Inna Shkolnyk
8 publications
0 books
Dynamics patterns of banks evaluations on the basis of Kohonen self-organizing maps
Serhiy Kozmenko, Inna Shkolnyk
, Alina Bukhtiarova
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 11, 2016 Issue #4 (cont.) pp. 179-192
Views: 1628 Downloads: 303 TO CITEIn the research, bank patterns analysis is held on the basis of Kohonen self-organizing maps with the aim to determine further directions of bank strategies development under the influence of crisis events in Ukraine’s economy. For model practical approval, the sample of 32 banks was formed, which presents four groups of banks according to the classification determined by the National Bank of Ukraine. While constructing model, 15 indexes were used that characterize bank’s functioning efficiency. As a result of research, cluster ranking was constructed, the groups (powerful banks, stable, problem banks and banks that are in the crisis state and bankrupt state) were formed and the trajectory of bank evolution as a patterns unity, each of which characterizes the activity of bank on a definite moment of time. It gives possibility for the government regulation authority – central bank to take decisions according to the appropriateness use of regulation instruments of separate bank with the aim of saving stable banking system state in a whole, and for the clients – to evaluate bank’s reliability.
Keywords: banks, banking system, economic modeling, Harrington desirability function, cluster analysis, self-organizing map, pattern of bank.
JEL Classifications: G17, G21, G33 -
The notion and content of financial system in the context of financial law of Ukraine
Viktor Chernadchuk , Viktor Sukhonos , Inna Shkolnykdoi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #2 (cont. 1) pp. 234-245
Views: 1251 Downloads: 355 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe financial system of the advanced countries develops according to two basic models – a bank-based system and a market-based system, depending on the level of protection of the rights of owners, investors and lenders. A paradigm shift in functioning of global financial system and financial systems of all countries is based on financial law, which formalizes all financial relations. Reviewing the financial system of Ukraine, the researchers pay a special attention to public finance due to its substantial share in redistribution of Ukraine’s GDP. A comparative analysis of the concept “financial system” makes it possible to draw a certain analogy with the approaches of experts in financial law. From the economic point of view, a country’s financial system includes three key areas – state finance, household finance and corporate finance, which are closely interrelated. Matching these three spheres with the legal approach, state finance is defined as public finance, while household finance and corporate finance are referred as private finance.
The financial market functions as a part of the financial system. In economic terms, the financial system is a dynamic and open environment, while it implies an intense movement of financial resources, a rapid emergence of new financial instruments and integration into the global financial market. From the legal point of view, the financial system is a static financial and legal phenomenon, which includes centralized and decentralized public funds, as well as funds of business entities and individuals. -
The peculiarities of the financial market development in Ukraine
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #1
Views: 595 Downloads: 186 TO CITE -
Estimation of the capacity of the Ukrainian stock market’s risk insurance sector
Insurance Markets and Companies Volume 8, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 34-47
Views: 847 Downloads: 169 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of the article is to determine the degree of financial interaction between the stock and insurance market, or, in other words, to determine the potential capacity of the stock market’s risk insurance sector for the Ukrainian insurance market. The authors examine the insurance not of all possible risks on the stock market, but only the most potentially important for the development of the stock market at this stage of economic development: insurance of professional risks of depositories and insurance of individual investments of individuals – participants of the stock market. In order to calculate the capacity of the stock market’s risk insurance sector in the context of the two above mentioned types, the authors apply the models that are widely used in the economic-mathematical analysis. For mathematical calculations we used 31 absolute indicators of the characteristics of the state of the stock and insurance markets, as well as some macroeconomic indicators. When forming an array of input data for mathematical calculations we used annual values of absolute indicators for the period 2005–2015 were used. For the adequacy of the received calculations the normalization of the selected indicators was carried out. All indicators were divided into two groups: stimulators and de-stimulators. The normalization of stimulator indicators was carried out by the method of natural normalization, and of de-stimulator indicators – according to the Savage formula. The capacity of the segment of the new type of insurance was determined by the authors as the maximum possible amount of insurance premiums that insurers can get in the process of implementing a new insurance product based on the current state of development of the insurance market. The capacity of the sector of the new type of insurance was presented as a function of the main component (an indicator that directly characterizes the created segment) and the corrective component (a set of indicators characterizing the segments created indirectly). The weight coefficients of the corrective component were determined by using the Fischer’s formula. As a result of the calculations, the authors obtained the data on the prospects of simultaneous introduction for the stock and insurance markets of such types of insurance as a professional liability insurance of depositories and an insurance of individual investors on the stock market.
Investor compensation fund: an optimal size for countries with developed stock markets and Ukraine
Inna Shkolnyk, Eugenia Bondarenko
, Myroslav Ostapenko doi:
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 14, 2017 Issue #3 pp. 404-425
Views: 1247 Downloads: 219 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯA compensation fund is an effective mechanism for ensuring the protection of individual investors’ investments on the stock market, which confirms the experience of different countries both with the developed stock market and with the emerging markets (USA, UK, France, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ireland, Malta).
The formation of a steady interest of individual investors in stock market instruments is stimulated by the implementation of a mechanism for guaranteeing such investments. The stock market of Ukraine faces the problem of attracting additional financing, while individual investors have fairly large amounts of monetary resources that are not involved in the transactions with financial instruments due to the high level of distrust caused by the crisis phenomena on both the global and the national financial markets. The creation of the Ukrainian compensation fund for investment protection involves the development and implementation of a nationwide system for protecting the property interests of investors on the stock market, which requires compensatory payments to the clients of all professional market participants as a result of certain risks.
The main condition for effective functioning of the compensation fund of the stock market is determined by its size, which must meet the following conditions of optimality: to ensure the minimum level of the fund’s risks, to take into account the amounts of contributions for the current period, the amount of maintenance costs and to fulfil the requirements for the financial stability of the fund. A modified Markowitz portfolio model was used to build the model.
The building of the target function and constraints was carried out by using the Statistica software toolkit. The target function and constraints were presented as polynomials of the third degree and calculated with the help of the multiple nonlinear regression. As a result of calculations, an optimization model was developed for determining the size of the compensation fund taking into account these conditions.
The model’s testing was carried out by using the examples of the Deposit Guarantee Fund (DGF) and compensation funds of the United States, Great Britain, France, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ireland and Malta. As a result of calculations we determined the size of the compensation fund, which guarantees a minimum level of the fund’s risk taking into account the amount of contributions for the current period, the amount of maintenance costs and requirements to the financial stability of the fund. -
The relationship between external debt and economic growth: empirical evidence from Ukraine and other emerging economies
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 387-400
Views: 2554 Downloads: 1296 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article examines the relationship between external debt and economic growth in emerging economies for the period 2006-2016. The authors used different econometric tools, e.g., ADL model and correlation analysis. The regression results showed that the original values had no significant impact on the estimation of the parameters. Thus, there was made an assumption that emerging economies have a non-linear impact on macroeconomic parameters, including external debt that has a non-linear type of influence on economic growth. The authors established that high level of external debt, in conjunction with macroeconomic instability, impedes economic growth in such countries. The regression model also showed that there is a critical level of debt burden for emerging economies, where the marginal impact of external debt on economic growth becomes negative.
The results of the study highlighted the significance of the problem of effective public debt management strategy implementation in Ukraine. This issue is predetermined by the appropriate organizational support. The study recommends improving a public external debt management model. In this paper, the authors proposed a new structure with the participation of new element – independent agencies. The unified external debt management system should integrate all state institutions and executive power structures in this area. -
Transparency of the budget process as a prerequisite for financial decentralization in Ukraine
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 7, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 12-20
Views: 1226 Downloads: 116 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe introduction of a qualitatively new type of relationship between citizens and authorities, one in which every person would be guaranteed real observation and protection of the rights and freedoms in these bodies activity, should be one of the priority areas of socio-political transformation in Ukraine. The urgency of the improving local finances, the formation of local budgets and the use of their funds is increasing due to changes in local self-government.
The article proposes a scientific methodological approach to assessing the level of financial decentralization in Ukraine during the period of the decentralization reform (2014–2017). The universal integral indicator of financial decentralization has been calculated, which has found that local budgets improve public funds management, which is illustrated by the growth of the integral indicator level in dynamics.
A number of recommendations are also provided for improving the budget process transparency for each of the components: budget information openness, the state and effectiveness of budgetary supervision, and public participation in the budget process. The idea of the relationship between the budget process transparency and the results of the financial decentralization reform is proposed.
The efficiency of electronic public procurement system in Ukraine
Inna Shkolnyk, Alina Bukhtiarova
, Ludmyla Horobets doi:
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 7, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 43-55
Views: 1625 Downloads: 185 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPublic procurement has been the subject of research for a long time in the work of scientists from both the economically developed countries and those undergoing the transformation of public finances. Their research comes from different points of view, namely from the essence of the definition, the process of their conduct, the problems of the legislative framework to their effective implementation. In addition, the issue of electronic public procurement, which can greatly enhance the transparency of this process and reduce the level of corruption inherent in this area in all countries without any exception, is becoming increasingly relevant in recent times.
Based on the conducted analysis, the article proposes the definition of the term of public procurement, defines the principles of public procurement as a controlled subject in the electronic environment of their conduct, and systematizes the basic indicators characterizing the effectiveness of public procurement. Based on the Granger causality method, an analysis of efficiency was performed and the basic indicators determining the level of savings in the public procurement system were determined. It is established that the use of Granger causality in changing the amount of savings in the system of public procurement gives only a quantitative characteristic. For a more complete picture quantitative analysis is supplemented with qualitative parameters. -
Assessment of quality of financial support for local social development in Ukraine
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 7, 2018 issue #4 pp. 19-28
Views: 1491 Downloads: 99 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article proposes a way of determining the future directions of financial support for the social development needs. To this end, the Tintner method of consecutive differences is used. The practical application of this method allows for pre-selecting the best curve that describes the level of financial support for social needs. The model off inancial support for local self-government is determined. The adequacy of funding for the needs of local budget social development is analyzed. The share of expenditure of local budgets in Ukraine on health care, intellectual and physical development, education, social protection and social security is described. A number of challenges when it comes to financial support are considered, both from a theoretical perspective and those confirmed by actual calculations.
Financial risks of the stock market: opportunities and specifics of their insurance
Inna Shkolnyk, Eugenia Bondarenko
, Ievgen Balatskyi
Insurance Markets and Companies Volume 10, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 26-35
Views: 1029 Downloads: 308 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe Ukrainian stock market is rated as an emerging market, which is characterized by high profitability and higher risk level as compared to developed economies. Securities transactions on the Ukrainian stock market are accompanied by stable uncertainties. Moreover, insurance is the most effective way to reduce financial risks and their negative effects. Given the current economic and political instability, financial risk insurance can ensure the economic performance of business entities and stimulate their further economic development. Financial risk insurance is the liability insurance in its nature, but its terms are often included in property insurance. This insurance sector has considerable facilities, which require activation of new insurance products that will be able to protect individual and institutional investors. Insurance and stock markets are direct competitors for limited investor resources, including strategic sources such as temporarily free institutional investor funds and household savings. In general, although there is a significant interaction between the insurance and other financial markets in Ukraine, it is hardly realized at all, unlike foreign economies, where it is used to its maximum. With the development of the insurance culture of the population and insurance in general, the relevance of insurance services in a high-risk segment like the stock market increases. The article harmonizes types of financial risks arising on the stock market with the methods of their leveling (insurance, hedging, diversification, etc.), determines the risk factors of the investor in the stock market, and specifies the professional risks of financial institutions. For the Ukrainian stock market participants, the use of two types of insurance coverage, namely, Bankers Blanket Bond and Financial Institution Professional Indemnity, is proposed.
Financial crisis of real sector enterprises: an integral assessment
Inna Shkolnyk, Tomasz Pisula , Liliia Loboda , Natalia Nebaba
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 16, 2019 Issue #4 pp. 366-381
Views: 881 Downloads: 250 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSuccessful crisis resolution of the enterprise depends heavily on its timely detection, which is facilitated by the use of forecasting models. This allows understanding the scale of the problems in a timely manner and developing the appropriate measures, applying various financial mechanisms to prevent it, and in case of occurrence, reducing the amount of losses. In this context, it is important to choose the most optimal informational model that would provide the most objective forecasts, considering the financial activity peculiarities of the analyzed enterprise. Given a wide list of models that predict the financial crisis, there is a need to analyze and select the most accurate model for enterprises in the real economy. Ten Ukrainian machine builders are used to assess the bankruptcy probability using the most popular models; a taxonomic analysis was carried out, which allows systematizing a large amount of data and analyzing their impact on enterprise development. An integral index was determined, which allowed predicting the financial performance dynamics. For each enterprise, ten indicators were used characterizing their financial state for the period 2014–2018. It is substantiated that the selected models differ from each other by the set of initial data and the number of coefficients from four to seven. It is also determined that the efficient use of studied models is quite different; so when choosing a model to predict the bankruptcy probability, it is necessary to consider the peculiarities of the enterprise’s production activity, the accuracy in creating the financial statements and many other factors, including the presence of company’s shares in circulation at the stock market. It is worthwhile to use a taxonomic analysis to make a comprehensive comparison of the enterprise financial state and to substantiate the final choice of the bankruptcy forecasting model.
Local finance transparency in Ukraine
Inna Shkolnyk, Tetyana Melnyk , Yuliia Havrysh
, Andrii Ivanchenko doi:
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 8, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 73-82
Views: 854 Downloads: 166 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTransparency in public and local finance is one of the most important factors in building a democratic society with high level of public confidence in the government. Democratic shifts in a country will only take place if citizens perceive the country’s government and local self-government as fully transparent and controlled by them. Citizens will be able to support and cooperate with the government if it informs them of all public activities: decision-making, financial reporting, planning, local budget expenditures, etc. Transparency in the formation and use of local financial resources is the most sensitive issue.
Local finance transparency has been studied from the perspective of 21 online portals of local authorities from four Ukrainian regions, geographically remote in the context of two main blocks, namely, the state of public procurement and the budget process. The portals of Lviv, Vinnytsia, Sumy, Mykolaiv administrative centers and the city of Kyiv were identified in each region (oblast), and in each oblast, four cities with the district status, which are the largest by population, were identified. Significant discrepancies in local finance transparency have been identified, as portals of regional centers and a small number of districts have high levels of transparency. The vast majority have low transparency in local finances. In addition, the level of community involvement in the regional development problems through social networks was analyzed. The population of small cities was found to be more active. Most local governments should pay attention to the low level of portals in terms of making them user-friendly. -
Balancing state budget expenditures: A case of Ukraine using the simplex method
Inna Shkolnyk, Yuriy Ladyka
, Volodymyr Orlov
, Khaled Aldiwani , Yevhenii Kozmenko
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 10, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 34-46
Views: 685 Downloads: 132 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe consolidated state budget expenditures reflect the condition of performance by a country of its basic functions and allow defining priority directions for the implementation of state policy. Their optimal ratio allows satisfying the interests of citizens, business and society as a whole, and can provide a significant impetus for economic growth. The analysis of state budget expenditures using the example of Ukraine showed that their structure is unbalanced. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to find the necessary balance. The optimization of Ukraine’s state budget expenditures was carried out using the simplex method based on their structure from 2007 to 2019. Since the priorities of Ukraine’s strategic economic and political development are the implementation of the EU standards and norms, the structure of the EU’s state budget expenditures is chosen as a guideline for determining the optimal structure of expenditures. As a result, it is determined that in order to harmonize the structure of the Ukrainian budget expenditures with the approaches implemented in the European Union, minimal changes in public order spending are required. In addition, significant areas of funding include healthcare, economic activity, social protection and security. At the same time, intergovernmental transfers need to be significantly reduced, the amount of which should be revised after the completion of the financial decentralization reform.
Influence of world stock markets on the development of the stock market in Ukraine
Inna Shkolnyk, Serhiy Frolov
, Volodymyr Orlov
, Viktoriia Dziuba
, Yevgen Balatskyi
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 18, 2021 Issue #4 pp. 223-240
Views: 510 Downloads: 143 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯViewing the development of the stock market in Ukraine, the economy, which world financial organizations characterize as small and open, is largely determined by the trends formed by the global stock markets and leading stock exchanges. Therefore, the study aims to analyze Ukraine’s stock market, the world stock market, stock markets in the regions, and to assess their mutual influence. The study uses the data of the World Federation of Exchanges and National Securities and Stock Market Commission (Ukraine) from 2015 to 2020. Stock market performance forecasts are built using triple exponential smoothing. Based on pairwise correlation coefficients, the existence of a significant dependence in the development of the world stock market on the development of the American stock market was determined. Regarding the Ukrainian stock exchanges, only SE “PFTS” demonstrated its dependence on the US stock market. The results of the regression model based on an exponentially smoothed series of trading volumes in all markets showed that variations in the volume of trading on the world stock market are due to the situation on the US stock markets. Trading volume dynamics on Ukrainian stock exchanges such as SE “PFTS” and SE “Perspektiva” is almost 50% determined by the development of stock markets in the American region. Although Ukraine is geographically located in Europe, the results show a lack of significant links and the impacts of stock markets in this region on the major Ukrainian stock exchanges and the stock market as a whole.
The impact of financial digitalization on ensuring the economic security of a country at war: New measurement vectors
Inna Shkolnyk, Serhiy Frolov
, Volodymyr Orlov
, Viktoriia Datsenko
, Yevhenii Kozmenko
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 19, 2022 Issue #3 pp. 119-138
Views: 763 Downloads: 227 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe military actions in Ukraine have actualized the transformation and revision of existing approaches to assessing the country’s economic security. Financial security, which is considered in this paper through its standard components such as financial sector security, stock market security, debt and budget security, has a significant effect on the formation of economic security. At the same time, digitalization in the financial sector was identified as a new component that provides access to financial resources even in the context of the deployment of hostilities in Ukraine. Therefore, this study assessed the effect of the state of financial security, taking into account the importance of financial digitalization for the economic security of Ukraine.
Based on quarterly data for the period 2015–2021, 42 indicators were analyzed, which were grouped according to the relevant components of financial security, and their integral indicators were determined using the Harrington method. A factor analysis of the formation of economic security was carried out using the principal components analysis, and an integral indicator of a country’s economic security was calculated based on the Kinney multiplicative convolution. The integral indicator of economic security for 2025–2021 doubled and amounted to 0.63 units, which was due to the increased influence of financial digitalization processes, all other components either slowly decreased or were stable. Thus, the reserve of economic security that was formed during this period, including due to the intensive digitalization of the financial sector, allowed Ukraine to survive the first weeks of the war and ensure the functioning of the financial system.Acknowledgment
Comments from the Editor and anonymous referees have been gratefully acknowledged. Inna Shkolnyk and Yevhenii Kozmenko gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0122U000774 “Digitalization and transparency of public, corporate and personal finance: the impact on innovation development and national security”). -
Deposit insurance development (on the example of Ukraine)
Inna Shkolnyk, Dmytro Tkachenko , Viktoriia Kremen
, Alina Bukhtiarova
, Andrii Semenog
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 17, 2022 Issue #4 pp. 99-115
Views: 367 Downloads: 93 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe deposit insurance market is an essential subsystem of Ukraine’s financial infrastructure. The study aims to evaluate the development of deposit insurance in Ukraine based on the depth of deposit insurance, the implementation of the deposit guarantee function, the activity of the banking system and to identify their impact on the development of deposit insurance at various stages.
To determine the periods of deposit insurance in Ukraine, it was proposed to use the methodological toolkit of cluster analysis, having carried out the following stages: selecting input-defining features, variable standardization, applying the Ward procedure for the formation of clusters-periods, and financial and analytical interpretation of the results and characteristics of the periods obtained. Approbation of the proposed scientific and systematic approach allowed drawing conclusions regarding four stages of the development of deposit insurance in Ukraine from 2005–2020: completion of the formation (2005–2007), formedness and activity (2008–2013), performance under pressure (2014–2016), stabilization (2017–2020). While the first two stages, completion of formation and formedness and activity, were followed by a synchronous and slight increase in the level of the depth of the insurance system, the implementation of the deposit guarantee function and the activity of the banking system, the period of performance under pressure and the stabilization period demonstrated a desynchronization between the components.
The completion of the formation of deposit insurance (2005−2007) was followed by a synchronous and slight increase in the level of the depth of the insurance system, the implementation of the deposit guarantee function and the activity of the banking system.Acknowledgment
Alina Bukhtiarova gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0120U100473).
We are thankful to the Czech government support provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, which allowed this scientific cooperation to start within the project “Enhancement of the PhD Students Potential For Qualitative Research In Ukraine”. -
Sumy State University: Adaptation of management to wartime conditions
Vasyl Karpusha, Inna Shkolnyk
, Anatoliy Chornous
, Tetyana Mayboroda
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #2 (spec. issue) pp. 140-152
Views: 444 Downloads: 235 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEnsuring a high quality of educational and scientific activity is one of the main tasks for university management, which becomes especially significant in wartime conditions. The results of scientific research and mechanisms worked out in practice to ensure the effectiveness of the university functioning and anti-crisis management techniques in wartime may become impractical, as they are usually considered relatively stable and even predictable in the short term by the external environment and regular internal communications. Therefore, the study aims to systematize managerial decisions and measures and conduct a SWOT analysis of the university’s functioning in war conditions when external risks are at their maximum level.
Based on the accumulated experience of Sumy State University management, which continued its activities even when russian invaders surrounded the city, it demonstrated effective work in 2022 and 2023. It became possible thanks to the pre-war management system, coordination of the work of all structural divisions, and constant information of all participants in the educational process through an internal information system and electronic document management. The critical threats to the university’s functioning in the future have been determined based on the conducted SWOT analysis.
The developed methods and mechanisms of university management could not be fully applied in war conditions; the management’s ability to make non-standard decisions is essential; the state of the university depends on the distance to the war zone, as well as the institutional conditions developed in the pre-war period; the university’s presence in international rankings expanded cooperation with international partners and provided many significant advantages in supporting the university’s educational and scientific activities; the prerequisites for the university’s financial stability in wartime are careful analysis and strict control of the economic situation. -
The trajectories of companies’ financial architecture in the real economy
Inna Shkolnyk, Urszula Mentel
, Alina Bukhtiarova
, Maya Dushak
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 17, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 119-133
Views: 1155 Downloads: 204 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe formation of an effective company’s financial architecture, which includes such basic elements as the capital structure, ownership structure, and the state of corporate governance, has a significant impact on maintaining a certain market position and ensuring stable profitability of activity. This research aims at determining the state of financial architecture, changing its trajectory, and its impact on company’s market position. Twenty-two (22) Ukrainian companies were selected for the study from the list of top 200 in terms of the largest volume of sales revenue received, and those that provided full financial statements for the period from 2007 till 2017. To determine the state of company’s financial architecture and the relevant market position, the authors used a cluster analysis using the method of the most remote neighbors. Algorithms of Kohonen’s self-organizing maps were applied. Harrington’s desirability function was used to determine the integral index. The selected sample demonstrated a high level of ownership concentration in almost all companies and showed that only a few individuals controlled a significant amount of assets, thereby confirming the oligarchic structure of the Ukrainian economy. As a result, seven cluster groups were obtained, reflecting the companies in terms of the quality of their financial architecture. Only five companies in the total sample were found to have high-quality financial architecture, i.e., capital structure and ownership structure are consistent and optimal and ensure that the company maintains a leading market position.
- ADL model
- Altman Z-score
- bank-based system
- banking system
- bankruptcy
- budget
- budgetary information openness
- budget process
- capital
- cluster
- clusters-periods
- compensation fund
- convergence
- corporate bonds
- credit risk
- democracy
- deposit guarantee
- deposit insurance
- depository institutions
- e-procurement system
- economic and mathematical modeling
- economic growth
- educational process
- efficiency
- financial decentralization
- financial forecast
- financial intermediaries
- financial sector
- financial standing
- financial support
- financial system
- forecasting
- forecasting the financial security level
- fraud risk
- Harrington
- Harrington’s method
- index of structural changes
- individual investors
- insurance company
- insurance market
- integral indicator
- investment protection
- investment risk
- law
- liquidity risk
- listing
- local finance
- local government
- local self-government
- market-based system
- market capacity
- market capitalization
- martial law
- national functions
- normalization
- optimization
- ownership
- patterns
- portfolio risk
- professors
- profit
- public budget
- public debt
- public debt management
- public domestic debt
- public external debt
- public finance
- public finances
- public participation in the budget process
- public procurement
- scientific staff
- securities
- social development
- social networks
- spillover
- stock exchange
- stock market
- structure
- students
- SWOT analysis
- taxonomic analysis
- territorial communities
- the Tintner method
- transparency of the budget process
- trust
- Ward analysis
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