Issue #1 (Volume 16 2018)
ReleasedApril 03, 2018
128 Authors
159 Tables
79 Figures
- academic entrepreneurship
- acceleration strategy
- accountability
- anti-corruption platforms
- authentic leadership
- barriers
- bureaucracy
- business activities
- business game Dynama
- career satisfaction
- changes
- clustering
- commercial activities
- compensation
- competitiveness
- complex economic systems
- corporate governance
- corruption
- courage
- cyber-tournaments
- database
- data envelopment analysis
- decentralization
- decision-making
- demographic processes
- detection
- developing countries
- diversification
- dynamic system
- e-education
- economic and legal factors
- economic security
- economy
- efficiency
- emotional intelligence
- employee engagement
- entrepreneurial intention
- entrepreneurial self-efficacy
- entrepreneurship
- environmental management
- eSports
- European options
- expenditure
- expert evaluations
- exploratory factor analysis
- factors
- financial performance
- flexibility
- foreign economic interactions
- functions
- Generation Y
- global indices
- globalization
- growth rate
- healthcare
- high-tech
- higher education
- holacracy
- human resource management
- human resources
- human resource subsystems
- identity
- improvement
- inbound and outbound tourism
- income
- individual factors
- Indonesia
- industrial value chains
- information society
- information system success
- information technologies
- information technology
- innovation
- innovative organizations
- institute
- institutional system
- intellectual capital
- Islamic banking
- leadership
- Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority
- logical equations
- macroeconomic stability
- management
- management education
- management innovations
- management societies
- market share
- mediating effect
- methodological approaches
- MICE industry
- migration
- model
- modeling
- model of social economy
- motivation
- motivation elasticity
- multi-criteria analysis
- multiple regression
- municipalities
- national tourism system
- net benefits
- networks as ecosystems
- Nigeria
- obliquity
- optimal distribution of rental income
- organizational commitment
- organizational structure
- parameters
- partial least square
- partnership
- partnership components
- partnership models
- partnership strategy
- pedagogical conditions
- perceived quality
- perceived value
- performance
- population structure
- powers
- price dynamics management
- pricing strategy
- professional development
- profitability
- public sector
- quality system
- regionalism
- regulators
- relational capital
- rental policy
- research organization
- resource management
- revenue
- risk
- satisfaction
- Saudi Arabia
- simulation game
- simulation model
- skills audit
- skills profile
- Slovak Republic
- smartphones
- social exchange theory
- social influence
- sports economics
- sports organization
- stability
- stakeholder
- state regulation
- strategic capacity
- strategic management
- strategic reference points (SRP)
- strategic resources
- strategy
- structural equation modeling
- structures of management
- subject of the national tourism system
- subjects of accounting
- sustainable development
- system management requests
- tax
- tax incentives
- tax policy
- teamwork
- technical features
- technical skills
- technological development
- technology transfer
- telecommunications
- theory vs_ practice
- tourism
- transition economy
- transparency
- truncated regression
- turnover intention
- two-step
- Ukraine
- Ukrainian industrial enterprises
- uneven economic and social development of regions
- university
- unshadowing
- user satisfaction
- value chain management
- Visegrad Group
- volatility
- work climate
Strategic view on the rental policy in the field of environmental management
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 1-11
Views: 1543 Downloads: 215 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article proposes to consider a “new view” on the necessary changes in the rental policy in the field of environmental management. The main stages of the rental policy have been identified and analyzed, such as transformation of socio-economic relations; role of state regulation of the rental policy. Nowadays, in a context of transformation of rental policy and socio-economic relations, state administration should form social values through the environmental use and consumption of resources and implement a saving policy on the natural resource extraction. With the help of the implementation of the collaboration mechanism, the interests of the parties to the collaborative alliance regarding the redistribution of rental income received from the natural resource extraction may be taken into account.
In addition, attention was focused on the necessity of optimal distribution of rental income from the extraction of natural resources in the conditions of the collaborative alliance. The research showed that the convergence of interests in the system “state – society – fuel production enterprise” is today the priority form of cooperation in order to form the socio-environmental responsibility in the extraction and use of natural resources, to motivate behavior of the local community with the support of the scientific and expert group on the redistribution of part of the rental income on restoration and development of the territories, as well as to implement a saving policy on the use and consumption of resources in order to preserve them for future generations. -
The effects of perceived organizational support and social comparison on work attitudes
Nuri Herachwati , Jovi Sulistiawan, Zainiyah Alfirdaus , Mario Gonzales B. N. doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 12-21
Views: 2162 Downloads: 323 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study is based on the results of a survey research conducted by JobStreet Indonesia on its members, which has surprisingly found that more than 70% of employees lack clarity on the goals of their career. Drawing from the social exchange theory, employees tend to show positive work attitudes when they perceive that their organization paid attention to them. The objective of this study is to assess how significant the influence of Perceived Organizational Support (POS) is on career satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention. Besides organizational perspective, as stated by the social comparison theory, the way individuals perform both upward and downward comparisons could be expected to affect career satisfaction. Also, this research uses career commitment as a moderator variable that can strengthen or weaken the influence among variables, which is the employee’s commitment towards their organization and competitiveness within their respective work group. The research has found some interesting results. It was shown that there is no significant relationship between POS and career satisfaction, career satisfaction and turnover intention, organizational support and turnover intention, and both upward and downward social comparison and turnover intention. The moderating effects of career commitment were not proven. In comparison, all of the moderating effects of a competitive work group were proven together with the relationship between upward social comparison and turnover intention.
Barriers to effective value chain management in developing countries: new insights from the cotton industrial value chain
Arthur Mapanga, Collins Ogutu Miruka , Nehemiah Mavetera doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 22-35
Views: 2583 Downloads: 854 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯA rigorous and extensive application of the value chain management (VCM) has become the vogue in modern day business practices and processes. However, due to the complex and multidimensional nature of value chains, achieving efficient and effective value chain management in real value chains remains a major conundrum for practitioners. Many unknown barriers continue to impede effective and efficient value chain management in developing countries’ industrial value chains. The purpose of this study was to find out the common barriers to effective value chain management in a developing country’s industrial value chains using evidence from the cotton industry in Zimbabwe. The analysis was based on survey data sets obtained from 157 purposively sampled experts from the cotton industry value chain in Zimbabwe. Exploratory factor analysis was used to find the barriers to effective value chain management. The results revealed both architectural and governance barriers to effective value chain management. The findings also presented major policy implications for industrial value chains in the developing countries and also indicated areas for further robust research founded on a broader data set from other developing countries’ industrial chains as a way of validating the findings of this study.
Global parameters of social economy clustering
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 36-47
Views: 1316 Downloads: 274 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study of various aspects of social economy is stipulated by the fact that the focus of any economic system is the human being as the main object and the result of economic activity. The purpose of this paper is to cluster of social economies of the countries throughout the world with distinguishing the models of social economy for transition economies under globalization conditions.
The results of research represent four clusters of social economy that prove validity of classification of 4 classic models of social economy: liberal, Scandinavian, corporatist, and Mediterranean. While the most developed countries have effective models of social economy, there is still no clear concept of social development for transition economies. This paper deals with social economy clustering of different countries with the view to determinate the place of transition economies in social metrics of global economy.
Our study is limited to the number of countries – 40 countries of the world, mainly European, and timeframes – 2015 and 2016.
The obtained results could be taken into account by governments when developing and implementing new social policy for transition economies considering the experience of countries with classical social models. The authors propose the main practical tools for transition social model.
It is proposed to distinguish one more model of social economy – the transition model, typical for transition economies that implement social reforms and has some common features. -
Current trends in global demographic processes
Sergii Sardak, Maxim Korneyev
, Vladimir Dzhyndzhoian
, Tatyana Fedotova
, Olha Tryfonova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 48-57
Views: 3713 Downloads: 1073 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCurrent local and national demographic trends have deepened the existing and formed new global demographic processes that have received a new historical reasoning that requires deep scientific research taking into account the influence of the multifactorial global dimension of the modern society development.
The purpose of the article is to study the development of global demographic processes and to define the causes of their occurrence, manifestations, implications and prospects for implementation in the first half of the 21st century.
The authors have identified and characterized four global demographic processes, namely population growth, migration, increase of tourism, and change in population structure. It is projected that in the 30’s of the 21st century, the number and growth rates of the world population will reach the objective growth and these dynamics over the next two decades will begin to change in the direction of reducing the growth rates, which will lead to gradual stabilization, and eventually reduce the size of the world population. By the middle of the 21st century, one can observe the preservation of the growth rates of international and domestic migration, the growth of international migration flows from the South to the North and from the East to the West, the strengthening of new economically developed centers of gravity (Canada, Australia and New Zealand), the increase in migration of rural population to cities, as well as urbanization and activation of the metropolises development. The share of international tourists in comparison with the world population will be constantly increasing, and the annual growth rate of the number of international tourists will significantly depend on the world economy and may vary at the several percent level. Permanent change will occur in the age, religious-cultural and socio-economic structure of the population. -
Modern technologies of detection and prevention of corruption in emerging information society
Natalia Maslii , Natalia Zakharchenko , Viktoriia Butenko , Oksana Savastieieva , Tetiana Butenko , Liudmyla Shyriaieva doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 58-67
Views: 2136 Downloads: 424 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯWith the development of the information society, there has been rapidly growing number of international research on the role of various (information, innovation, intelligent) technologies as a catalyst to fight corruption. As you know, the problems posed by corruption are economic, social and political consequences. In recent years economists and various researchers have shown increasing interest in studying the phenomenon of corruption. Many researchers in the field of studying corruption phenomenon are of theoretical nature, which studied different behaviors without having developed effective methods and technologies to identify and prevent corruption in the various spheres of government. In this regard, there is a need to study the world experience of application of technologies in the prevention of corruption and anti-corruption platform in Ukraine. This will allow to adapt them to positive experience in the implementation of mechanisms to identify and prevent corruption in Ukraine. The authors believe that to obtain a more accurate picture of the corruption situations that provide characteristics and its quantitative description is possible only by means of modelling the corruption phenomenon. In this regard, the analysis of theoretical models of corruption was made: the modelling made by the mathematical notation of the models and conclusions on the effectiveness of their application in management. Using simulation, the authors came to the conclusion that the detection and prevention of corruption should be carried out with the use of technologies and the system approach: from the study of statistics and use of anti-corruption platforms, public registers and databases to logical and probabilistic (LP) risk models of corruption.
Formation of the national tourism system of Ukraine
Anatoly Mazaraki, Margarita Boiko
, Myroslava Bosovska
, Nadiia Vedmid
, Alla Okhrimenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 68-84
Views: 1884 Downloads: 434 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTourism is an important factor in the development of the national economy. The share of tourism in the structure of Ukraine’s GDP is 7.8%. Ukraine, having a considerable tourist potential for the formation of tourist flows, is ranked 85th among 139 countries of the world in terms of tourism attractiveness. According to the findings of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the concentration of natural and recreational resources, objects of the world cultural and historical heritage can provide an annual increase in tourist flows to Ukraine by 4-6%.
Under the conditions of unstable external environment and unfavorable conditions of the tourism market, an actual scientific task is to develop the theoretical and applied basis for the formation of the national tourism system. Conceptually, this process must be consistent with the strategic understanding of the need to take into account the mental, institutional, cultural and informational influences on the economic interests of entities, which form a functional, sectoral, socio-economic, institutional and environmental subsystem of the national tourism system. This will make it possible to determine target priorities of such activity not only in accordance with the development of destinations, but also taking into account the possibility of obtaining socio-economic effects, in particular, synergistic, multiplicative and cumulative ones.
The goal of the study is to substantiate the essence of the national tourism system (NTS) based on the comparative analysis of the definitions of “tourism”, “tourism system”, “economic system”, “national socio-economic system”, which became a scientific foundation for determining the scientific basis of the national tourism system, its subjects and objects, conditions, goals, and results of formation. For the science development it is also important to obtain results on the structure and evaluation of the national tourism system effectiveness. -
Competitiveness of the information economy industry in Ukraine
Tetiana Ponomarenko, Veronika Khudolei
, Olha Prokopenko
, Janusz Klisinski doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 85-95
Views: 2369 Downloads: 656 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯInformation economy, being the newest type, in the course of formation acquires its distinctive features, which include a significant change in the needs of investors, producers, consumers and other economic relation participants. In order to achieve a competitive information economy, state support for high-tech industries is needed. It is crucial to create a clear legal framework, give boost to the formation of intellectual capital based on other countries' experience. Implementation of the strategy for high-tech industries development in Ukraine is a decisive step in creating a platform for information technology dissemination, creation of new competitive products with high added value. The purpose of the article is to investigate the transformation to the information economy, to analyze the industry competitiveness, to define the opportunities for information sphere improvement. The theoretical aspect of the emergence and formation of the information economy category is studied, the approaches to the defining this economic category and its derivatives have been studied and generalized, essential features of the information type of economic relations have been investigated, and their main components have been determined. In the article, the relationship between the level of information economy development and the competitiveness of domestic enterprises' products has been described, the factors influencing high-tech industries development in Ukraine are considered, and suggestions as for increasing the assistance to the development of knowledge-intensive sectors, including information technology, are proposed.
The concept of distribution of powers among accounting entities considering modernization strategy in the public sector of Ukraine
Nadiia Khorunzhak , Oleksandra Karmaza, Mykola Kurylo
, Hikmat Javadov doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 96-104
Views: 1423 Downloads: 201 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯReformation of accounting in the public sector of Ukraine, which was aimed at adapting to the international standard requirements, led to some inconsistencies related to the division of powers of its subjects. In this regard, it became relevant to study not only the methodology transformation, but also to optimize the powers of accounting subjects. Avoiding duplication of functions will harmonize the accounting system, simplify the mechanisms of data formation and increase the effectiveness of making managerial decisions. The application of the approaches for differentiating the powers of the subjects of accounting and the links between them will improve the quality and informational outgoing credentials, which are subsequently used in making managerial decisions. The study results can serve as the basis for developing a comprehensive information management system for public sector entities aimed at improving their performance.
Fiscal decentralization and macroeconomic stability: the experience of Ukraine’s economy
Leonid Melnyk, Lina Sineviciene
, Oleksii Lyulyov
, Tetyana Pimonenko
, Iryna Dehtyarova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 105-114
Views: 1783 Downloads: 315 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe main objective of this research is to study the role and impact of fiscal decentralization on the macroeconomic stability of the country. The paper analyzes and systematizes approaches to the definition of ‘macroeconomic stability’ concept. The key factors that impact macroeconomic stability are identified. In the framework of this research, the authors identify fiscal decentralization as one of the factors affecting macroeconomic stability. To determine the strength and statistical significance of the above mentioned relationship, the authors suggest presenting macroeconomic stability as a functional dependency between macroeconomic stability and the level of fiscal decentralization, which is described by the following variables: the growth rate of money supply, investment and openness of the economy, fiscal decentralization. In this case, it is suggested to determine the level of fiscal decentralization in three directions: expenditure decentralization, revenue decentralization and expenditure decentralization simultaneously.
Tax incentives in the countries of the visegrad four
Jana Simonidesová, Slavomíra Stašková
, Adela Feranecová
, Eva Manová
, Peter Remiáš
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 115-123
Views: 1296 Downloads: 157 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTax incentives are a tool of regional policy. When providing investment incentives, conditions for their provision must be clearly defined. It is necessary to coordinate investment incentives at the state level with redistribution of EU funds. The criteria for the provision of investment incentives must correspond with the main objectives of regional policy.
The aim of this contribution is to analyze the tax incentives in tax system in the countries of the Visegrad Four (V4). The introductory part is the theoretical definition of tax and tax incentives. The analytical part is devoted to the analysis of tax incentives in the form of investment incentives provided in the Slovak Republic in the period 2002-2016.
The results of the contribution constructed on the basis of the comparison detail the conditions for the granting of tax incentives for research and development in the V4 countries depending on the individual requirements and conditions of the countries themselves, systems, valid legislation, etc., which differentiate each other and at the same time compete in a certain way, compete with the funds of foreign investors. -
Evaluating elasticity of costs for employee motivation at the industrial enterprises
Petro Pererva, Oleksandr Hutsan , Valerii Kobieliev , Andrii Kosenko , Volodymyr Kuchynskyi doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 124-132
Views: 1445 Downloads: 226 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEmployee motivation at the industrial enterprises is one of the most important principles of modern management. The practice of production and commercial activities of domestic enterprises speaks for essential modifications in the approaches to identifying the methods of employee motivation.
In the meantime, at many industrial enterprises, motivational modules are limited to the level of salary payment. Therefore, the search for approaches to the formation of effective methods of employee motivation and the analysis of their classification peculiarities require implementing the complex scientific research and determine the relevance of the chosen topic. The purpose of the article is to adapt the notion of function elasticity to increase the employee motivation effectiveness at the domestic industrial enterprises. Increasing the effectiveness of employee motivation at an industrial enterprise is the object of the research.
The research findings are obtained using the theory and practice of expert methods and system analysis, whereby 26 basic (key) motivational measures were determined, which were divided into six block-modules: jurisdictions, effectiveness, social and psychological, indirect financial influence, and direct financial influence.
The weight of each of the motivational factors is determined and they were also classi¬fied according to this indicator. The notion of motivation elasticity is proposed, which makes it possible to assess the motivational measures performance both for every block-module and for every employee, team, production department or enterprise.
Motivation elasticity ratio for ten employees of Kharkiv Machine Engineering Plant FED is calculated. Recommendations for further research on the paper’s subject are proposed.
Matrix structures in management of quality of educational and scientific work of Ukrainian universities
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 133-144
Views: 1549 Downloads: 1119 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯFor the past few years, major progress in providing academic autonomy to Ukrainian universities has been made. However, a large number of universities even now remain the establishments with post-Soviet bureaucratic type of organization of management. As a result, a severe and complicated system of control over current activity has been supported, which requires from scientific and pedagogical workers not only to work effectively, but also to keep the set of rules and procedures. The purpose of the research is to search for possibilities of efficient application by modern universities of flexible matrix structures of management while forming their own internal system of quality control. Threats from bureaucratic management have been generalized for competitiveness of a modern university at the market of educational, scientific and consulting services. The concept and methodology on de-bureaucratization of the system of quality in higher education on the basis of the process approach of the theory of management and rationalistic logistics obtained further development. The mechanism of management of quality at the operational level of the university through integration of the segment-focused approach, system of grading and matrix organization of regular processes has been improved. Ways to apply matrix structure the middle and low levels of managing university have been suggested. Author’s recommendations have been provided towards rating evaluation of work of departments and their segment-focused structural organization. The matrix structure of management of quality of carrying out the temporary research project in the university under the conditions of the budget commission has been developed and practically tested.
The mediating role of emotional intelligence in the employees performance
Arief Tukiman Hendrawijaya, Tatang Ary Gumanti
, Sasongko , Zarah Puspitaningtyas
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 145-154
Views: 2058 Downloads: 758 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study investigates the mediating effect of emotional intelligence on the relationship between motivation, compensation, satisfaction, work climate and employees’ performance. The sample consists of 96 field officials who were the government employees specializing in coping with the eradication of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in the district of Jember, Indonesia. Results using path analysis reveal that all examined variables positively and significantly affect employees’ performance. The study finds that emotional intelligence mediates the relationship of work motivation, compensation, work satisfaction, and work climate with employees’ performance.
Modeling of diversification of foreign economic interactions
Ihor Hroznyi, Oleh Kuzmak
, Olena Kuzmak
, Olha Rusinova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 155-165
Views: 1564 Downloads: 167 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article developed a basic simulation model of diversification of foreign economic interactions, which makes it possible to assess the mutual influence of key economic indicators and their reaction to changes in the equilibrium in world markets. The peculiarity of the developed model of diversification of foreign economic interactions is its functioning as a complex dynamic system in which many factors are interrelated, and the connections are dynamic. This makes it possible to calculate a simulation model that takes into account hidden and subtle connections. While modeling foreign economic interactions and evaluating the influence of various regulators on them, in addition to the stage of model development itself, mandatory parameterization of this model is proposed, that is, the determination of specific types of dependence between the factors included in the model and the parameters of these dependencies.
The implementation of this model can be carried out in any simulation package. -
Explaining the efficiency of anaesthesiology and intensive care wards in the Slovak Republic
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 166-172
Views: 1328 Downloads: 141 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn this article, the authors measure and evaluate the efficiency of anesthesiology and intensive care wards in the Slovak Republic using the suitable methods and check suitability of methods and variables used in the Slovak healthcare environment. Nowadays, trends are towards modification of basic data envelopment analysis (DEA) incorporating other quantitative methods. In this study, the authors examined the influence of contextual variables on CCR DEA efficiency scores. Variables Ageing index and Unemployment rate had unexpected sign/effect on efficiency. Variables Average length of stay and Bed occupancy rate seem to be adequate to be used and checked for significance in terms of selected wards of the Slovak Republic healthcare. Such types of articles are completely missing in the Slovak Republic. Methods and variables the authors have used could be modificated to needs of individual wards. These findings could be used to build information system of efficiency in the Slovak healthcare within cooperation with National Health Information Center.
Skills profile of technical staff in the south African local government sector: an empirical survey
Gerrit van der Waldt, David Fourie
, Johan Jordaan , Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 173-185
Views: 1510 Downloads: 277 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of this article is to reflect on the findings of a local government sector-wide technical skills audit. A mixed-method research design was followed in both a positivist and interpretivist scientific paradigm to conduct the survey in local, district and metropolitan municipalities. Quantitative and qualitative data were processed and thematic analyses were done per respondent and participant category to obtain rich descriptions of current technical skills challenges and skills development priorities in local government. From the empirical survey it is evident that significant technical skills shortages exist, especially in rural district and local municipalities. This severely compromises the delivery of the four basic technical services, namely water provisioning, waste management, sanitation and sewerage, and electricity.
Strategic capacities in US universities – the role of business schools as institutional builders
Guillaume Carton , Charles McMillan , Jeffrey Overall doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 186-198
Views: 1287 Downloads: 275 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe global expansion of the higher education and professional faculties like business schools offers a case study in the strategic capabilities of universities and professional schools like business to build academic strength, reputation, and legitimacy. The expansion of business schools reflects novel strategies like ecosystems collaboration and network advantages, presenting new challenges for quality, relevance, and competitive threats from the consulting industry, corporate universities, MOOCs, and highly-specialized business schools. The paper concludes with recommendations for business education.
Analyzing the risk of entrepreneurship in tourist traffic
Roland Weiss, Jozef Zuzik
, Erik Weiss
, Slavomir Labant
, Marcela Gergeľová
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 199-206
Views: 1368 Downloads: 167 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe contribution is aimed at developing a model of demand in tourist traffic with due regard to economic, geographical, demographical and social factors such as the GDP, Consumer Price Index, prices of trips, revenues per capita, exchange rate, etc. Important parts of this model are made up by the unpredictable negative situations that have already happened some time ago. The aim is to identify them and perform a follow-up analysis of the potential threats to a company involved in the tourist industry. Rated among those situations are terrorism, earthquakes and aviation accidents.
Analysis of eSports as a commercial activity
Natalia Lokhman , Oksana Karashchuk , Olena Kornilova doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 207-213
Views: 4079 Downloads: 1064 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article deals with eSports as a perspective kind of commercial activity. The research urgency is determined by the fact that, given the active increase of eSports market with growth rates of more than 30% per year, the types of commercial activities in this field and in scientific papers are not studied in an adequate degree.
The purpose of the article is to evaluate the commercial activity development in eSports and to determine the perspectives for its further growth in Ukraine. In order to determine the key types of commercial activity in eSports, the main sources of revenue in this area compared to sports were investigated, which showed a large unrealized potential for increasing revenues from the sale of tickets to competitions, the realization of broadcasting rights and merchandising. The study also showed that the largest number of income sources in eSports is at the stage of cyber-tournaments, which can be explained by a large consumer audience at this stage. However, unlike the esports world practice, computer game producers and well-known manufacturers of consumer goods in Ukraine do not finance domestic competitions, and, therefore, this stage of commercial activity remains at a low level. In modern conditions, among the types of eSports activities in Ukraine, only the computer games production and the cyber-racers game are properly developed.
According to authors, to improve the eSports development in Ukraine, creating the national system of regular eSports competitions is needed, which will form the basis for the development of most types of commercial activities that are part of the cyber-tournaments. To do this, one needs to create appropriate platforms, as well as improve communications with fans in social networks and at amateur competitions. All this will make eSports a highly profitable business in Ukraine.
Professional development in the field of human resource management of heads and specialists of the innovative organizations
Olga Klopova, Lyudmila Komyshova
, Marina Simonova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 214-223
Views: 1321 Downloads: 674 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe relevance of the studied problem is caused by the necessity of professional development in the field of human resource management of heads and specialists of the innovative organizations in a modern economic situation. In the article, the results of the conducted research of a personnel management system are given in the organizations of the Russian Federation (Voronezh region), and the necessity of creation of professional development system is proved in the field of human resource management of heads and specialists of the innovative organizations. The leading approaches to the research of this issue are the analysis and methodological justification of the psychological and pedagogical conditions which are necessary to realize the system of professional development in the field of human resource management of experts and heads of the innovative organizations. The implemented analysis defined the low level of competence of heads in the field of human resource management of most researched organizations. Professional development in the field of human resource management does not correspond to modern social and economic development conditions. To eliminate this problem the authors suggested theoretical and methodological basic concepts to establish the system of professional development in the field of human resource management of heads and specialists of the innovative organizations.
Taylor expansion for derivative securities pricing as a precondition for strategic market decisions
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 224-231
Views: 1786 Downloads: 966 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe strategy of managing the pricing processes, in particular managing the dynamics of the price of the underlying asset and its volatility, the prices of indices, shares, options, the magnitude of financial flows, in the method of calculating the company’s rating based on the available quotations of securities, is developed. The article deals with the study of pricing and calculating the volatility of European options with general local-stochastic volatility, applying Taylor series methods for degenerate diffusion processes. The application of this idea requires new approaches caused by degradation difficulties. Price approximation is obtained by solving the Cauchy problem of partial differential equations diffusion with inertia, and the volatility approximation is completely explicit, that is, it does not require special functions. If the payoff of options is a function of only x, then the Taylor series expansion does not depend on t and an analytical expression of the fundamental solution is considerably simplified. Applied an approach to the pricing of derivative securities on the basis of classical Taylor series expansion, when the stochastic process is described by the diffusion equation with inertia (degenerate parabolic equation). Thus, the approximate value of options can be calculated as effectively as the Black-Scholes pricing of derivative securities. On the basis of the solved problem, it is possible to calculate their turns step-by-step. This enables to predict the dynamics of the pricing of derivatives and to create a strategy of behavior at options according to the passage of the process. For each approximation, price volatility is calculated, which makes it possible to take into account all changes in the market and to calculate possible situations. The step-by-step finding of the change in yield and volatility in the relevant analysis enables us to make informed strategic decisions by traders in the financial markets.
Developing the human resource strategies with the approach to Strategic Reference Points (SRP) (Case Study: The Civil Deputy of the Isfahan Municipality)
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 232-244
Views: 1428 Downloads: 291 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCodification and implementation of human resource strategy are practiced to make a bridge between policies and human resource methods, on the one hand, and strategic goals of the organization, on the other hand. Therefore, the present research was undertaken to develop human resource strategies with an approach to strategic reference point (SRP) in Deputy of Civil Affairs of Isfahan Municipality via a hybrid (qualitative and quantitative) method. The model adopted in this research was based on the integrated model proposed by Bamberger and Meshoulam. In the qualitative part, purposive sampling was used to achieve data saturation, while census method was utilized in the quantitative part. The quantitative data was collected via a descriptive survey approach through two researcher-constructed questionnaires, while qualitative data was collected via interviews. Following the analysis of the obtained data, strategic coordinates of the jobs were determined and appropriate strategic model for each set of the jobs was identified. Research findings showed that paternal strategies are appropriate for management, technical, and specialized jobs, secondary strategies are suitable for administrative jobs, and contractor strategies well fit to servicing jobs. Finally, as components of a framework for achieving organizational goals, strategic goals, human resource strategies, and human resource subsystems (human resource supply, performance evaluation and rewards, employee relations) were developed.
Relational Capital and financial performance: an empirical analysis on a sample of Italian firms
Gianpaolo Iazzolino, Federica Chiappetta , Stefano Chiappetta doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 245-258
Views: 1642 Downloads: 322 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe aim of this paper is to study the relations existing between the relational capital, both internal and external, and the firm financial performance. The investigation has been carried out on quantitative and qualitative data extracted from a sample of 100 Italian large firms. The paper deeply analyzes the dimension of the internal relational capital, not so widely studied in the literature. Findings demonstrate the influence of the internal relational capital (IRC) and of the external relational capital (ERC) on performance. The research suggests that an effort has to be devoted not only to improving relations with external stakeholders, but also to developing intra-firm relations. The research contributes to studies in management and in particular in internal organization by demonstrating that designing and implementing systems for supporting internal relation can improve firm performance.
Corporate governance and resource management in Nigeria: a paradigm shift
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 259-266
Views: 1193 Downloads: 166 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe underlying significance of instituting measures for effective corporate governance and rewarding resource management outcomes cannot be relegated. The countries and organizations that deemphasize this practice have mortgaged their potential for long-term growth and corporate sustainability. This paper adopts a critical narrative method to deconstruct the essence of corporate governance and economic resource management ideals. The paper furthers the ongoing conversations on two interrelated business concepts, and provides an apt perspective towards unlocking the essence of corporate governance relative to the Nigeria’s corporate environment. It depicts a corporate paradigm shift that accommodates the dynamics of global best practices taking into account some peculiarities of Nigeria’s corporate climate. The paper also captures relevant theoretical dimensions and pragmatic policy propositions, especially for underperforming socio-economic contexts. In the light of the central theme, specific issues are discussed under the sub-headings of conceptual and theoretical clarifications, corporate governance and resource management in Nigeria, shifting the paradigms, conclusion and recommendations.
The mediating effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in entrepreneurial intention – a study in Saudi Arabian context
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 267-275
Views: 2210 Downloads: 277 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of the present study is to test how do the four important psychological antecedents, namely need for achievement (nAch), propensity to risk (PtR), self-confidence (SeC), internal locus of control (IlC) are mediated by the entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) to predict the entrepreneurial intention (EI) in a traditionally oil-based Saudi economy striving for economic diversification. Hypotheses are tested by applying the partial least square (PLS) structural equation modeling (SEM) to a sample of 282 undergraduate business students (male and female) collected from a public university of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The results suggest that psychological variables and self-efficacy play a fundamental role in enhancing entrepreneurial intention (EI) of Saudi students. Personality-related variables have direct influence over EI in other context, but in Saudi context, psychological variables are necessary but not sufficient to develop entrepreneurial intention unless combined with self-efficacy. Self-efficacy has a strong mediating effect between psychological variables and entrepreneurial intentions in Saudi context.
How employee engagement mediates the influence of individual factors toward organizational commitment
Rina Anindita , Adventia Emilia Seda doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 276-283
Views: 2038 Downloads: 367 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEmployee engagement affects the Employer Commitment which has influence on the expression desired by someone in relation to their professional attitude, connecting the work with personal life for psychological, cognitive, emotional, and their personal feelings as a whole, so that employees engagement towards a company will drive the employees’ performance. This is proved by the previous studies, but they have not included individual factors as the force that forms employee engagement or organizational commitment, specifically because seeing how the consequences of employee engagement produced. In this study, the authors consider the influence of individual factors towards organizational commitment mediated by employee engagement, which distinguishes this study from the previous ones. The objectives of this study are: first, to discover how individual factors affect employee engagement; second, to find out how employee engagement affects Organizational Commitment of employees; Third, to discover how individual factors affect organizational commitment. This study is conducted among the respondents all of whom are employees within MICE industry in Indonesia using questionnaire. Data analysis in was performed this study using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results of this study show that high individual factors will form high employee engagement, high employee engagement will form high organizational commitment, and high individual factors will form high organizational commitment. In this study, it is found that there is an influence of individual factors towards organizational commitment mediated by employee engagement.
Exploring motives behind Generation Y’s smartphone purchase
Nkosivile Welcome Madinga, Hilda Bongazana Dondolo
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 284-291
Views: 1544 Downloads: 307 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯConsidering the increase in smartphones, it becomes important to understand why people buy them. The purpose of this paper is to examine Generation Y’s motives behind smartphone purchases. The study made use of a qualitative research paradigm. Focus group interviews were selected as the method of data collection. Focus group members ranged from seven to ten. A total of 81 (N = 81) South African Generation Y were interviewed. The findings indicate that Generation Y consider quality and technical features when buying smartphones. Additionally, this study also observed that this cohort is status conscious and easily influenced by their friends when making purchase decisions.
Methodological support for intellectual capital strategic management of the research organization
Tatyana Bilorus, Iryna Kornilova
, Lesya Olikh
, Svitlana Firsova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 292-308
Views: 1704 Downloads: 218 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯMaking intellectual capital the strategic resource of an innovation-oriented organization under post-industrial economy formation requires improving the decision-making quality while choosing its development strategies. To a large extent, the effectiveness of strategic intellectual capital management depends on its methodological principles development, which determines the relevance of the subject chosen.
The purpose of the article is to form a methodical tool for substantiating the strategies of intellectual capital development in a research organization based on multi-criteria analysis.
As a methodological platform, the following methods for conducting research were chosen: an aggregated structural approach, in particular, the method of audit-evaluation by Brooking, to evaluate intellectual capital; SWOT analysis – to determine the strategic position of the company regarding its intellectual capital. To confirm the expert opinions consistency within the empirical studies framework, the concordance coefficient, estimated on the Pearson criterion, was calculated. The key to research is the multi-criteria analysis (SAW, TOPSIS, COPRAS) methods for evaluating, ranking and selecting strategic alternatives for the intellectual capital development of the research company.
Thus, the article takes a new view of using the scenario approach to the formation of an intellectual capital strategy. The strategy development stages are outlined, and the peculiarities of their methodological support are determined. In particular, the necessity to include into the test program for intellectual capital the estimation of its management efficiency is proved. The authors present an example of adapting SAW, TOPSIS, COPRAS methods for the evaluation and ranking of strategic alternatives to human, structural and market capital development.
Consequently, the results allowed to mathematically formalize the rating task and to form the optimal strategies portfolio of human, structural, market capital of organization, as well as to combine factors of the internal and external environment. Thus, the suggested methodological approach can be used by the heads of research organizations to develop and substantiate strategic management decisions to optimize their intellectual capital development. -
Success factors for teams in business game Dynama
Ruth Alas , Peeter Kross , Anto Liivat , Jaanika Saar doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 309-319
Views: 1586 Downloads: 278 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe current article is based on data from Dynama business games conducted in two Estonian institutions of higher education (Estonian Business School (EBS) and Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applies Sciences) between years 2012 and 2016. The research questions that this paper attempts to explore look at the relationship between the results obtained by different teams in business game Dynama and their teams’ characteristics. The paper also shows how the volume of market research information used affects the results obtained by different teams in the business game. This research of implementational nature primarily helps to develop the teaching methods and basis for team composition in business game Dynama with the purpose of sup¬porting the course and achieving the learning outcomes in a more effective way. The research results may also be of interest to those who use and research business games as a teaching tool. The variables employed in this study enabled us to compare our research with that conducted by A.-E. Lerviks and M. Paltschik at Hanken School of Economics and Business Administration in 1982.
Retraction: Leaders and decision making: a study of the drivers of courage
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 320-329
Views: 2112 Downloads: 202 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯRetracted on the 15th of October, 2020 by the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief request dated October 12, 2020. The type of retraction – plagiarism.
The journal was asked to retract this article because of plagiarism. The request came from the author of the article. The author informed the journal that original idea published in this paper wasn’t his and asked to remove the article. -
Holacracy and Obliquity: contingency management approaches in organizing companies
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 330-335
Views: 3642 Downloads: 1160 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe paper aims to examine the development of modern innovative management methods and practices such as Holacracy, Obliquity, Adhocracy and Sociocracy, which are novelty in the Management science and practice. The study illustrates contingency approaches in designing, managing and developing agile companies from wide varieties of industries. The paper sheds light on contemporary methods in organizing, planning and setting goals of companies in a post-knowledge era. It is like an operating system for business that requires the installation of different applications as applications for hiring employees, for setting salaries, for planning or logistics. In the paper, literature review on management innovations is conducted and subsequently statistical operationalization through STATA software has been employed to examine how particular organizations design and set up their organizational structures such as lean, agile or scrum. Paper results show that smaller companies are more agile and they tend to acquire Holacratic Management models thanks to the fact that self-managing teams exist internally and their organizational structures are flatter and more adaptive in comparison to the multinational corporations. Consequently, the paper concludes with suggestions on innovative management implementations for future development of companies and emphasizes the need for further research on what is the impact of Holacracy and Obliquity on shaping the organizational culture of companies.
Partnership strategy model for small and medium enterprises
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 336-347
Views: 1756 Downloads: 998 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe Latvian economy mainly consists of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). There are two important moments in the enhancement of their successful development and competitiveness: competition and collaboration. In the modern world collaboration or partnership is starting to play an ever increasing role as is shown by the research carried out. This research analyzes the partnership model which consists of three components: partnership context component, external partner network component, and internal environment component.
The following research methodology was used: monographic method based also on literature review; logically constructive method – to formulate conclusions, analyze the results and establish correlations; analytical method – to divide whole into parts and analyze the parts during the research; synthesis method – unification of elements into a system to research their correlations; social research methods – to obtain primary information and to verify it; graphic method – to depict factor interactions. -
Assessing information systems success: a respecification of the DeLone and McLean model to integrating the perceived quality
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 348-360
Views: 1990 Downloads: 735 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDeLone and McLean (1992) model of information systems success has received much attention amongst researchers. This study aimed to respecify and validate the DeLone and McLean model (2003) by proposing a social exchange theory for underlying changes in the direction of perceived quality and adding perceived value variables suggested by Wang (2008). The purpose of this study was to obtain a better understanding of information system of the user perception when using organization’s information systems. Therefore, a model for testing the information systems success was formed.
The primary data used in this study were collected from 102 respondents who apply accounting software in their companies (end-user computing). Companies that were used as samples in this study were the ones that created or developed accounting software by themselves. 27 questionnaires were obtained by mail survey accompanied with a contact-person approach.
All of the hypotheses tested were found to be significantly supported. The model provided strong support for the relationships between perceived quality, perceived value, user satisfaction, and net benefits. Information and system quality has been shown as a proxy that affects service quality. Information quality, system quality, and service quality cause the formation of perceived value and, then, this perceived value will affect user satisfaction and net benefits. The characteristics of information systems are an important aspect that researchers should concern when testing the information systems success. -
Macro-environments of South Africa: time to stop the rot, deterioration, distrust and dysfunctionality
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 361-380
Views: 4656 Downloads: 545 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSince the introduction of black economic empowerment (BEE) in South Africa by the African National Congress (ANC) in 2003, the impact of the legislation and its accompanying policies on the six major “PESTIS” (political, economic, social, technological, institutional and structural-physical) macro-environments in which businesses in the private sector and government in the public sector operate, has largely gone unnoticed or has been ignored. In an exploratory study using the “5 Star” research methodology, and with the aid of specially developed qualitative research adjudication matrix (QRAM), the impact of the ANC’s BEE policies on these macro-environments was investigated. Unfortunately, it appears that these policies have negatively affected South Africa’s political, economic, social/cultural and institutional macro-environments. Allegations of state capture and nefarious influences on government and ministerial appointments, poor economic performance and possible further credit downgrade to “junk” status by the international ratings agencies, increased prevalence of racism, hate speech and discrimination, and violation of the Constitution of South Africa and international treaties by the ANC government, paint a dismal picture. In addition, the coun¬try is facing unseen high levels of corruption, graft, fraud, looting, bribery, nepotism and self-enrichment in government, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and businesses. BEE can be regarded as the ANC’s “Achilles heel” in South Africa, and the political party should rather abandon this policy in order to stop the rot, and further deterioration, distrust and decay in the country’s most important macro-environments.
Institutional aspect of the Russian economy regional development
Yuri V. Matveev , Olga V. Trubetskaya, Igor A. Lunin
, Kirill Y. Matveev doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 381-391
Views: 1888 Downloads: 168 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe urgency of the issue under research takes place due to the fact that the institutional system forms prerequisites for economic development of regions and affects the rate of economic growth and welfare of the population not only at the local, but also at the federal level. The article reveals the peculiarities of the institutional aspect of regional development, gives recommendations on the improvement of institutions to smooth the unevenness of regional development. As a scientific and methodological basis, the methods of analysis and synthesis are used in the work, which allow to reveal the features of regional institutions at the present stage. The use of statistical data reflecting the main characteristics of Russian regions made it possible to reveal that regions develop unevenly both in time and in space. The reasons for this are insufficient performance efficiency of institutions, which duplicates the powers of federal and regional authorities, the state’s participation in realizing ownership rights in the private property system, insufficient protection of property rights, bureaucratic procedures, and financial problems in the Russian economy. The above-mentioned shortcomings in the system of regional institutes reduce the competitiveness of regions, and reduce the volume of investments, which leads to further strengthening of their uneven development, and exacerbating the issue of income differences of the population. The authors believe that in order to improve the system of regional institutions and overcome the asymmetry, it is necessary to systematize resources, develop differentiated interaction at the regional and federal levels, and evaluate the effectiveness of the decisions made with the help of leading indicators in business cycle phases.
Determinant factors of market share: evidence from the Indonesian Islamic banking industry
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 392-398
Views: 1876 Downloads: 252 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯMarket share is one of the performance indicators for the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. Actually, the policy makers had set up the 5% market share to be achieved in 2008. Unfortunately, this target finally was met at the end of 2016. This study is going to examine the determinants of market share in the Indonesian Islamic banking industry. From the empirical result, we can see that some of the variables had an impact on market share. The variables impacting market share are the default rate, operational efficiency rate, the yield of profit sharing, and conventional bank’s interest rate. The other variables such as profitability ratio and liquidity ratio don’t have an impact on market share. The result implies that Islamic banks should strengthen the internal factors to accelerate their growth and performance.
Theoretical and methodological basis for technology transfer from universities to the business environment
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 399-416
Views: 3837 Downloads: 351 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe modern concept of open innovation highlights the role of technology transfer from universities to the business environment. An increase in technology transfer efficiency is one of the tasks assigned to Ukrainian universities by the state. The nature of technology transfers in the world and the role of universities in this process call for revising traditional approaches to its production in Ukraine. This stipulated the substantiation of theoretical and methodological principles of technology transfer from universities to the business environment, which should serve as a fundamental platform for further economic, technological and other actions in the innovation development of Ukraine. For this purpose, the modern theoretical and applied components of technology transfer from universities to the business environment are researched; the theoretical and methodological principles of technology transfer are determined and the conceptual approach to understanding technology transfer from universities to the business environment is proved. To achieve the tasks at hand, the background and trends in technology transfer from universities to the business environment have been researched; the role of universities in modern technology transfers is analyzed; the peculiarities and potential of the scientific area of Ukraine are considered; the influence of university technology transfer centers on the universities’ academic entrepreneurship has been studied; the nature of knowledge transformation during the technology transfer is substantiated; the influence of technology transfer on the university subsystems is considered; the effects of technology transfer are investigated; models of interaction in the system “University – Governmental Authority – Business” are studied; and modern approaches to the technology transfer from universities to the business environment are researched. Given the research conducted, theoretical and methodological principles for technology transfer were formed, which conceptualize the technology transfer from universities to the business environment.
Travel and tourism: growth potentials and contribution to the GDP of Saudi Arabia
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 417-427
Views: 2382 Downloads: 410 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSaudi Arabia is well known in the world for the holy places Makkah and Madinah. Hajjis and visitors come to perform hajj and Umrah every year in Makkah and Madinah from all around the world. Hajj and Umrah visits play a vital role in the inbound tourism of Saudi Arabia. The tourism revenue of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is increasing absolutely but losing its contribution to the GDP proportionately. So, this paper tries to find out the economic activities of all components of tourism sector which are responsible for the negative trend. It also explains the relationships and variability of tourism revenues and expenditures with GDP and offers suggestions to enhance revenue of tourism sector. This study is based upon secondary data obtained from the website of SAMA (Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority) and General Authority for Statistics of Saudi Arabia. In tourism sector of Saudi Arabia, the increasing trend of expenditures of some economic activities is more than its revenue. The increasing trend of expenditures comparatively its revenues lowering contribution of tourism towards GDP. To improve the level of tourism revenue, government has to provide world class facilities and develop new tourist spots and allow the visitors to visit such places according to the Shariah and Kingdom rules. Government has to focus on developing passenger rail transport and other means of transport to connect all the tourist spots to provide easy conveyance, and on improving and developing tourism sector by helping the government and private organizations that are engaged directly or indirectly in providing services to the domestic and inbound tourists to assure more contribution to GDP.
The relations unshadowing in business activities: the economic and legal factors of security at the macroeconomic level
Anatoliy Kulish , Mykola Petrushenko, Oleg Reznik
, Elena Kiselyova doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 428-436
Views: 1405 Downloads: 174 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe paper analyzes the current state of the shadow relations in business activities in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to investigate the current state of the shadow relations in business activity in Ukraine and abroad; find out the essence of the term “the relations unshadowing in business activity”, develop the suggestions, which are aimed at improving the scientific approaches to the economic and legal principles of the relations unshadowing in business activity as a factor of an influence at the macroeconomic level. The issue of sensitive motivation system creating is actualized for the purpose of the economic activities unshadowing. It is proved that it is impossible now to accurately assess the extent of the shadow economy. The economic and legal ways of improving the business unshadowing are proposed, as well as the integration of the relations unshadowing in the business activities into a system of safety factors at the macroeconomic level. Namely, the institutional and structural factors, including: an influence on the structural policy and mechanism of its implementation, possible changes in the structure of the public administration, institutional changes, management of the state corporate rights, as well as a new stage of denationalization of the property and the privatization; programmatic and strategic factors: the economic development strategy, targeted state programs, as well as the state programs of the social and economic development; financial, investment, competition, and innovation factors: the competition policy and its implementation, the state investment policy and its implementation, innovation policy and its implementation, as well as the impact on financial and economic processes in the state. Based on the research, the ways to improve the economic unshadowing issue are proposed, in particular through the introduction of changes to the existing regulatory legislation.
Changes effectiveness assessment on the basis of sustainable development factor
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 437-444
Views: 1440 Downloads: 158 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe creation of new management methods that guarantee sustainable economic development in the long-term perspective is impossible without the overall analysis of the existing methods and system elements of enterprise management. Such analysis should take into account the influence of external and internal environment. Most of Russian organizations functioning at the market are characterized by low degree of flexibility and adaptability to the changes at the market and by traditional ways of management which do not correspond to the modern market conditions and it does not allow them to develop perfectly. The article defines the main components of the enterprise sustainable development and offers the matrix model of changes assessment on the basis of sustainable development criterion.
Thus, the general aim of the article is to form theoretical and methodical basis for management mechanism aimed at sustainable development of the enterprise, the mechanism that meets the current demands and global trends of economy development. The main methodical instrument used for the enterprise position assessment is the system of matrix coordinates. The choice of the matrix form is due to the fact that matrices are the main tool for strategic positioning of enterprises and the choice of strategic solutions in conditions of multiplicity of parameters through which the expected and actually obtained results are formalized and measured.