Issue #3 (Volume 16 2018)
ReleasedSeptember 27, 2018
130 Authors
206 Tables
91 Figures
- acclimatization
- accounting profession
- adjusted net savings
- African immigrants
- agrarian economics
- agrarian sector
- agricultural productivity
- and social responsibility of business
- autonomy
- board size
- business development
- business ethics
- business process reengineering
- business strategy
- career support practices
- category of sustainable development
- change management
- citizen participation
- clusterization
- cluster model
- code of ethics
- competitive advantage
- competitiveness
- Composite Learning Index
- concept
- conceptual model
- consistency
- consumption of fixed capital
- continuous improvement of processes
- continuous improvements
- coping
- corporate
- corporate culture
- corporate diversity
- corporate social environmental disclosure
- costs
- criteria of development of export-import activity
- cultural strength
- customer orientation
- desired (planned) values of indicators
- e-marketing
- ecological
- economic growth
- economic growth model
- economy
- Education 3_0 paradigm
- effective employee engagement
- employee management
- enterprise
- entrepreneurship
- entrepreneurship culture
- environment
- environmental
- European Lifelong Learning Index
- European Union
- expatriates
- expectancy
- factors of influence
- Fixed Effect Model
- fluid strategy
- foreign directors
- foresight
- foresight marketing
- forward-looking disclosure
- functional branding
- game theory
- gender
- globalization
- governance of electricity sector
- gross savings
- group cohesion
- higher education
- higher education system
- horizontal trust
- host cities
- host country
- HRM-performance linkage
- human resource management
- Indian higher education institutions
- Information and Communication Technology
- information and communication technology
- information capital maturity level
- inhibitors and enablers
- innovation activity
- innovation index
- innovation management
- innovation model
- innovation momentum
- innovation partnership
- innovation ranking
- innovative type of behavior
- innovative work environment
- institutional trust
- institutional work
- institutions
- instrumentality
- integration
- intellectual capital
- intentional branding
- internal communication
- international business
- interpersonal relations
- job performance
- job satisfaction
- Jordan
- knowledge management
- Kuwait
- ladder of participation
- language
- leadership approaches
- learning city
- learning region
- life cycle
- lifelong learning
- light industry
- line managers
- logic of stages of formation of strategy
- logistics processes
- management
- management accounting innovations
- management method
- management model
- management technique
- managerial support
- manufacturing
- margin velocity
- marketing
- mega-sporting events
- microfinance organization
- MNCs
- motivation
- multicriteria optimization task of export-import activity
- negative emotions
- networking
- network structure
- offer management process
- operationalization
- organization
- organizational change
- organizational culture
- organizational performance
- path dependence
- patriotism
- pattern
- perceptions
- Pooled Mean Group (PMG) procedure
- principle design
- process efficiency
- process performance
- product
- public governance
- quality
- quality of disclosure
- quantity of disclosure
- R&D spending
- recreation
- renewable energy
- resource depletion
- return on total assets
- rewards
- Russian railways
- satisfaction
- Saudi Arabia
- small and medium enterprises
- social expenditure
- social media marketing
- social policy
- social protection
- society
- state regulation
- stock return volatility
- strategic goals
- strategic marketing
- stress resistance
- student services
- suppliers
- supplier selection criteria
- supply
- supply and selection strategies
- supply chain
- suppression
- sustainable development
- team members receptivity
- team OCB
- team performance
- technology development
- technology transfer
- tourism
- tour planning
- training motivation
- travelling pattern
- UK market
- Ukraine
- Ukrainian Lifelong Learning Index
- university
- valence
- vertical trust
- work culture
- work engagement
- young tourist
Lifelong learning progress monitoring as a tool for local development management
Serhii Pryima, Yuan Dayong
, Olena Anishenko
, Yuriy Petrushenko
, Anna Vorontsova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 1-13
Views: 1970 Downloads: 282 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe concept of learning cities and regions is recently becoming widespread both in the European and global theory of regional development acting as a tool for successful local socio-economic development management of a city and region, development of their human potential, the basis of the regional education policy of countries. Analysis of theoretical principles and, particularly, the practice of implementing the concept of learning cities and regions for Ukraine is currently a necessary condition for its sustainable development, full entry into the European and global economy, as well as the educational space. All mentioned above makes relevant the research of theory and practice of the European and world regional education policy on the example of learning cities and regions. The article analyzes the potential of the Composite Learning Index and European Lifelong Learning Index to monitor the progress of lifelong learning as a tool for local development management and proposes the list of indicators and measures – the Ukrainian Lifelong Learning Index – adapted to the Ukrainian education area.
Strategically supplier-oriented management in the procurement process of JSC “Russian Railways”
Natalia Karpova, Sergey Noskov , Irina Toymentseva
, Elena Shvetsova doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 14-27
Views: 1384 Downloads: 149 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯJSC “Russian Railways” is one of the world’s largest companies in the railway market. It ensures the safety and accessibility of transport in Russia, reduces the transport load on its economy. JSC “Russian Railways” is a company founded by the Russian Federation. In the conditions of the global financial crisis and limited budget resources, the search for ways to reduce the costs of its operation comes to the forefront. In the supply, there is a significant potential for increasing the efficiency of any company’s activity by saving on purchases in the case of choosing a key supplier that meets all customer’s criteria. In turn, the growing relevance in modern conditions is acquired by strategically supplier-oriented management in the process of meeting the needs and requirements of companies. In this regard, the article substantiates the need for strategically supplier-oriented management of commodity and material values in supply chains, systematizes supplier management strategies. The experience of procurement and selection of suppliers of goods, works and services for the needs of JSC “Russian Railways” was studied, a methodology was proposed for ranking criteria for the selection of products and suppliers in order of the decreasing significance value, allowing to expand the method of rating the existing and potential sources of supply.
Sustainable development of the Ukrainian agrarian sector: perspectives and challenges
Liubov Mykhailova, Natalia Stoyanets
, Andrii Mykhailov
, Tetiana Kharchenko
, Hrabrin Bachev
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 28-39
Views: 1380 Downloads: 280 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSustainable development of the Ukrainian economy is rather complicated, extraordinary and controversial task for Ukraine. By fulfilling the obligations assumed by the world community to implement the main provisions of sustainable development, Ukraine undergoes comprehensive structural transformations, which undoubtedly have a significant impact on the development of its agrarian sector. Administrative and territorial reform is one of the major structural changes, which is taking place at the present time and has a direct impact on the agrarian sector development. The research is aimed at deepening the methodological principles for predicting the effectiveness of new institutes and rules caused by agrarian and structural transformations in the national economy, as well as substantiating the cluster model of sustainable development of the agrarian sector.
The provision of the economic theory of “path dependence” is the methodological basis of the research. In the article, based on a combination of theoretical and empirical methods, the transformation of the state of the socio-economic system, which is conditioned by the introduction of a new rule in implementing the reforms, is researched. Under these conditions, the effect of hysteresis may arise – the new rule can fall into the institutional trap and stay in it even when perturbations often disappear.
Given the analysis of the current implementation of the sustainable development model in the agrarian sector, the authors focus on combining the efforts of management bodies, socially responsible business and rural population and substantiate the need to improve the system of functional environment, which should be based on the cluster concept of development. It is precisely the cluster structure that will ensure the effectiveness of production relations between market agents, minimize the emergence of ineffective institutions and reduce the likelihood of institutional traps in the future. -
ICT-mediated organizational change in microfinance organizations: a case study
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 40-47
Views: 1370 Downloads: 201 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯA strong research tradition on the economic and social impacts of microfinance intervention has been going on. But a dearth of studies on microfinance organizational and management perspectives is there, although the social and economic impacts of this development program largely depend on its organizational setup and intervention management. ICT (decipher!!!) has been used in microfinance organizations for quite a long period of time. This study looks into the ICT-mediated material and social changes that happen in this unique type of organization and its management. The study was conducted using exploratory case study in two organizations. A number of semi-structured interviews and focus groups have been conducted at different layers of the organizations. The study found that ICT has profound implications for change in different material and social aspects of microfinance organizations. As a catalyst, ICT causes organizational structure shrank both horizontally and vertically. Because of the use of ICT a loss-of-middle phenomenon emerges in organizational structure and a tendency of centralized decision authority prevails. It helps boosting up the operational performance and transparency and lowering the long-debated interest rate of microfinance. It engenders profound changes in human resources and socio-cultural aspects of microfinance organizations. However, if protective mechanism is not adopted then the use of ICT may have detrimental effects to the social performance of microfinance. This study contributes to the knowledge domain of ICT-mediated organizational change and the microfinance policy makers by exploring the implications of ICT to different organizational aspects. It contributes by unearthing the detrimental effect of ICT to the development outcome of microfinance intervention.
Improving the management technique of logistics planning in the supply chain
Liljana A. Sosunova, Sergey V. Noskov , Irina A. Goryacheva , Natalia V. Astafieva , Sergey A. Kalashnikov doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 48-62
Views: 1558 Downloads: 267 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe multidimensionality of transformations that take place, the diversity of destabilizing factors in the environment reduce reliability, sustainability, efficiency of both logistics processes and the entire production and economic activity, and they need their modern economic reflection. The successful activity in the unstable economic environment is impossible without proper strategic analysis and the formation of the effective management system that requires the search for new techniques, the development of logistics-oriented concepts, management approaches to logistics processes that can ensure the goals achievement under the continuous systemic development and disturbance flow. The goal of the research is to improve the technique and develop a management model for logistics processes, considering the effect of the disturbance flow. In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve the following scientific problems: to reveal the patterns of logistics processes for the formation of a signal system on management points within the framework of management structures; to develop components of the management technique for logistics processes, taking into account the disturbance flow; to systematize and supplement the principles of logistics processes for the formation of the rational totality of components in the management technique. Thus, the implementation of the proposed management technique for logistics processes will lead to the formation of optimal management impacts within each element, subsystem and the entire structure of the supply chain, ensuring the sustainable development vector at each time period and achieving the goals set under the influence of the disturbance flow, adaptability, flexibility and efficiency of processes.
How does work engagement mediate the association between human resources management and organizational performance?
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 63-79
Views: 1674 Downloads: 471 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe aim of this paper is to understand how workers’ perceptions and behaviors contribute to understanding the association between human resources management (HRM) and organizational performance (OP). Over the past few decades, theory construction has lagged the intermediate linkages between HRM and OP, and, therefore, there are still many unanswered questions with regards to such an association. To sustain the HRM-OP link, the authors highlight the potential influence of employees’ work engagement (WE), with the aim of exploring some of the intermediating variables, focusing on the perceptions of employees’ attitudes and behaviors. This research emphasizes that line managers have a crucial role to play in stimulating employees’ efforts and in shaping HR-related outcomes. Line managers act as crucial intermediaries in determining how HR policies that lead to OP can be designed and administered. Nevertheless, line managers have the capability to disrupt or stimulate the system, which has a significant impact on employees’ engagement with the organization. The empirical research is based on a sample of 1,609 employees and 40 organizations and was carried out in two settings. Results suggest that line managers and employees’ perceptions of HR policies were positively related to line managers’ perceptions of OP. The results also support a path model, whereby WE strengthens HR systems’ association with enhanced levels of OP. The discussion reviews the implications of these results and suggests future directions for research.
Formalization and elaboration of a company’s business strategy
Karina V. Balashova, Aleksandr M. Batkovskiy
, Pavel A. Kalachikhin
, Elena G. Semenova
, Yury F. Telnov
, Alena V. Fomina
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 80-91
Views: 1856 Downloads: 424 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article deals with issues of formalization and elaboration of business strategies. The authors have formulated a hypothesis that there is no universal strategy ensuring maxi¬mum benefit to an enterprise. The choice of a company’s strategy is considered from the point of view of a game-theoretical interpretation as a competition component. The process of engineering a company’s business strategy is presented in the form of a technological network. The study shows the possibility of automating the selection of a strategy by decision-making support systems. The article outlines the problem of classifying enterprise strategies by general features. The structure of a company’s strategy is formalized as a relationship of a set of strategic objectives in the S.M.A.R.T. technique and a set of means to achieve the goals limited by a company’s capabilities. The authors examine the indicator structure for achieving strategic goals. A definition is given to the type and form of a strategy based on the pattern concept. The article defines a methodology for assessing the probability of achieving the strategic goal. A new concept of a fluid strategy has been introduced along with several other variations of business strategies that might be encountered.
The role of university faculty motivation in human resources development and university competitiveness growth
Gulzhakan Mynzhanova, Nurlan Sailaubekov
, Dana Kunanbayeva doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 92-101
Views: 1292 Downloads: 326 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article aims to reveal the university rating by its faculty motivation, which has an impact on human resources development in higher education sector and raises the university competiveness level. To achieve the given goal, the researchers have developed a model for evaluating the university rating on faculty work motivation by assessing implementation of motivational factors in the university, their weight for determining its rating in comparison with the threshold value.
The article examines blocks of motivational factors, such as material-monetary, material- non-monetary and non-material. The authors believe that systemic and timely use of these blocks of motivational factors by the university may increase the lecturers’ professional skills level, quality of the educational program and the academic process itself and contribute to the growth of university competitiveness.
During the research, the lecturers were surveyed by using a structured questionnaire, and a model for assessing the university faculty motivation level has been developed based on the research outcomes. Comparative analysis of the obtained results and the threshold value have been made so that to come up with conclusions on the university
rating. The survey has revealed that the university under study has the B+– class rating, which demonstrates a fairly high result. There have been made recommendations to the given university on achieving the higher-class rating. -
Social media marketing, functional branding strategy and intentional branding
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 102-116
Views: 5256 Downloads: 2134 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIt has been suggested that social media marketing may be inclined more towards functional branding than intentional branding. The present study empirically examined the relationship between social media marketing strategies, intentional branding and functional branding with a view to determining where social media marketing strategies are more strongly inclined towards intentional than functional branding. Quantitative data were collected from 133 participants from Jordan marketing departments using questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS. The results of the study confirmed the relationship between social media marketing strategies. However, results showed that social media marketing strategies are more strongly inclined towards intentional branding than functional branding suggesting that social media marketing strategies are oriented towards intentional branding. The study recommends examining the idea of intentional branding and its role in controlling the image of the brand among customers.
Young tourists’ attitude towards domestic tourism: a study on Bangladesh
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 117-129
Views: 1345 Downloads: 416 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯBangladesh is a country with numerous natural attractions, which is the main product of tourism. Currently, the domestic tourism is increasing in Bangladesh rapidly, in which young tourists are the main contributors, as they have high interest and leisure time in exploring tourist destinations. Therefore, it has raised questions on the worthiness of carrying out a study about the attitude, travelling pattern, and the satisfaction level among the young Bangladeshis toward domestic tourism to analyze their contribution to Bangladeshi tourism industry. This study employed a survey questionnaire to collect data, which was adapted from standardized measures. A total of 571 respondents who has been randomly selected from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, was involved in the study. The completed questionnaires were analyzed to measure the variables of the study and test the assumptions to achieve the objectives of the study. This study found that the travelling pattern and tour planning of the young tourists vary with regard to their occupation. In addition, the results of the study also portrayed their preferred destinations and activities in the tourist areas and their positive opinion regarding their travel experience. This study provides information to the policymakers, tourism service providers and researchers to satisfy their needs and foster the domestic tourism in Bangladesh.
The relationship between corporate forward-looking disclosure and stock return volatility
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 130-149
Views: 1198 Downloads: 236 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study assesses corporate forward-looking disclosure by measuring four attributes, namely disclosure quantity, disclosure coverage, disclosure concentration and disclosure quality, through a sample of 34 listed firms in the Bahrain Bourse from 2014 to 2017. The study also investigates the relationship between these attributes and stock return volatility. Regression analysis has been employed with five different models to examine the relationship between the four attributes of corporate forward-looking disclosure and stock return volatility. The main finding of this study agrees with the results of Bravo et al. (2009) who found that the selection of a specific disclosure index could influence crucially the results of the analysis. In addition, stock return volatility has a statistically significant negative association with the three attributes of forward-looking disclosure, namely disclosure quantity, disclosure coverage and disclosure quality. In contrast, it has a non-significant association with the fourth attribute of forward-looking disclosure, disclosure concentration. This study provides a novel contribution to disclosure quality studies by being the first study to examine forward-looking disclosure quality attributes in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Code of ethics for SMEs: substantiating the necessity and willingness to implement in Ukraine
Larysa Antoniuk, Igor Britchenko
, Yevheniia Polishchuk
, Nataliia Rudyk
, Yuliia Sybirianska
, Pavel Machashchik
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 150-162
Views: 1230 Downloads: 302 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article substantiates the necessity of development and implementation of ethical rules of doing business into the business practices of small and medium enterprises. Particular attention is paid to business entities in Ukraine as a country with one of the highest levels of shadow economy. The two-level structure of SMEs’ Code of Ethics designed by the author is being presented, which is based on the following key concepts: transparency of business entities activity, partnership integrity, environmental and social responsibility, which are interrelated and reflected in the individual modules of the Code.
The article presents the results of approbation of the author’s Code of Ethics for SMEs. The approbation is based on a personal and interactive questionnaire about the readiness of Ukrainian SMEs representatives to introduce ethical norms into their activities. The authors determined that Ukrainian SMEs are not well-informed about possible positive effects from following norms and rules in business, in particular, in terms of improving the business climate in the country, increasing the investment attractiveness of the economy as a whole and economic entities in particular, simplifying the access to financial and credit instruments.
The survey and questionnaire of Ukrainian SMEs confirmed the need for the development and implementation of the business Code of Ethics norms, as well as potential demand for it. The respondents recognize the importance of certain international ethical rules in conducting business, which may contribute to attracting investment in Ukraine; however, this is not the only factor affecting the investment attractiveness of domestic business. It is substantiated that the business climate improvement is a complex issue, and the Code of Ethics, in this context, creates the opportunities of guiding and encouraging participants to the active influence on the business environment: to declare zero tolerance to corruption and to form and to maintain clear position in interactions with the public authorities.
The conceptual bases of introduction of foresight marketing into business management
Olga Verdenhofa, Mykola V. Afanas'jev
, Anastasiia Panchuk
, Iuliia Kotelnykova
, Ganna Chumak
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 163-173
Views: 1266 Downloads: 232 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article outlines a critical analysis of theoretical approaches to the development of the concept of foresight marketing on the basis of which the own definition of “foresight marketing” has been developed. Modern enterprises are interested in receiving reasonable foresight forecasts in marketing, which was not sufficiently distributed in the practical activity of the enterprise.
Theoretical and practical aspects of the foresight framework are still explored insufficiently. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to improve the theoretical framework of foresight marketing and to create the conceptual model of foresight marketing.
The following scientific methods have been used in this research: system analysis, content analysis, comparative method, method of logical generalization, morphological method, dialectics of the relationship between fundamental and applied knowledge.
The analysis revealed imperfection of the theoretical apparatus of foresight marketing, thus, the modern approach to the interconnection and balance of foresight marketing and strategic marketing on the enterprises was suggested. To develop a conceptual model of foresight marketing, the authors have considered and described its major components. A conceptual model of foresight marketing is a systematic combination of certain elements, namely: conditions, barriers, and prerequisites; subject and object; methodology of foresight marketing; principles, tools, and categories.
The article presents a generalized model of foresight marketing process, which shows the basic subjects and bases on four consecutive stages. The authors provide a new perspective as for the concept of foresight marketing and the basic prerequisites for the implementation of foresight in marketing management. -
Influence of network organizational structures on innovation activity of industrial enterprises
Olena Palyvoda, Oksana Karpenko
, Olena Bondarenko
, Svitlana Bonyar
, Andrea Bikfalvi
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 174-188
Views: 1163 Downloads: 182 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe interrelation between the innovation activity of enterprises and various types of network cooperation is of practical importance for the effective strategic management of network structures. In the present study, on the basis of indicators that measure innovation and technological effects and are adapted to the standards of statistics of the EU countries, the weighted aggregate innovation index of light industry companies in Ukraine and the EU countries is justified and calculated. On the basis of correlation and regression analysis, the relationships of varying strength are established between the integrated innovation index and different types of network innovative cooperation of light industry companies of the EU countries. The high-strength relationship is revealed between the innovation index of light industry and the indicators of the share of companies that had partners within their group of companies; that were involved in any type of network innovation partnership; that had partners in innovative cooperation among universities; that were involved in any type of partnership with a foreign partner from the EU countries, the EFTA countries or the candidate countries for accession to the EU. The construction of a correlation-regression model of the dependence of the innovation index of light industry on the share of innovation-active companies involved in any type of network innovation partnership and the share of innovation-active companies involved in network cooperation with a foreign partner from the EU countries, the EFTA countries or the candidate countries for accession to the EU given the possibility to predict the level of innovation of domestic companies of light industry depending on the level of their involvement in different types of network innovative cooperation.
Citizen participation and electricity sector governance in Lithuania: current state and future perspectives
Andrius Stasiukynas, Mantas Bileišis
, Vainius Smalskys
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 189-196
Views: 979 Downloads: 188 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe paper presents a study, which describes the current governance model of the electricity sector in Lithuania. Electricity and energy production and distribution is highly regulated worldwide. This is also true in Lithuania, where the electricity sector is highly politically prominent, and policy is highly centralized. There are geopolitical concerns towards Russia, which is an important supplier of electricity, and Lithuania’s grid is highly integrated with that of Russia. In addition, Lithuania is a small country dominated by a small number of large state-owned producers and has no regional administrations. Lithuania rhetorically has adopted increased citizen participation as a strategic policy goal. The study investigates how far the rhetorics are followed up by policy planning, implementation, and development of new governance modes. The authors base the study on interviews with 19 experts and regulation analysis. The study found that regulation process is transparent, but this causes lower public interest and consequently lower citizen participation. Existing stakeholder involvement at the policy level is highly arbitrary and favorable to large electricity producers. As production is set to decentralize, this has the potential to overburden the regulatory system and cause conflict between different producers.
Model of management of the employees’ innovative behavior at the industrial enterprises
Liubov Lipych, Iryna Volynets
, Oksana Khilukha
, Ivanna Matviichuk
, Zhanna Semchuk
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 197-206
Views: 993 Downloads: 275 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEmployee’s innovative behavior is an impulse that initiates a range of organizational processes, owing to which the enterprise forms its competitive advantage. In the article, the determinative factors of influence on the innovative behavior in the context of separate age groups were defined. According to the results of multifactor regression analysis, the determinative types of trust include institutional, horizontal and vertical, stress resistance to innovations, managerial support and innovative work environment. It was proved that the employee’s age does not affect the innovative activity of industrial enterprises. When forming the main components of the management model of innovative behavior, the focus is on personal and professional characteristics of managers, which help to form the innovative type of behavior of the employees; a system for stimulating the real results of such behavior; ways of promotion of new developments via the innovation platforms and creation of the special structural unit with the aim to implement the proposed measures.
The impact of organizational culture on job performance: a study of Saudi Arabian public sector work culture
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 207-218
Views: 3425 Downloads: 1260 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis research aims to assess direct and indirect influences of organizational culture on job performance, as well as to evaluate the impact of each sub-element of organizational culture on such performance. It is argued that employees performance derives, on the one hand, from a long-term perspective related to changes that organizations manage and implement during their process of growth. A second dimension of organizational culture can be given through organizational values, routines and distinctive aspects of culture that allow organizations to create solid competitive advantages. Since most studies in this field were held in Western work cultures, this paper will be devoted to the analysis of this relationship within an Arabic cultural environment and more specifically within a Saudi context. A quantitative study tool, based on a comprehensive research questionnaire, was used and the sample was selected from various government departments being operative in Alkharj. The findings indicate a positive relationship between organizational culture and job performance. Likewise, four organizational culture sub-elements, namely Managing Change, Achieving Goals, Coordinating Teamwork and Cultural Strength, were found affecting positively on job performance, but with varying and distinct intensity. Only Customer Orientation was found negatively associated with job performance.
Economic growth and environmental health: a dual interaction
Liudmyla Katan , Olena Dobrovolska, José Manuel Recio Espejo doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 219-228
Views: 1136 Downloads: 178 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn most countries of the world, realizing the sustainable development concept has caused a lively discussion in the scientific environment regarding the mutual influence of the economic growth and the environmental health. Is the economic growth even possible without environmental damage? The answer is still unknown. Research studies both confirm and refute this interaction. The U-shaped curve (Environmental Kuznets Curve) hypothesis is the most popular in this regard. Scientists from different countries analyze the impact of the economic climate on the environmental health taking the hypothesis into account. At the same time, these studies use gross national income as a base indicator, which reflects only the economic dimension of the research, but does not consider the depletion of natural capital on the path of economic growth. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that have the most significant impact on the adjusted net savings in Ukraine and a number of selected countries, and also take into account the agrarian sector development, which is important in terms of substantiation of the expediency of a significant increase in natural agricultural production in the Ukrainian agrarian sector. The paper presents the results of constructing a model based on World Bank data for the period from 2009 to 2017, for Ukraine and 13 other countries that are neighbors of Ukraine and belong to the lower middle-income group. From the list of indicators provided by the World Bank to characterize the state of the environment in the world, 13 indicators are chosen that most fully characterize the situation in the selected countries. Based on the analysis of the panel data formed, the result is that agricultural land (% of land area), energy use per capita (kg oil equivalent), and agricultural productivity (value added per worker) have the most significant impact on the adjusted net savings. With that, the first two indicators show a positive impact, while the third one has a negative impact, indicating that the increase in productivity in the agrarian sector of the economy results in the environmental deterioration. All this allows us to conclude about the necessity to introduce natural agroproduction technologies in order to improve the environment, especially considering the fact that in Ukraine, the share of the agrarian sector in GDP increases every year.
Corporate diversity and corporate social environmental disclosure of listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria
Ozordi Emmanuel, Uwalomwa Uwuigbe
, Obarakpo Teddy
, Ikumapayi Tolulope
, Gbenedio Akpevwenoghene Eyitomi
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 229-244
Views: 1454 Downloads: 223 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study examined the impact of corporate diversity on corporate social environmental disclosure of registered manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study considered both industrial and consumer goods firms, respectively, consisting a total of 37 firms. A total of 17 firms was selected for this study using purposive random sampling spanning the period 2012–2016. While the content analysis technique was engaged to ascertain the extent of corporate social environmental disclosure, the study adopted the following variables (board size, foreign directors, and gender) as measures for corporate diversity. Findings from the study revealed that board size, foreign directors and gender had a significant positive influence on the extent of corporate social environmental disclosure of the selected firms. On the other hand, the presence of an independent director and non-executive director had an insignificant positive influence on corporate social environmental disclosure. Thus, the study recommends that a large and diverse board with experience, expertise and women involvement would enhance mandatory environmental audit and environmental grievance mechanism report, and if necessary, an ecological committee would be established, and also community leader on the board would contribute enormously to the going concern of the business.
Ensuring the sustainable development of the Ukrainian agrarian sector in conditions of globalization
Tetiana Kolesnyk, Oksana Samborska
, Mykola Talavyria
, Liudmyla Nikolenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 245-258
Views: 1365 Downloads: 194 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe agro-industrial complex of Ukraine with its basic component – agrarian sector is a system-forming element of the national economy. The Ukrainian agrarian sector has a production potential, which far exceeds the needs of the internal market. It is a link that can become the engine of development of the national economy and its effective integration into the world economic space. The purpose of this research is to determine the approaches to ensure sustainable development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine in the context of globalization and integration processes strengthening. The main task is to determine the problems of ensuring the sustainable development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine in the process of its integration into the world economic space. The category of “sustainability of agrarian sector development” has been considered and improved. It has been suggested to include in the classification of “sustainability of the agrarian sector” an element of the description of global integration processes. It has been proved that the sustainability of the agrarian sector development lies in the balanced combination of industrial, economic, social, environmental, intellectual and globalization processes.
Gaining competitive advantage through intellectual capital and knowledge management: an exploration of inhibitors and enablers in Jordanian Universities
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 259-268
Views: 1338 Downloads: 183 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis small-scale study aimed to explore the different factors that help or hinder the achievement of competitive advantage through the possession and development of intellectual capital and the delivery of effective knowledge management in a sample of Jordanian universities. Using a quantitative methodology, underpinned by a pragmatist theoretical approach, an electronic survey was conducted with staff working within three established universities based in Jordan. The concepts of intellectual capital, knowledge management and competitive advantage within an academic setting are first explored before focusing more specifically on investigating how different factors influence these and impact on competitive advantage. Overall, the study identified a range of inhibitors and enablers relating to intellectual capital and knowledge management and identified areas where universities need to develop in order to increase future competitive advantage. The study therefore makes a valuable contribution in adding to the body of evidence within this field.
A case study of global agency innovation rankings: implications on current definitions of innovation
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 269-284
Views: 1737 Downloads: 250 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn this paper, the authors analyze global innovation rankings as provided by Strategy& over the last 7 years. They first explore the raw ranks and report variations in year-over-year (YOY) ranks for top ten ranking companies. The normalized innovation ranks are then used to calculate the Innovation Power (inP) to assess if these companies maintained or improved their ranks over time. An interesting classification of innovations for the top 10 emerges from this analysis. The constant top innovators were Apple and Google. The rising innovators were Tesla, 3M and Facebook. Other classifications are discussed. The authors propose a non-statistical predictive model, which is reminiscent of a kinematic model using a novel concept of Innovation Momentum (inM) and predict that for 2017, Apple and Google will hold their first and second place, followed by Amazon, Samsung and Tesla. Facebook is also expected to rise in its rank. Companies that reach out and serve end-user needs with service innovations appear rising in ranks, far more than R&D intensive patent filing innovators in these ranks. Tesla is an interesting top ranker to watch. There are implications for software focused companies gaining importance given their flexibility over hardware dominant ones. Some bottom innovators are further declining. Although the rankings are perception-based, there is a pattern that implies it is not random or merely subjective. The analysis highlights the need for leaders and consultants to put in perspective the complex management problem of measuring innovation.
Exploring the development of the accounting profession in Kuwait: an institutional work analysis
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 285-301
Views: 1052 Downloads: 214 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPurpose – this paper investigated the development of accounting profession in Kuwait by examining the processes involved in creating, maintaining and disrupting the development of accounting profession in Kuwait.
Design/methodology/approach – this paper adopted a qualitative case study to examine the institutional work associated with the development of accounting profession in the State of Kuwait. The study employed semi-structured interviews and analysis of documents to generate insights into the institutional work involved in the development of accounting profession in Kuwait.
Findings – the studies revealed political, technical and cultural institutional work engaged by various actors, individually and collectively in the creation, maintenance, and disruption of the development of accounting profession in Kuwait. The British imperialists, the Asians, Egyptians, other Arabs, the state actors, professional accountants in foreign accounting firms, and local actors in the Kuwait Accounting and Auditing Association, all engaged in various institutional work in the creation and transformation of the accounting profession in Kuwait.
Practical implications – this paper demonstrates how different types of institutional work influence the development of institutions. Also, it brings to the table how some forms of institutional work could be deployed to counteract others in “creating”, “maintaining”, and “disrupting” the institutions.
Originality/value – the paper adds to extant literature on institutional work, in which it has been realized that “denial” of training could be construed as an institutional work, in which theorization and rhetorical appeals are used to privilege one group of actors over others; and how “political” institutional work seemed to dominate the creation, maintenance and disruption of institutions within a wider social setting in Kuwait. -
Corporate culture interplay issues in global economy
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 302-310
Views: 954 Downloads: 224 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe topic of this paper is the comparative analysis assessment of American and European (Slovak) systems of corporate culture describing the cultural differences within transnational companies. The study is comparing the American system of corporate culture with Slovak corporate culture model. The goal of this paper is to figure out the real model of an American enterprise within its interaction with European (Slovak) enterprise and detect the differences between them. Based on the SWOT analysis coming out of two surveys via questionnaires outputs, the comparative analysis assessment dealing with the successful symbiosis of foreign American company operating within the European (Slovak) enterprise environment will be worked out. The paper reveals the similarities and differences between the Slovak and U.S. corporate culture standards such as conflict avoidance, focus on relationships, self-confidence of comparing cultures, personal responsibility, one’s own initiative and autonomy and so on.
The nexus of social capital, coping ability and employment creation in African immigrant-owned small businesses
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 311-323
Views: 896 Downloads: 142 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯImmigrant entrepreneurship, like other facets of entrepreneurship, contributes towards a country’s productivity, partly through employment creation. However, the specific factors, in the form of social capital, that lend themselves to this employment creation potential, remain largely unknown. It is against this background that this study sought to determine if the variables of language proficiency and networking ability bear an association with the employment creation ability of African immigrant entrepreneurs.
This quantitative study was executed from a positivism philosophical standpoint. Relying on the population of African immigrants in the small business sector in South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique, the non-probability sampling techniques of convenience and snowball sampling were used to identify 2,500 participants. Data were collected in a cross-sectional manner, with self-administered questionnaires and an effective 33% response rate was realized.
Findings reveal a statistically significant relationship between language proficiency and employment creation, while that between networking ability and employment creation was not significant. Nonetheless, most of the studied African immigrant entrepreneurs across the countries agreed that language proficiency and networking ability have helped them cope with the rigors of operating their businesses. These findings signal the need for interventions for building language proficiency and networking ability for African immigrant entrepreneurs. -
The business effects of mega-sporting events on host cities: an empirical view
Christian Tabi Amponsah, Gouher Ahmed
, Manoj Kumar
, Samuel Adams
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 324-336
Views: 1654 Downloads: 524 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study is an empirical view of the important issue of the business effects of the mega-sporting events (MSEs), like the Olympic Games, on which there are favorable and unfavorable views, the design of the study is to go through different views and find out the effects from knowing or knowledgeable persons of the event with the help of a sample of 155 respondents drawn randomly from across the continents in the form of opinions on the positive and negative effects of the MSEs through a questionnaire, containing questions on economic development, infrastructure development, environ¬ment, lifestyles, etc., and their favorable and unfavorable responses were elicited. The data collected have been analyzed in terms of the characteristics of respondents and their negative and positive responses on the Olympic and FIFA. The findings on the whole of study show that the hosting of the MSEs has positive effects on the economy and society of the host cities through the influx of tourists, infrastructure development, and image promotion of the country, among others, notwithstanding the certain drawbacks in terms of environmental disturbances, and some inconveniences to the locals.
Impact of job satisfaction on training motivation
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 337-355
Views: 1896 Downloads: 368 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to introduce new insights regarding factors influencing employees’ level of training motivation through investigating the impact of job satisfaction dimensions (pay, fringe benefits, contingent rewards, promotion, supervision, co-workers, operating conditions, nature of work and communication) on training motivation.
Data were collected from 342 participants from six Jordanian ministries. The multiple regression technique was utilized to examine the predictive power of job satisfaction dimensions on training motivation. At the next stage, three sequential MR analysis rounds were conducted, each time using a different construct of training motivation (valence, instrumentality and expectancy) as a dependent variable.
The results indicate that the dimensions of job satisfaction explain a low but significant variance of the overall training motivation model. Furthermore, it was found that only three dimensions of job satisfaction (nature of work, supervision and co-workers) respectively had a positive and significant impact on training motivation, while contingent rewards had a significant but negative impact.
Regarding training motivation constructs, results indicate that the nature of work and supervision were the elements that have an impact on all constructs of training motivation. Finally, it was found that co-workers and contingent rewards had a significant impact on the training motivation constructs of expectancy (confidence in ability to learn) and valence (the perceived value of training outcomes), but no impact on instrumentality (rewards associated with learning). -
Mediating Effect of continuous improvements on management accounting innovations-information capital maturity level-organizational performance relationships
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 356-365
Views: 1023 Downloads: 167 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPerformance is the primary focus of each company. Management is always expected to achieve excellent performance by stakeholders. Previous studies asserted that management accounting innovations and information capital maturity level are two important factors that support the success of business process performance. Therefore, this study empirically investigates two theoretical paths. Firstly, whether continuous improvements mediate management accounting innovations-organizational performance relationship. Secondly, whether continuous improvements mediate information capital maturity level-organizational performance relationship. Using a sample of 54 managers of the Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), this study finds that continuous improvements fully mediate management accounting innovations-organizational performance relationship. Furthermore, this study also finds that continuous improvements do not mediate information capital maturity level-organizational performance relationship. Overall, this study gives empirical support for contingency theory, especially in providing contingent factors affecting organizational performance, namely management accounting innovations, information capital maturity level, and continuous improvements.
Individualized employee engagement or collaborative employee relations: insights on leadership strategies to manage employees in the UK market
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 366-376
Views: 1272 Downloads: 232 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯLeadership can be defined as the ability of an individual to lead or guide other people, teams or organizations. There have been many theories related to this topic including the characteristics of leaders, their situational communication, purpose, performance, authority, vision and mission, charm and presence of mind. The main types of employee engagement discussed in this study are individualized employee engagement and collaborative employee engagement in the context of the UK. This study mainly seeks to investigate the insights of employees and leaders on different leadership strategies to manage employees in the UK-based MNCs. Descriptive and inferential analysis was performed so as to ascertain the influence of two different leadership strategies – Individualized Employee Engagement (IEE) and Collaborative Employee Relations (CER) – on effective employee management. It was validated from findings in this study that employees and leaders both prefer and believe that individualized employee engagement leads to better and effective employee management.
South Africa University students’ perceptions of key education service quality determinants
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 377-388
Views: 1270 Downloads: 313 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUnderstanding higher education (HE) service quality is critical for success in a highly competitive environment, since through a better understanding of the determinants of HE service quality, HE managers and leaders could better manage HE service quality better. A survey was conducted among a purposive judgmental sample of 400 students, from two HE institution campuses in SA, to identify their perceptions of key service quality determinants (KSQDs), and the importance of the KSQDs, by using a semi-structured questionnaire. It was ascertained that students ranked KSQDs as follows: Responsiveness, Assurance, Reliability, Tangibles, and Empathy (RARTE), and in terms of their importance, the KSQDs were ranked as follows: Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance, Empathy and Tangibles (RRAET). Higher education leadership should take note of the KSQDs and focus their resources on these in order to create an organization that is student-centric.
Assessment of the social expenditure impact on the economic growth in OECD countries
Mykhaylo Malyovanyi, Nataliia Ivanova
, Kateryna Melnyk
, Oleksandr Nepochatenko
, Oleksandr Rolinskyi
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 389-405
Views: 1068 Downloads: 142 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEconomic growth is exposed to many socio-economic factors that impact both the formation and allocation of resources. The theoretical part of this article discusses studies by various authors on the social expenditure impact on economic growth, the dependence of this influence on selected funding principles and social policy models. In the empirical part, using the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) procedure and the Fixed Effect Model, the impact of social expenditure on the economic growth in OECD countries is determined. An increased focus is put on assessing the long-term impact of the main types of social expenditures (public and private), based on different financing principles (distribution and accumulation), on the economic growth rates both in OECD in general and in the context of countries (based on the Esping-Andersen’s typology) grouped according to social policy models. The following conclusions are drawn: 1) an increase in the share of total social expenditures in the country’s GDP negatively affects economic growth; 2) an increase in the share of private social expenditures in the country’s GDP contributes to economic growth; 3) the obtained indicators of impact assessment are different depending on a social policy model chosen. The analysis is based on OECD panel data for the period 1980–2013.
The business process optimization of offer management for investment goods in individual production – the case of a German medium-sized company
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 406-422
Views: 1124 Downloads: 283 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article examines a typical offer management process of a medium-sized tool manufacturing company using a qualitative, explorative research design. The objective is to explore characteristic improvement measures for optimizing the offer process on three levels: process efficiency, process effectiveness and customer orientation. The case study’s basis is a series of interviews conducted with any company employee who is in touch with the offer process. The interviews are analyzed using theoretical methods, such as benchmarking, the 7R method, the Deming cycle and the Ishikawa diagram. The purpose of the analysis is to provide results that are shaped into an action recommendation plan. The results show that creating an online product configurator (customer orientation), updating the calculation program (process efficiency) and creating a consistent offer follow-up system, will provide the highest potential for the process optimization.
Analytical support for forming the strategy of export-import activity development of enterprises in Ukraine
Lyudmyla Malyarets, Mimo Draskovic
, Nadiia Proskurnina
, Oleksandr Dorokhov
, Volodymyr Vovk
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 423-431
Views: 1168 Downloads: 149 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe current economic situation in Ukraine is conditioned by the efficiency of the export-import activity of industrial enterprises. In turn, the effectiveness of the strategy for the development of this activity depends on the scientific substantiation of its analytical support. This confirms the relevance of the topic of the article. The purpose of the article is to present the content of analytical support for forming the strategy of development of export-import activity of the enterprises in Ukraine. The object of the study is the development of analytical support for the formation of this strategy. The main methods of developing this analytical support is the multicriterial optimization method, which uses a genetic algorithm, multidimensional regression analysis, and a taxonomic method for calculating the integral index of development. The article also examines the peculiarities of the implementation of export-import activity of industrial enterprises in modern conditions, analyzes the criteria for its development, provides a system of indicators for the evaluation of this activity and the setting of a multi-criteria optimization task of maximizing the development of export-import activity of the enterprise, the solution of which is recommended with the help of software MatLab. It is recommended that the optimal values obtained are taken as the basis for determining the desired values of the export-import performance indicators.
Riding the waves of culture: an empirical study on acclimatization of expatriates in IT industry
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 432-442
Views: 1089 Downloads: 214 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe forces of globalization and subsequent trade across the borders have necessitated the firms to have their presence across the globe to meet the needs of their customers. The employees or expatriates will be sent on assignment to different countries for a period of time ranging from few weeks, months to years. This sudden exposure to the different environment not only makes these expatriates vulnerable to cultural shocks, but also may significantly affect their job performance. Their failure to acclimatize to the foreign conditions will not only hurt the confidence, career and life of the expatriate, but it will also cost a lot to the company. The present paper aims to understand of the process of expatriate adjustment in the Indian Information Technology (IT) industry by examining demographic variables and few organizational variables of expatriate’s adjustment process. A structured questionnaire was distributed to the expatriate employees working in 50 IT companies in the Silicon city, Bengaluru. The study uses Chi-square test and linear regression for testing the hypotheses and found that there is a significant influence of demographic variables like gender, work experience and length of assignment on acclimatization of expatriates to their host country culture. The findings of the study proved that there is a significant relationship between demographic variables and the cultural acceptance of the expatriates. Hence, it is suggested that multinational companies should create an enabling environment within the organizations to make international assignees compatible and comfortable with different cultural values and inculcate cultural acceptance to make them successful in their international assignments.
Organizational citizenship behavior and team performance: a multiple level study in Indian higher education institutions
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 443-453
Views: 1127 Downloads: 308 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe prime purpose of this paper is to find out the correlated relations in organizational citizenship behavior, team performance, negative emotions, resource depletion and team member receptivity in higher education institutions in India. The study has been taken on 204 samples with 51 teams from colleges and universities of India, which were gathered by using the questionnaire. The findings have been used for better organizational citizenship behavior, how organizations have to maintain their negative emotions, resource depletion, team members receptivity, team performance to obtain efficient and effective organizational citizenship behavior and team performance in selected higher education institutions in India and considering the variables such as negative emotions, resource depletion, team members receptivity, team performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).
Technology transfer management culture (education-based approach)
Vitaliy Omelyanenko, Inna Semenets-Orlova
, Olena Khomeriki
, Lyudmyla Lyasota
, Yuliia Medviedieva
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 454-463
Views: 1485 Downloads: 321 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯResearch deals with the analysis of theoretical aspects of increasing the competence of scientists and experts, whose task is to work with technology as a good promotion of technology on the market with a view to its commercialization or search for technological solutions according to the tasks of the organization and to examine the startup methodology as a tool of improving the technology transfer skills efficiency. The new specifics of technology transfer management within the Education 3.0 paradigm are considered. In the paper, the authors analyze the technology transfer as important source of innovation creation and an integral part of business development. Target result of technologies introduction, implemented within limited period with limited resources as an innovative purpose of technology transfer, which is aimed at the best possible development of organization, is identified. The paper also suggests consider¬ing processes of technology development and technology transfer based on startup methodology.
Reengineering support for competitive advantage through organizational basis, information and communication technology: a literature review
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 464-476
Views: 1435 Downloads: 712 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis research is intended to collect and investigate the previous research that is related to reengineering with Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in manufacturing industry to achieve a “competitive advantage”. The purpose of this study is to provide a general overview of the relationship between BPR variables, competitive advantage variables, organizational commitment variables, organizational change management variables, information and communication technology variables, which are supported by IDEF0 method.
This research overall uses secondary data sources from a research published in a journal and proceeding for the variables of BPR, competitive advantage, organizational commitment, organizational change management, information and communication technology, which is supported by IDEF0 method.
This study is limited to the existing research subject that was in online media and the specific purpose is to review a progress in the BPR, which is mainly based on organization, information technology and engineering. The previous researches concluded that there were influencing variables toward BPR, which is related to competitive advantage. -
Monitoring of process performance by means of financial indicators
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 477-487
Views: 831 Downloads: 120 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe paper deals with problematic nature of measuring of process performance. It includes a designed procedure of process performance monitoring, evaluation of logistic processes quality, and also measuring of the impact of marketing activities on the profitability of process output, i.e. a product, by means of appropriate indicator.
There are several performance indicators that companies use to monitor the performance of their processes and business strategies with respect to their objectives. To monitor these indicators, enterprises rely on dashboards that present one or more indicators along with contextual information to help decision makers identify deviations and their root causes. Associated benefits related to the process performance measurement system can be seen, for example, in better decision-making, flexible human resource management and process management structures. By using rolled steel sheets in a large metallurgical plant as an example, there will be shown how the performance of the rolling process can be improved by monitoring the tangible financial indicator. Subsequently, the experience was from case management companies presented to further incorporate a practical view of implementation and related issues. Finally, the reasons why the organization prefers the observed indicator during implementation of the process performance of measurement system is explored in order to understand the causes and consequences. -
Use of methods of operational cost management in the planning and accounting organization at the enterprises in Ukraine
Yuriy Pogorelov, Ganna Kozachenko
, Ievgen Ovcharenko
, Olena Illiashenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 488-500
Views: 1142 Downloads: 276 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe efficiency of the use of methods of operational cost management at the enterprise depends on the consistency of functional methods. As a matter of actual practice, cost management at Ukrainian enterprises lacks such consistency causing managerial collision due to inconsistency of planning and actual data on the enterprise costs. The objective of the article is to resolve the mentioned managerial collision. There has been presented a criterion of consistency of functional cost management methods (identity of data about planning and actual costs of the enterprise according to the format, structure of the resulting data and period of their receipt). The consistency of functional methods – making it possible to deal with the issue of information communications in the enterprise management – is provided by reducing the methods of cost management at the enterprise, in the form of operationalization of concepts of methods of operational cost management in functional methods. With the objective of ensuring the consistency of functional methods of cost management, the article determines changes in the cost accounting, making it possible to provide the consistency of planning and actual data on the enterprise costs and to analyze them.
Autonomy of the system of higher education in the conditions of integration of Ukraine into the European educational area
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 501-510
Views: 860 Downloads: 134 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the conditions of Ukraine’s integration into the European educational area, it is vital to follow the trend of democratization of the society and obtaining freedoms in various spheres of the Ukraine’s development. Therefore, the concept of university autonomy is one of the key in development of the Ukrainian higher education system, whereas obtaining additional freedoms in management of the higher educational institutions
enhances its competitiveness. The concept of autonomy has a dual nature, thereby impacting the need to determine such a level of autonomy that would ensure high quality of higher education in the frame of the country’s national development. The article analyzes methodological approaches to calculation of autonomy of the higher education system in Ukraine. As a result, the methods of the European University, which include examination of autonomy by four components: organizational, staff, financial and academic, are chosen for the research. The development level method and the cluster analysis are selected as mathematical tools. Following the development level method, an integral indicator for each component of autonomy is obtained. On the basis of calculation, it is determined that Ukraine has a low level of autonomy across all the components. Through the use of the cluster analysis, 5 clusters of autonomy of the higher education system are built, whereupon they obtain their economic interpretation. Analysis of the Ukrainian higher education system’s place in the European educational area shows that the system of the Ukrainian higher education is categorized within the cluster with a low level of autonomy.