arithmetic mean of absolute deviations of independent variables, the estimated value of Ukraine’s financial security level is calculated, which is 40.09% in 2018.
Proposals for improving the “Methodological Recommendations for Calculating the Level of Economic Security of Ukraine” will help to solve the problem of mathematical substantiation of the choice of indicators for assessing financial security, minimize risks, eliminate subjectivity and improve the efficiency and the quality of the country’s financial security assessment methodology.
The article deals with the issues of the financial component of economic security as the main element of ensuring sustainable financial development of the country. -
Modeling of FinTech market development (on the example of Ukraine)
Alina Bukhtiarova, Arsen Hayriyan
, Nikol Bort
, Andrii Semenog
FinTech startups and services are one of the most dynamic segments of the modern economy. New financial technologies have already attracted many investors and form millions of budgets. Changing the traditional financial services concept, FinTech companies formed a new niche within the financial services market, the dynamic development of which determines the relevance of the development and implementation of an effective regulatory and oversight system.
The purpose of the article is to develop an economic and mathematical model for forecasting the development of the FinTech market on the example of Ukraine. In order to study the development of the FinTech industry, a multiple regression model was presented. The model describes the dependence of the total investment value of FinTech from venture investments in financial technology, venture investments in other technologies and venture investments in online lending. Based on this model, the effect of attracting investments with new FinTech projects on the total volume of investments in the industry was clarified. According to the model, with a change in investments in FinTech by 1%, the total rate of venture investments decreases by 0.03, funds in new projects of other companies grow by 0.05, and venture investments in online lending increase by 0.89. According to the analysis of regulatory legislation in the foreign countries of the FinTech services sphere, it was found that the regulation of most of the risks associated with the development of FinTech services falls within the competence of different supervisory authorities, requiring cross-sectoral cooperation between public institutions. -
The efficiency of electronic public procurement system in Ukraine
Inna Shkolnyk, Alina Bukhtiarova
, Ludmyla Horobets doi:
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 7, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 43-55
Views: 1625 Downloads: 185 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPublic procurement has been the subject of research for a long time in the work of scientists from both the economically developed countries and those undergoing the transformation of public finances. Their research comes from different points of view, namely from the essence of the definition, the process of their conduct, the problems of the legislative framework to their effective implementation. In addition, the issue of electronic public procurement, which can greatly enhance the transparency of this process and reduce the level of corruption inherent in this area in all countries without any exception, is becoming increasingly relevant in recent times.
Based on the conducted analysis, the article proposes the definition of the term of public procurement, defines the principles of public procurement as a controlled subject in the electronic environment of their conduct, and systematizes the basic indicators characterizing the effectiveness of public procurement. Based on the Granger causality method, an analysis of efficiency was performed and the basic indicators determining the level of savings in the public procurement system were determined. It is established that the use of Granger causality in changing the amount of savings in the system of public procurement gives only a quantitative characteristic. For a more complete picture quantitative analysis is supplemented with qualitative parameters. -
Ensuring transparency of key public finance authorities
Alina Bukhtiarova, Yuliia Dukhno , Ganna Kulish
, Iryna Kurochkina
, Volodymyr Lypchanskyi
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 16, 2019 Issue #2 pp. 128-139
Views: 1331 Downloads: 195 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯNowadays, there is a constant need for managing large amounts of information in public finances to identify existing and prevent future cases of illegal use of financial resources of citizens. The openness of information of key public finance authorities has a powerful anti-corruption effect and has a beneficial effect on economic development, while transparency of public finances is a factor in the successful implementation of the reform of all spheres of the economy.
The purpose of the article is to develop a methodology for assessing the institutional and political transparency of the leading public finance authorities in Ukraine and its practical application on the example of the Ministry of Finance and the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. The methodology includes six main stages, based on which the transparency index of public finance authorities was calculated. Constant calculations of the index will motivate the interaction of stakeholders and non-governmental organizations to increase the openness of public finance authorities in public finances, and the digital data settlements themselves can be used to develop recommendations to increase the level of transparency of the activities of key public finance authorities. Approbation of the developed transparency index of public finance authorities on the example of the Ministry of Finance and the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine made it possible to calculate the percentage of openness of data published by the indicated institutions. Based on quantitative calculations, practical recommendations were made for improving the completeness, reliability, availability and timeliness of published information. -
Modeling the impact assessment of agricultural sector on economic development as a basis for the country’s investment potential
Alina Bukhtiarova, Arsen Hayriyan
, Victor Chentsov
, Sergii Sokol doi:
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 16, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 229-240
Views: 976 Downloads: 214 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the context of countries integration into the world economic space, agricultural sector is one of the priorities and strategically important sectors of the national economy. Development of instruments aimed to increase investment potential of this sector is therefore an important component of the country’s economy growth. The article proposes a science-based model of the impact of the agricultural sector on the economic development level of countries trying to move towards European integration.
It was found that the employment rate (+58.4) has the largest influence on the rate of GDP change in the studied group of countries (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia). The impact of the gross value added of the manufacturing sector on its economic growth is positive (+44.6). The negative foreign direct investment ratio in the model (–40.3) may be due to the fact that the indicator in the studied countries is still largely influenced by the intervention of the state mechanism, significant uncertainty and risk, which is a deterrent to the overall economic development. An important result of the study was that foreign direct investment had a negative impact on economic growth in developing countries. Further development of the investment potential of a country’s agricultural sector provides for a radical acceleration of scientific and technological progress and, on this basis, a reduction in the cost of a unit of agricultural products and food and an increase in their competitiveness in the domestic and world markets. -
International economic and social determinants of the state economic security: A causal analysis
Volodymyr Orlov, Alina Bukhtiarova
, Marcin Marczuk
, Mykhaylo Heyenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #4 pp. 301-310
Views: 640 Downloads: 164 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe priority task for ensuring the economic security of a country, which is especially noticeable in the rapidly changing conditions of the contemporary global world, is to forecast challenges and threats. Economic security is one of the necessary conditions for state development, which provides guidelines for making major social and economic decisions. There are a few studies on the determinants of the economic security and no data about security determinants that are required to monitor it. The study aims to identify possible links between leading determinants of the economic security. For this purpose, on the example of Ukraine, causal links between the formation of real GDP (as the leading determinant that characterizes the economic security of the state), 11 determinants that indicate the level of international economic development, and 6 determinants of social development for the period 2014–2020 were determined. With a 5% level significance, the impact on the volume of real GDP of 14 determinants of state economic security was noted and specific time lags were defined. Besides, the bilateral causal effect and lack of causal connection between individual determinants were mentioned. Findings are helpful for effective public administration. In addition, active measures are needed to combat corruption, shadow and criminal economy, and state protection of domestic producers operating in the military, food, information, and energy security sectors.
Alina Bukhtiarova gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0120U100473). -
Modeling the dynamic patterns of banking and non-banking financial intermediaries’ performance
Alina Bukhtiarova, Andrii Semenog
, Yevgeniya Mordan
, Viktoriia Kremen
, Yevgen Balatskyi
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 17, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 49-66
Views: 949 Downloads: 377 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯNowadays, there are many preconditions and circumstances for conducting shadow schemes in the financial market. Therefore, the level of risk of participation of bank and non-bank financial intermediaries in such schemes is assessed as high. The lack of a practical methodology for assessing the development trajectory of financial intermediaries raises the question of the need for preventive control and quality modeling of their growth dynamics. The study aims to identify and formalize the patterns of development paths of banking and non-banking financial intermediaries based on the Harrington desirability function, which will be used to identify risk patterns as indicative patterns of financial intermediaries’ participation in shadow schemes. The sample includes 13 banking institutions, 3 credit unions, 3 pawnshops, 3 insurance companies, and 3 financial companies. The obtained results showed the relationship between the financial intermediary risk level in terms of its participation in shadow schemes and the phases of the economic cycle as a catalyst for the economic dynamics of the formal and informal economy. Thus, in 2012–2015, most financial intermediaries were in the zone of most significant risk, especially banks, characterized by economic, social, and political instability. Today, banks are in the group with a controlled level of risk of participation in scheme operations. Over the years analyzed, a stable neutral level of risk of participation in shadow schemes was inherent in most non-bank financial institutions. They were less sensitive than banks to the phases of the economic cycle.
Alina Bukhtiarova and Yevgeniya Mordan gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0120U100473, 0121U100469). -
Deposit insurance development (on the example of Ukraine)
Inna Shkolnyk, Dmytro Tkachenko , Viktoriia Kremen
, Alina Bukhtiarova
, Andrii Semenog
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 17, 2022 Issue #4 pp. 99-115
Views: 367 Downloads: 93 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe deposit insurance market is an essential subsystem of Ukraine’s financial infrastructure. The study aims to evaluate the development of deposit insurance in Ukraine based on the depth of deposit insurance, the implementation of the deposit guarantee function, the activity of the banking system and to identify their impact on the development of deposit insurance at various stages.
To determine the periods of deposit insurance in Ukraine, it was proposed to use the methodological toolkit of cluster analysis, having carried out the following stages: selecting input-defining features, variable standardization, applying the Ward procedure for the formation of clusters-periods, and financial and analytical interpretation of the results and characteristics of the periods obtained. Approbation of the proposed scientific and systematic approach allowed drawing conclusions regarding four stages of the development of deposit insurance in Ukraine from 2005–2020: completion of the formation (2005–2007), formedness and activity (2008–2013), performance under pressure (2014–2016), stabilization (2017–2020). While the first two stages, completion of formation and formedness and activity, were followed by a synchronous and slight increase in the level of the depth of the insurance system, the implementation of the deposit guarantee function and the activity of the banking system, the period of performance under pressure and the stabilization period demonstrated a desynchronization between the components.
The completion of the formation of deposit insurance (2005−2007) was followed by a synchronous and slight increase in the level of the depth of the insurance system, the implementation of the deposit guarantee function and the activity of the banking system.Acknowledgment
Alina Bukhtiarova gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0120U100473).
We are thankful to the Czech government support provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, which allowed this scientific cooperation to start within the project “Enhancement of the PhD Students Potential For Qualitative Research In Ukraine”. -
Assessment of financial monitoring efficiency in the banking system of Ukraine
Alina Bukhtiarova, Andrii Semenog
, Мila Razinkova
, Nataliia Nebaba
, Józef Antoni Haber
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 15, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 98-106
Views: 1346 Downloads: 562 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe transformation processes taking place in the global economy and the expansion of global business ties increase the overall vulnerability of the international banking system. One of the problems related to money laundering is the process of evaluating the efficiency of financial monitoring measures. The article discusses the issues of assessing the effectiveness of financial monitoring in the banking system of the country. For Ukraine, this problem is especially relevant, because there is a bank-centric model of the financial market (about 90% of assets go through the banking system) in the country. According to official data, 50% of economic activity in Ukraine ends with money laundering. The article presents the improved method that quantifies the level of financial monitoring system effectiveness at commercial banks of Ukraine based on calculations of the integral index. The index indicates the dynamics of the financial system protection degree from the money laundering threat based on the expediency and efficiency of financial monitoring in the banking system. As a result, more comprehensive conclusions about the level of financial security of the country are made. According to assessments, in 2017–2018 the efficiency of financial monitoring of the banking system of Ukraine was at the middle level (about 64%). The proposed method can be applied to evaluate the effectiveness of the financial monitoring system in any country and become the basis for improving the anti-money laundering system through the banking system.
The study was conducted as part of state budget research of Sumy State University – Formation of a Public Finance Transparency System as a Prerequisite for Combating Corruption in Ukraine (0118U003585) (in the context of evaluating the effectiveness of financial monitoring of the Ukrainian banking system) and Formation of Tools for the Ukrainian Economy Unshadowing Based on Causal Modeling of Interaction Trajectories of Financial Intermediaries (0120U100473) (in the context of substantiating the need and directions for improving the financial monitoring system in Ukrainian banks). -
The trajectories of companies’ financial architecture in the real economy
Inna Shkolnyk, Urszula Mentel
, Alina Bukhtiarova
, Maya Dushak
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 17, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 119-133
Views: 1155 Downloads: 204 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe formation of an effective company’s financial architecture, which includes such basic elements as the capital structure, ownership structure, and the state of corporate governance, has a significant impact on maintaining a certain market position and ensuring stable profitability of activity. This research aims at determining the state of financial architecture, changing its trajectory, and its impact on company’s market position. Twenty-two (22) Ukrainian companies were selected for the study from the list of top 200 in terms of the largest volume of sales revenue received, and those that provided full financial statements for the period from 2007 till 2017. To determine the state of company’s financial architecture and the relevant market position, the authors used a cluster analysis using the method of the most remote neighbors. Algorithms of Kohonen’s self-organizing maps were applied. Harrington’s desirability function was used to determine the integral index. The selected sample demonstrated a high level of ownership concentration in almost all companies and showed that only a few individuals controlled a significant amount of assets, thereby confirming the oligarchic structure of the Ukrainian economy. As a result, seven cluster groups were obtained, reflecting the companies in terms of the quality of their financial architecture. Only five companies in the total sample were found to have high-quality financial architecture, i.e., capital structure and ownership structure are consistent and optimal and ensure that the company maintains a leading market position.
Evaluation of state budget structural changes based on the coefficient method
Serhiy Frolov, Sylwester Bogacki
, Fathi Shukairi
, Alina Bukhtiarova
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 18, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 55-64
Views: 895 Downloads: 418 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAccording to the current situation in the world economy connected with the coronavirus pandemic, it is difficult to predict GDP growth. Non-economic factors determine the rate of decline in economies of almost all countries. Accordingly, it is extremely difficult to ensure the stable functioning of financial systems. In this situation, the role of public finance, especially the state budget, significantly increases, given the peculiarities of the formation of different levels’ budgets. This research aims to evaluate state budget structural changes on the example of Ukraine. Based on the linear coefficient and the quadratic coefficient of absolute structural changes, the quadratic coefficient of relative structural changes, and integral coefficients of structural changes the authors analyzed the state of public finance in Ukraine since the formation of the state and local budgets and their optimal use to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the economy can become one of the factors in maintaining financial stability and developing anti-crisis measures. The forecast values of the growth rate of budget revenues and expenditures confirm that the projected revenue gaps are significantly higher than the projected expenditure gaps. The cost structure of the state budget of Ukraine is characterized as a structure with a low level of differences. The Gatev and Ryabtsev coefficients demonstrate unidirectional dynamics. In contrast, Salai coefficient shows the opposite dynamics, which confirms a lack of stability in the cost structure. From 2008 to 2019, the chain rate of change has a significant variation range.
- agricultural sector
- banking system
- banks
- bank supervision
- budget expenditure
- budget revenue
- capital
- causal analysis
- cluster
- cluster analysis
- clusters-periods
- corruption
- country rating
- debt service
- deposit guarantee
- deposit insurance
- developing countries
- digital finance
- e-procurement system
- economic development
- effectiveness
- efficiency
- financial intermediaries
- financial security
- financial services market
- financial supervision
- financial system
- financial technologies
- FinTech
- forecasting
- foreign direct investment
- gross domestic product
- Harrington
- Harrington’s desirability function
- indicators
- information openness
- InsurTech
- investment
- investment potential
- level of the shadow economy
- Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
- money market
- monitoring
- open data
- ownership
- patterns
- profit
- public administration
- public finance
- public finances
- public procurement
- shadow economy
- state budget
- state economic security
- State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
- structure
- transparency
- transparency index
- Ukraine
- Ward analysis
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