Issue #4 (Volume 16 2018)
ReleasedDecember 26, 2018
130 Authors
174 Tables
65 Figures
- adjustment variables
- advertising
- agrarian marketing
- AIDA model
- alternative energy
- alternatives to GDP
- anchor variables
- and performance
- animal husbandry
- Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority
- attributes
- behavior
- behavior and corporate taxpayers compliance
- biofuels
- BSEC countries
- business ethics
- business organizations
- career development
- CEO pension
- cluster
- cognitive instrumental factors
- commercialization
- commitment to code of ethics
- consumption optimization model
- contextualization
- country
- cross-sector partnership
- culture-based controls
- customer satisfaction
- development
- digitalization
- digital management
- digitization stages
- e-commerce
- ecology
- economic development
- economic efficiency of IT projects
- economic growth
- effectiveness
- employment
- energy consumption structure
- energy security
- enterprise
- enterprise architecture
- environment
- environmental accounting
- ethical decision making
- ethical environment
- ethical models
- EU
- Europe
- evaluation
- export potential
- factors of influence
- financial resources constraints
- firm value
- food security
- forecasting
- formal controls
- Gini index
- governance
- government policy
- gravity model
- Greece
- hierarchy
- higher education
- high technologies
- human capital
- human capital management
- Human Resource
- human resource development
- human resources
- impact factors
- incentives
- income inequality
- indirect reputation managemen
- individual determinants
- industries
- industry
- Industry 4_0
- industry transformation
- information requests
- information systems of enterprise management
- innovation
- inside debt
- intellect
- intellectual leadership
- internal controls
- international tourism
- international trade
- Jordan Securities Commission
- Kenya
- knowledge economy
- labor market
- labor productivity
- leadership
- legislations
- life expectancy
- macroeconomic tourism indicators
- macro level data estimation
- management decision
- managers
- managing corporate reputation
- manufacturing
- marketing activity
- marketing activity management
- marketing complex
- marketing strategies
- mathematical model
- maturity models
- measurement criteria
- measures
- methods
- mission
- modeling
- monitoring
- moral development
- moral judgment
- moral maturity
- motivation
- multi-stakeholder approach
- new industrialization
- oil price
- operational management of production
- organizational commitment
- organizational determinants
- organizational development
- organizational preconditions
- patenting
- path tracking
- perceived ease of use
- perceived usefulness
- plan
- planning
- processing industry
- product
- production econometric model
- production scenarios
- public relations
- Qatar
- R&D
- R&D expenditures
- real estate
- regional interests
- regional strategy
- regulatory policy
- religiosity
- reputation
- reputational risks
- resilience
- risks of implementation of IT projects
- scenario analysis
- school
- scientific and technical research
- services
- skill
- small retail businesses
- social awareness
- SPACE analysis
- specification
- stakeholder
- state policy
- state strategy
- strategic potential
- strategy
- structural equation modeling
- subjective norm
- sustainability
- synergistic cooperation
- technological changes
- technological development
- technological process
- technological specialization
- theory of graphs
- tourism development
- training
- Ukraine
- undeclared work
- unemployment
- university
- value added
- value relevance
- welfare
- worker
- working hours reduction
- workplace efficiency
Improvement of operational management of innovative production processes based on the implementation of MES
Viсtor M. Balashov, Aleksandr M. Batkovskiy
, Elena G. Semenova
, Valeriy Ya. Trofimets
, Alena V. Fomina
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 1-12
Views: 1492 Downloads: 214 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTheoretical and practical issues of improving the quality of operational management of production processes through the implementation of MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) are considered. To assess the risk of introduction of systems of this class, a basic set of seven influencing factors is defined. The qualitative approach to risk assessment proposes using two ordinal scales, on the basis of which the matrix for estimating the probability of occurrence of risk factors and the degree of their negative impact is built. The quantitative approach to risk assessment proposes using the formula for calculating the integral risk factor. The choice of the matrix organizational structure of management is justified in the realization of projects for implementation of MES at the enterprises with the innovative nature of production. Typical functional subsystems of MES implemented on the SIMATIC IT platform are identified and analyzed. Original express methods for evaluating the economic efficiency of investment projects for the introduction of MES are proposed. Practical testing of methodology is carried out through the example of evaluating the economic efficiency of the project for implementation of a MES at the enterprise with an innovative nature of production. As the results, relevant for the theory of building MES, the generalized algorithms of their functioning are proposed: the algorithm of operational planning of production processes with the use of a MES and the algorithm of the interaction of model functional modules in MES. The advantages of MES of new generation, i.e. management systems of combined production, are analyzed.
Organization and effectiveness of marketing management of agricultural commodity producers under non-cooperative marketing: the experience of Ukraine
Oksana H. Penkova, Andrii O. Kharenko
, Valentyna A. Lementovska
, Diana M. Sokovnina
, Iryna Kyryliuk
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 13-29
Views: 1646 Downloads: 247 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUnder reducing domestic demand for food in Ukraine and increasing dependence on the world food market, a significant part of quasi-price rent from its sale is assigned by intermediary exporters, thus reducing the welfare of domestic commodity producers and consumers. To mitigate this negative effect, it is necessary to have a carefully designed marketing business strategy. The purpose of this article is to summarize the practice of using the main elements of the marketing complex, analyze the effective management of marketing activities of agricultural producers in Ukraine and determine the main directions for increasing its effectiveness by establishing marketing relations for the product supply. Given the large area of Ukraine and the complexity to obtain monographic data that are not subject to monitoring by the State Statistics Service, the study was conducted using agricultural enterprises of the typical agricultural district, namely Khrystynivka district of Cherkasy region (Ukraine) as an example. It is revealed that the use of marketing tools by agricultural enterprises is limited due to the specifics of commodity products and the managers’ focus on short-term business goals. The analysis of forming and realizing the marketing complex of the district enterprises using the monographic method has shown that enterprises systematically use only elements such as commodity policy and distribution policy, while relying exclusively on retrospective marketing data. Significant increase in the return on marketing costs in the short term can only be achieved if formal or informal associations of commodity producers are formed on a functional-territorial basis. This will create a scale effect and allow each member to reduce transaction costs and get an additional premium. It is proved that while conducting administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine, it is most appropriate to form such associations within the boundaries of the united territorial communities.
Conceptualizing the determinants of ethical decision making in business organizations
Fabian Zhilla, Layal Abou Daher
, Cenk Lacin Arikan
, Moufid El-Khoury
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 30-41
Views: 2613 Downloads: 778 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUnderstanding the role of the determinants of the ethical decision making in business organizations has become increasingly appealing to the field of business ethics. Various ethical decision making models put more emphasis on a narrow set of determinants. In concert with other contextual factors, these determinants appear to drive the ethical decision making in business organizations. However, in the literature there seems to be room for a more holistic set of determinants, which can explain effectively and holistically the diverse ethical rationales underlying the decision making more effectively. In this paper, the authors set out several ethical models and extract the predominant determinants. After portraying the main literature, the authors conclude that the most recent models are based on the first generation of ethical models, which tend to be more theoretical than empirical. They note the lack of empirical research in this area, which can be explained by both the nature and the intricateness of business ethics. They find that empirical analysis, when it exists, tends to focus on specific variables. The authors highlight at the end of the paper the need for integrative ethical models, which tackle not only the “how” but also the “why” of ethical decision making.
Conceptual approaches to the formation of regional food security strategy in the context of sustainable development
Marianna Stehnei, Inna Irtyshcheva
, Yevheniia Boiko
, Lida Rogatina , Ksenya Khaustova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 42-50
Views: 1614 Downloads: 217 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe food safety of the region is a fundamental foundation of the country’s economic security and one of the most important prerequisites for sustainable development. Unfortunately, the problems of ensuring food security of the regions of Ukraine are not only resolved, but also ultimately aggravated, which negatively affects the quality of life of the population and the development of human potential. An important step in solving the problem of physical and economic food availability to all population is developing a regional food safety strategy. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to develop methodological tools for modeling the region’s food security strategy taking into account the peculiarities of its development and existing production and resource potential. The authors explained the concept of “food security strategy”, “food safety potential of the region” and methods for assessing its main components. The author’s model of the food security strategy creation was developed and implemented on the example of the Ukrainian Black Sea region. This model can be used to monitor the situation with food provision, to model the impact on the state of the food supply of individual strategic decisions and to determine the causes of deviations and growth reserves in any region irrespective of its size or administrative status.
The effect of innovation and technological specialization on income inequality
Muhammad Yorga Permana, Donald Crestofel Lantu
, Yulianto Suharto
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 51-63
Views: 2109 Downloads: 310 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUsing a panel of 28 European Union countries for the period 2003–2014, the authors provide empirical evidence for the relationship between innovation, technological specialization, and income inequality. The results of the fixed effect panel regressions show two important findings. Firstly, the positive link was found between innovation, as measured by patenting activities, and income inequality as measured by Gini index and the top 10% income shares of the richest. Secondly, the authors also found the positive correlation between technological specialization, as measured by the Coefficient of Variances (CV) of Revealed Technological Advantage Index, and income inequality. Overall, the study enriches the previous literature suggesting that innovation may increase the gap of income distribution through the mechanism of Skill-Biased Technical Change (SBTC) and the Schumpeterian view of entrepreneurial rent. More importantly, this study is the first which found that not only the level of innovation does matter to the income distribution, but also how the innovation activities are specialized or diversified. Concentrating the activities into few narrow sectors (i.e., increase technological specialization) may also lead to the increase of income inequality.
Strategic management optimization of the regional agricultural sector by means of modern forecast modeling instruments
Liudmyla Tranchenko , Nataliya Petrenko, Liliia Kustrich
, Nataliya Parubok , Oleksandr Tranchenko doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 64-74
Views: 1191 Downloads: 145 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUnder the conditions of Ukraine’s integration into the world economic space, the agricultural sector is one of the priority and strategically important sectors of the national economy. The research objective is to substantiate the theoretical, methodological and methodical principles of strategic management of economic development of the regional agricultural sector and to solve actual problems in order to optimize strategic management based on cognitive scenarios of supply and demand balancing in the agrarian market, probabilistic modeling, which allows the regions to identify the “growth points”, to optimize the sectoral structures of the economy, to improve the quality and efficiency of the developed and implemented scenarios and the strategies of the agroindustrial production development in the region.
As a result of the research, a scenario-probabilistic model of economic development of the regional agrarian sector was proposed, which allows to identify the priority directions for the long-term perspective, to adjust the direction of development if necessary, to explore different scenarios of the development of events on the priorities change at the macro level in the conditions of uncertainty and risks.
Thus, the practical value of the research enables to predict the strategic development of the agricultural sector of the region and its individual areas by using a systematic approach and compositions of methodological approaches to analysis and forecasting, considering it as a complex and structured system.
Working hours reduction, financial constraints, and employment: evidence from Korean firms
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 75-82
Views: 1875 Downloads: 190 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study analyzes the effect of reducing working time to a 40-hour week standard on employment, using the data of 1,961 publicly traded firms in Korea. The objective of the study is to empirically estimate the economy-wide effect of this working hours reduction on employment in Korea. This paper also attempts to uncover the effect of financial constraints, defined as the degree of accessibility to finance, on employment stability or sustainability. Some economic theories suggest that financial constraints have mixed or conflicting effects on employment. Building on labor and finance literature such as Garmaise (2007), easing financial constraints helps firms to optimally substitute capital for labor, thereby decreasing employment. Likewise, financially constrained firms are limited by the availability of internal funds, and a decrease in the external financing cost will increase firm-level human resource investment, such as employment. Using a longitudinal data on publicly listed companies in Korea, the author examines variations in the timing of implementing the working hours reduction in terms of establishment size to see if the effect of working hours reduction on employment differs with the degree of financial constraints of firms. This paper finds that the economy-wide effect on employment of work-hours reduction is positive, approximately 3.5% increase in employment. The results, however, show that there is no effect of the working hours reduction on employment in less financially constrained firms or larger corporations, whereas a substantial positive effect on employment is in smaller firms or financially constrained firms, supporting the Garmaise’s prediction.
Assessment of the potential for a biofuels industry in Ukraine
Carl Zulauf , Olena Prutska, Eleonora Kirieieva
, Natalia Pryshliak
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 83-90
Views: 1670 Downloads: 132 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUkraine is the only major agricultural country whose production of biofuels has declined since 2010. Nevertheless, it has set a target of 11.5 percent of primary energy supply from biomass, biofuels and waste by 2035. Agricultural land needed to produce biofuels feedstock is calculated for two scenarios based on its current 11.5 percent target and previous 5.0 percent target specified as a share of transport energy consumption. The export orientation of Ukraine’s crop sector and resulting foreign currency earnings pose trade-offs if crops are diverted from exports to biofuel feedstocks. Given these trade-offs, policy options for developing a biofuels industry while satisfying Ukraine’s export and domestic markets are to (1) bring land not currently cultivated into production and (2) increase yield. Both options are found to have substantial potential.
Bilateral trade and tourism relations between the EU and BSEC countries
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 91-101
Views: 1696 Downloads: 152 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe European Union and the Black Sea Economics Cooperation countries are geographical neighbors and important trade partners. Greece, Bulgaria and Romania have a cross-membership in both organizations. The paper analyzes trends and structure of trade relations of the EU and BSEC countries. The EU trade with the 12 BSEC countries is about 640 billion dollars. The BSEC countries with the EU membership or a custom union with the EU have more intra-industry trade with the EU than other BSEC countries. International tourism is an important component of the trade in services between the regions. Following the review of the factors of international tourism demand, a gravity model for tourism arrivals is presented. The model considers demand in the country of origin, international tourism capacities in destination countries and distance. The analysis helps to determine under-traded and competitive destinations in the BSEC countries for the EU travelers. Greece is the most efficient in attracting the EU tourists. Finally, country-specific differences in demand factors are considered.
Assessment of an enterprise’s energy security based on multi-criteria tasks modeling
Mykhaylo Voynarenko, Mariia Dykha
, Oksana Mykoliuk
, Ludmyla Yemchuk , Anastasiia Danilkova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 102-116
Views: 925 Downloads: 106 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯToday Ukrainian business entities operate in conditions of macroeconomic instability, environmental disturbance, energy dependence on risk of instable and interrupted supply and high cost of energy resources, excessive energy consumption and inefficient use of fuel and energy resources, which requires immediate actions as for finding solutions to ensure energy security. The goal of the article is to solve multi-criteria tasks focused on making managerial decisions regarding the development of enterprise energy security system based on evaluation of influence of numerous factors. As a result of this study, main components of energy security of the enterprise and most important influence factors are determined. The mathematical model of the hierarchy of factors in terms of their influence on the energy security of the enterprise with the use of graph theory is developed. Use of iterative procedure to determine the levels of hierarchy of factors allowed to assess the importance/priority of their influence on energy security of the enterprise. Thus, the developed model of hierarchy of factors based on the applied scientific and methodical approach to determine their influence on energy security of the enterprise provides the opportunity to get a detailed idea of factors interaction, interconnections and influence on energy security of the enterprise, which ultimately leads to elaboration of complex optimal/agreed managerial decisions in context of development and implementation of energy security system of the enterprise.
The role of human resource planning in producing well-resourced employees to public
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 117-125
Views: 1501 Downloads: 184 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe term Human Resource Planning (HRP) can be used to achieve organizational objectives by understanding and planning for employees’ needs in the short, medium and long term in order to deliver desired results. Little research that has been conducted on HRP and most are from the private sector and none to be found in the public sector. This study was conducted in the public institution in South Africa. The literature consulted provides an overview that HRP solves current and future organizational problems by ensuring that the right people are in the right place at the right time. This is achieved by analyzing the current profile of the workforce and comparing it with future needs so that gaps, which need to be filled, can be identified. The paper intended to investigate the extent to which employees are well-resourced to perform their duties in centres of the municipality to the community. The investigation used mixed methods in its data collection. 45 participants participated in responding the self-administered questionnaire and seven participated in one-on-one interviews. The study found that half of employees who are working for the centres of the municipality includes supervisors who lack educational attainments, as they hold only grade 12 and no development was initiated. The study recommended the whole the municipality to establish and implement a promotion policy. All necessary equipment and tools provided were insufficient, as required by the Act, to provide all services to the public.
Classification and prioritization of stakeholders’ information requests according to Sustainable Development Goals: case of cross-sector partnership in Ukrainian food production industry
Victor Sukhonos, Inna Makarenko
, Yulia Serpeninova
, Gunay Qasimova doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 126-140
Views: 1357 Downloads: 250 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTracking progress in Sustainable Development Goals (especially Goal 2, Goal 17) substantiates the classification of stakeholders information requests in different sectors of the economy, as well as development of algorithms for selecting the most priority and relevant requests in the context of stakeholder cross-sector partnership. Capital concept and multi-stakeholder approach were recognized as the most appropriate for solving these tasks. This research of existing categories and groups of stakeholders in the real (food production) sector describes the proposed methodology for classifying their information requests and algorithm for their prioritization in relation to a certain type of capital, sustainability dimensions and material topics for stakeholders, SDG, targets, Global Reporting Initiative indicators. The developed methodology is universal both from the point of view of the investigated sectors, the number of alternative stakeholders requests, and the number of experts, as well as from the considerable world experience in prioritizing these requests.
Digital maturity variables and their impact on the enterprise architecture layers
Karlheinz Schwer, Christian Hitz
, Robin Wyss , Dominik Wirz , Clemente Minonne
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 141-154
Views: 1986 Downloads: 809 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study examines the variables of digital maturity of companies. The framework for enterprise architectures Archimate 3.0 is used to compare the variables. The vari¬ables are assigned to the six layers of architecture: Strategy, Business Environment, Applications, Technology, Physical and Implementation and Migration. On the basis of a literature overview, 15 “digital maturity models” with a total of 147 variables are analyzed. The databases Scopus, EBSCO – Business Source Premier and ProQuest are used for this purpose.
The results of the work will help researchers and managers to identify which digitiza¬tion variables affect the different layers of the company. This enables researchers or managers to use the right model for a specific purpose or to create a new model from a combination of existing models for the entire company or just one architectural layer.
On the basis of a more precise assessment of the digital maturity of a company, better actions can be derived. This work is important for companies, as the digitization of enterprises and markets changed similarly to the invention of the steam engine did. Websites, sensors, mobile devices, apps, etc. are combined into new digital products and services. The competitors in the market have to adapt. If this is not done, they will increasingly disappear.
Finally, the authors suggests a conclusion about the current situation regarding the measurement of digital maturity in companies and show in which areas further studies could be carried out. -
Social and economic drivers of national economic development: the case of OPEC countries
Mlaabdal Saady Mahmood Abaas , Olena Chygryn, Oleksandr Kubatko
, Tetyana Pimonenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 155-168
Views: 2462 Downloads: 236 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper examines the economic relationships between oil price volatility and socially-economic development of 14 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) using the annual panel data for the period 1990–2014 obtained from the World Bank (WB) statistical data sets. Hausman specification test has been performed to choose the method of panel data analysis, and the results were in favor of fixed effects estimation. The main findings indicate the direct relationship between economic growth and oil price volatility. The research supports the hypothesis that an increase in crude oil prices is positively related to GDP, and a 10% increase in oil prices correlates with 0.6-4% GDP improvements. Structural changes in employment in favor of service sector are negatively correlated with GDP per capita. Changes in GDP structure in favor of oil rents on 10% lead to the shrinking of GDP on 1%. Life expectancy at birth, as an indirect indicator of health, positively influences the economic growth indicators and an improvement in life expectancy on one percentage leads on average to 1% growth in GDP and 0.5-1.33% growth in GDP per capita. Energy efficiency improvements are positive drivers of GDP values at OPEC, and our findings suggest that a 10% increase at GDP per unit of energy use leads to 3% increase of GDP itself. The study recommends investing in energy efficiency, human capital, and capital formation to guarantee long-run economic development and prosperity of OPEC counties.
Environmental accounting as perspective for hotels of Aqaba special economic zone authority (ASEZA)
Mousa Mohammad Abdullah Saleh, Omar A. A. Jawabreh
, Mohammad Nayef Alsarayreh
, Eman Malkawi
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 169-185
Views: 1160 Downloads: 240 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims at pointing out and explaining the major factors that can help in implementing environmental accounting in the hotels of Aqaba Special Economic Zone, the study population is going to be the classified and rated hotels of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, which is 33 hotels in total. This study will basically focus on two tools for gathering the data and information required for achieving the objectives of the study, the financial reports published by the investment department of Aqaba and the questionnaire. The study shows that the hotels in Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority face difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of environmental accounting because of factors related to legislation, level of awareness about environmental accounting, factors related to the hotels and the qualification of human resource.
GDP modelling: assessment of methodologies and peculiarities of its usage in Ukraine
Serhii Kvasha, Nadiia Davydenko
, Yurii Pasichnyk
, Tetiana Viatkina
, Natalia Wasilewska
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 186-200
Views: 1082 Downloads: 541 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯGDP is one of the main indicators determining the level of economic growth in countries and regions across the globe, therefore, its calculation should be based on the advanced methodology. In the present context, the existing methods of the GDP calculation do not fully meet the fineness criterion subject to certain objective and subjective reasons. Hence, the development of more perfect methodology that takes into account the disadvantages of the existing techniques and is based on economic and mathematical modeling is an urgent national task for Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to assess the GDP calculation methodology used in Ukraine. To achieve this purpose, the relevant methods of GDP calculation, which are valid in Ukraine, have been analyzed, their specifics, certain drawbacks, problems of use and application scenarios have been also revealed. According to the analysis results, an advanced methodology based on an economic and mathematical model with the use of dynamic programming is proposed. The developed methodology for calculating the GDP takes into account the peculiarities of social development in Ukraine and the tendencies of world economic processes and contributes to obtaining more reliable GDP values. It will be useful for experts in financial institutions, including international ones, and scholars working in the macroeconomic modeling area.
Transformation stages of the Russian industrial complex in the context of economy digitization
Victoria Akberdina, Anna Kalinina
, Andrey Vlasov
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 201-211
Views: 1003 Downloads: 171 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe present article presents an approach to evaluating the transformation of the industrial complex in the context of deep penetration of digital technologies into the material sector of the economy. The authors propose a theoretical research platform based on the theory of a new industrial society, substantiate a methodology, which comprises reproduction, institutional and synergetic approaches. The study showed that the transformation of the industrial complex, caused by any factors and implemented in any conditions, is always a discrete process of qualitative changes, resulting in significant structural changes and institutional transformations. The authors proposed a methodology to define the stages of industrial complex transformation in a digital economy. The authors’ model of the digitization process consists of five stages – primary information and communication digitization; electronic data exchange with external partners; use of specialized software; electronic data exchange with external partners. Within this framework, an empirical analysis was carried out to determine the digitization level of the industrial complex of Russia that implies a sufficiently high degree of primary computerization, the involvement of the industrial enterprises in the “digital” communication with counterparties and the dynamic software development. The study shows that the process of digital transformation of the Russian industry is still in its formative stages.
Assessment of intellectual leadership under global competition
Iryna Kalenyuk, Liudmyla Tsymbal
, Antonina Djakona
, Evelina Panchenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 212-223
Views: 863 Downloads: 217 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe formation of knowledge economy issues of leadership is being actualized in today’s global environment under the influence of globalization. An important aspect is the provision of subjects of various levels of intellectual leadership, which means achieving a high position in the competition due to high quality and intensity of the implementation of intellectual resources. The purpose is to justify methodological approaches to the assessment of intellectual leadership and to analyze its manifestation at the level of intellectual resources. The object is the processes of competition and achievement of intellectual leadership of countries in the global environment. The methodical approaches to the evaluation of intellectual leadership of different subjects at three levels (resources, results, outcomes) are offered. The intellectual leadership of countries at the level of resources is empirically analyzed by using the methods of comparative, system-structured, quantitative and qualitative analysis.
By the level of intellectual leadership of the first order (accumulated intellectual resources), 32 countries have been identified as leaders, including highly developed countries and emerging active players. The unconditional leaders are the United States and China, whose relative figures are lower due to the large GDP and the population. Norway and Sweden have the highest presence in all TOP lists (6 indicators), in the second place – Finland and Switzerland (5 indicators), Australia, Brazil, New Zealand at all share the third position (4 indicators). Developed countries are predominantly leaders in terms of the formation of intellectual leadership. Outsider countries get on the list of leaders by individual indicators.
Impact of CEO pensions on value relevance of R&D expenditures
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 224-234
Views: 878 Downloads: 131 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSince CEO pension is unsecured and unfunded liabilities of the firm, it induces CEOs to have long-term incentives towards minimizing their firms’ default risk. Motivated by the unique characteristics of CEO pension, this study investigates the impact of CEO pension on the value relevance of R&D expenditures. Using Tobin’s Q ratio to measure firm value, the empirical results show that CEO pension intensifies the relation between R&D expenditures and Tobin’s Q ratio. The results remain robust in two-stage least square and propensity score matching regression analysis to address the endogeneity issues in the relation between CEO pension and the value relevance of R&D expenditures. In addition, the regression results with ROA and F-score as the alternative dependent variables also confirm that CEO pension intensifies the relation between R&D expenditures and firm value.
Typology of welfare states: quality criteria for governance and ecology
Victor Koziuk, Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi
, Yurij Hayda
, Oksana Shymanska doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 235-245
Views: 1033 Downloads: 216 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the 21st century, in addition to the generally well-known indicators of material well-being, in the modern paradigm of the welfare state, the quality of the ecological environment is gaining an ever-increasing role. Besides that, the modern definition of welfare state takes into account not only environmental dimension, but also the quality of institutions through the governance system that affects the supply of environmental goods. The study provides the classification of countries according to indicators that can ensure the identification of welfare states and the assessment of the classification role of the criteria for environmental state.
The strong direct correlation between environmental state and government efficiency has been established. The results of the classification of the studied countries obtained by k-means clustering methods indicate the possibility of using the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), Government Effectiveness Index (GEI) and government expenditures indicators as complementary attributes to the classical criteria for the welfare state.
The level of country EPI can be regarded as an important complementary criterion for the welfare state. The country environmental state is much more determined by the government efficiency, the quality of state institutions and their activities, rather than by an extensive increase in the funding of such institutions and environmental measures. -
Market dynamics and future prospects of the automobile industry in Saudi Arabia
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 246-258
Views: 1850 Downloads: 1431 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAs the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia focuses on Vision 2030, there is an immediate need to establish some big manufacturing industries to create jobs and to generate revenue from non-oil sectors. Automobile is one such sector where demand is very high in the Kingdom. Local manufacturing can create a lot of jobs and revenue. This study tries to analyze the scope of automobile sector in the Kingdom. The objective here is to identify the functional value of cars, which can be useful for potential automobile manufacturers. A sample of population is asked about their satisfaction from cars based on five broad factors, namely safety, comfort, aesthetic, instrumentation and engine, through a recent primary survey conducted in 2018. Using structural equation modeling, the study finds that consumers in the Kingdom give maximum importance to the engine of the car. This finding would be helpful for designing the features of a local brand as per the preferences of the local market. Market dynamics indicates a strong consumer base. Future prospects are also promising, as there is strong domestic demand. This can be tapped if production is localized, leading to a development of an entire new manufacturing sector. Finally, the study discusses some feasible options for automobile manufacturing in the Kingdom.
Regional tourism infrastructure development in the state strategies
Mariana Petrova, Nadiya Dekhtyar
, Oleksii Klok
, Olha Loseva
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 259-274
Views: 1696 Downloads: 265 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPurposeful and reasonable state vision of the long-term tourism development strategy determines the success of a country in the world market of tourist services. Many countries have officially approved program documents that clearly outline the main goals and objectives of the state policy in the sphere of tourism, highlighting the resource potential, recreational infrastructure and preferred consumer markets, but there may be no idea of respecting the interests of domestic consumers. The maintenance of local tourism infrastructure is becoming an increasingly important prerequisite for the country’s competitiveness, as mass tourism is now replaced by individual travels. The article is aimed at studying the dependencies between the main macroeconomic indicators of the tourism industry, assessing the efficiency of foreign trade. The correlation-regression and cluster analysis has been used in order to confirm or refute the hypothesis if the effectiveness of the state support of the national tourism industry is dependent on the stable functioning of the domestic tourism market, e.g. stimulation of travels by residents. Based on the main macroeconomic indicators of the tourism industry for 136 countries of the world and overview of some national tourism development program, the analysis output has rejected the direct correlation between the support of the domestic market and export potential of the national tourism industry, but has proved the significance of the inner consumer power during the periods of downturns in the global economy for strengthening the country’s export potential.
Approaches to measuring resilience and their applicability to small retail business resilience
Simbarashe Kativhu, Marizvikuru Mwale
, Joseph Francis doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 275-284
Views: 1762 Downloads: 1289 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe resilience concept has attracted interest across many fields in the recent years. The interdisciplinary nature of the concept has led to the existence of numerous definitions, interpretations and measurement approaches. For this reason, there is no acceptable universal understanding of resilience across disciplines. Even though the concept is conceptualized differently in the small retail business field, scholars seem to commonly relate resilience to the ability of business to adapt to disruptions that threaten existence. However, resilience measuring has been a highly contested aspect in the sector. As such, neither key resilience attributes nor universally applicable criteria for resilience measuring exist in the small retail sector. At the same time, small retail businesses are increasingly exposed to direct and indirect threats that jeopardize their resilience prowess. Therefore, it is vital to develop approaches for assessing resilience levels and monitor changes over time. This paper critically examines current approaches to developing resilience measurement tools. Thereafter, it proposes the most applicable approach for developing performance measures of resilience for use in the small retail business sector. A review of key frameworks for resilience measuring within climate, community, livelihoods, organizational and business sectors was conducted. Frameworks and approaches for resilience measuring that has been in use in the past decade and half were selected. The main focus was on exploring methodological aspects, resilience attributes and variations in the interpretation of the resilience concept within different frameworks. It was revealed that the generic application of frameworks for resilience measuring in the small retail business sector is not appropriate. Thus, there is a need for developing contextualized frameworks to guide resilience measurement in the small retail sector.
Influence of advertisement on customers based on AIDA model
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 285-298
Views: 4749 Downloads: 3831 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe paper is based on information which is a combination of store advertisement and consumers’ path inside the store along with product information. With this information, the authors find how advertisement affects the behavior of consumers when making the decision. The findings suggest that advertisement has a small impact on customers inside the stores. Null effect is determined, and one standard deviation in advertising has an impact on store traffic by 1.2%. But the impact at a lower end of the model is observed. One standard deviation in advertisement has impacted the store sales by 8.4%. Based on further data mining, the research has found that there is no significant improvement in the number of customers, but the increase in sales is because of the higher quantity of purchases by the existing consumers. However, the effect of advertisement on products placed in the same or nearby shelf is not found, the impact on product varieties in the same segment is also not found. Based on these research findings, the authors find the right approach towards advertisement.
The research is limited to consumers of retail industry in a Tier 3 Indian city of a developing geographic segment only.
The role of corporate culture and ethical environment in directing individuals’ behavior
Tarek R. Y. Abu Arrah, Dilber Caglar
, Pelin Bayram
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 299-313
Views: 2503 Downloads: 1546 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study is aimed at verifying the conception that a strong corporate culture supported with a positive ethical environment is central for directing and guiding the behavior of individuals toward achieving organizational objectives. The rationale for this study stems from the circumstance that formal controls systems suffer from consecutive failures, as the performance of organizations is still suffering from financial collapses. Reasons behind such failures might be related to the insufficient appreciation of the culture-based controls given that formal controls are influenced by the human nature of employees and the affixed moral side.
Data subject to analysis are obtained from a judgmental sampling method using a self-completion questionnaire covering the listed companies at Jordan Securities Commission. A factor analysis and a standard multiple regression analysis have been conducted with the aim of proving the hypotheses of the research. The research results show that strong corporate culture supported with a positive ethical environment can direct the behavior of employees for the good of organizations. Results also support the importance of involvement of top management considering its role in filling the gap between the embraced and the workable values and beliefs of an entity. -
Stakeholder engagement to replace traditional activities in Reputation Management System: insights from Ukrainian food processing companies
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 314-330
Views: 1209 Downloads: 170 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEngaging stakeholders in reputation management processes in the digital economy, including through the use of their activity on the Internet and social networks, is a way to reduce the irrational reputation-support activity of the company’s management and staff. Given the empirical research data (sociological survey) on the Ukrainian food processing companies, the article analyzes stakeholder engagement to replace traditional activities of the company’s management and personnel in the reputation management system. As a result, the author’s hypothesis was proved that the natural development (increasing the maturity level) of the Reputation Management System (RMS) takes place towards a gradual transfer of reputation management functions from managers to enterprise stakeholders, that is, the traditional reputation activity of the company’s management and personnel is being replaced by stakeholder engagement. It is also proved that the level of development of the reputation management organizational system (organizational preconditions) should be high, but aimed not so much at ensuring the activity of the enterprise management and personnel to maintain its reputation, but rather at the involving stakeholders’ delegated to manage the company reputation.
It was found that the prioritizing stakeholder engagement over traditional reputation management activities at the Ukrainian food processing companies is in its infancy. The target state of the reputation management system, where stakeholder engagement is a priority over management activities, was found only in two enterprises out of 18 studied; in 11 of them, these two parameters are balanced, and in remaining five, traditional activity outwalks engagement. The results of the study of the organizational prerequisites for reputation management among enterprises preferring stakeholder engagement show that they have the following seven elements: 1) internal experts in filling and supporting the corporate website and the enterprise pages and brands on social networks; 2) corporate media editorial/text writers among enterprise staff members; 3) a specialized PR unit (reputation management department); 4) the reputa¬tion management business process is regulated; 5) the functional responsibilities of the reputation management participants are integrated with the job descriptions of the relevant employees; 6) a documented formalized PR strategy and operational plans for PR work in various time horizons; 7) a documented formalized plan of anti-crisis PR activities. The above elements make it possible to provide recommendations on the reputation management planning for enterprises seeking to take stakeholder engagement advantages in reputation management. -
Diversification of R&D results commercialization
Sayabek Ziyadin, Aizhan Omarova
, Raigul Doszhan
, Gulnara Saparova
, Gulim Zharaskyzy doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 331-343
Views: 1211 Downloads: 236 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDue to the rapid growth of the market of scientific and technical products and the high level of competition, market appropriate solution becomes finding ways to commercialization of research products. The article substantiates the need for accelerated modernization of the Kazakh economy based on increasing the effectiveness of scientific research and introduction into industrial production of research results while diversifying the ways of commercializing R&D results. In this article, the authors analyze the current state of Kazakh science. As a result of the research, a new mechanism for multi-criteria selection of promising R&D results of scientific organizations has been proposed and a system of organizational and economic support for their commercialization has been substantiated. The results will be useful in the practical activities of both scientific and industrial organizations.
Models on providing food security: case of Ukraine
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 344-352
Views: 1252 Downloads: 152 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯProviding food security is a top issue of agricultural economics in a global scale. Although Ukraine helps other countries become more food secure through its exports of wheat, corn, barley, and sunflower, low per capita income levels create challenges for Ukrainians to keep their diet nutrition balance in animal food basket. The research objective supposed applying mathematical apparatus to support solving this problem. The offered consumption optimization model has been developed to ensure inelastic customers’ food preferences by animal products subject to income and calories constraints. The proposed econometric models have been designed to project broiler, pork, eggs, milk, and beef productions. Complex implementation of the set mathematical models maintained the tool to analyze scenarios by expected export/import and demands for grain and oilseed crops used for feed in animal husbandry. The results of this research provide state authorities, livestock and poultry producers, Ukrainian consumers and other interested parties with management guidance focused on developing animal husbandry in the presence of income, as well as animal product price variability.
An evaluation of a public relations program in promoting synergistic cooperation between schools and industries
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 353-364
Views: 1171 Downloads: 165 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis evaluation study responds to the need for public relations (PR) as a management function in building and maintaining reciprocal relationships between schools and industries that are increasing dramatically. The rapid development of public relations in Indonesia is influenced by socio-cultural changes in Indonesian society, which cannot be separated from the high intensity of national development. This evaluation research aims to compare the actual implementation of a PR program to its intended objectives in promoting cooperation between schools and industries. This study used the Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) with four systematic stages: (1) definition, (2) installation, (3) process, and (4) product. The finding shows that there is no discrepancy between the program’s actual implementation and its predetermined objectives. The program implementation has met the criteria of success in achieving proposed goals (good category) and the program operates as it was planned. The program aimed to foster successful collaboration between schools and industries. The scope of the partnership includes information sharing for the purposes of curriculum development, student apprenticeship and competency tests.
Strategic planning in universities: a case of Ukraine
Tetiana Ponomarenko, Oleksii Tohochynskyi
, Tetiana Kaminska
, Larisa Kadol
, Igor Okhrimenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 365-374
Views: 996 Downloads: 280 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe effective management core principles include the obligatory approval of the orga¬nization’s mission and its strategic plan availability. This also applies to specific organizations such as universities. The purpose of the article is to test the hypothesis that to date, most Ukrainian universities do not care about the presence of such attributes of effective performance (at least, they do not publish them on their sites). The site analysis was carried out in the top 50 out of 289 universities in Ukraine. It turned out that 29 out of these 50 have no mission (do not publish it on the site), and eight universities do not have a strategy. It is established that the most common mistakes in the strategy development are the lack of quantitative indicators, giving a special attention to the coverage of the results achieved; inclusion in the text of the document the thematic sections, which do not concern the prospects of university development, etc.
Women’s professional activity as an element of human capital management in the aspect of non-formal employment
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 375-383
Views: 977 Downloads: 122 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe aim of the article is an attempt to assess the impact of women’s occupational activity on the tendency to take up informal employment as an element of human capital management. The paper attempts to assess the relationship between the unemployment rate and the employment rate and the share of informal work in GDP. Methodology: The implementation of the objective required the use of statistical methods, in particular, linear regression methods. Results: The publication describes the nature of informal employment, the level of professional activity of women in the selected European Union countries in 2017. Based on statistical data, an attempt was made to assess the impact of professional activity among women on non-formal work based on the linear regression method.
New workplace forecasting in the industrial sector of the Ukrainian economy
Svitlana Kozhemiakina, Andrii Cherkasov
, Nadiia Reznik
, Borys Yazlyuk
, Olena Zhuravka
, Sergij Mazurov
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 384-394
Views: 1147 Downloads: 137 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCreating new workplaces and modernizing the existing ones to provide appropriate and highly-efficient employment of able-bodied citizens is one of the most acute economic and social issues at the current stage of development in Ukraine.
The article deals with the problems of creating new workplaces in the Ukrainian industrial sector, considers the main tendencies and suggests approaches to partially solve problems coming from the development of the workplace creation factors in order to increase workplace efficiency and its technological capacity.
The model of the number of new workplaces dependence on the impact factors system (labor, capital, research and technology developments, management quality) was developed using 19 one-factor and multi-factor equations, among which six most relevant were selected for industry as a whole and five for the processing industry.
The calculations, according to the proposed model, have shown a tendency of increasing the number of new workplaces both in industry in general and in the processing industry in particular. However, there are decreasing tendencies of the growth rate. This can be explained by the fact of the labor productivity increasing, as well as decreasing tendency in the need for new workplaces in order to restore the pre-crisis rate of production. -
Determinants of tax compliance: theory of planned behavior and stakeholder theory perspective
Andi Nurwanah, Sutrisno T. , Rosidi Rosidi , Roekhudin Roekhudin doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 395-407
Views: 2252 Downloads: 2084 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of this research is to analyze and elaborate determinants of tax compliance in the perspective of the theory of planned behavior and stakeholder theory. This research is conducted on a population consisting of corporate taxpayers registered at the Directorate General of Taxes in the region of South Sulawesi. This research uses proportional random sampling to determine the samples. There are 560 respondents out of 1,000 exemplars of distributed questionnaires who are willing to participate. The analysis is conducted by using Partial Least Square (PLS). The result reveals that the behavior of the taxpayers has a positive and significant effect on the intention to tax compliance. The establishment of tax professional behavior to comply can encourage positive behavior of taxpayers, thus, the welfare of the society can be achieved. Subjective norm has a positive and significant effect on the intention to tax compliance. This research focuses on corporate taxpayers; hence, the researchers add social awareness based on stakeholder theory. This research depicts corporate taxpayers as entity that mingles with the society. Therefore, social awareness and cultural adaptation with the social environment through tax payment is a must.
Human resource development in Arab writing
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 408-416
Views: 910 Downloads: 130 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study is a systematic review of the existing Arab literature on human resource development (HRD). A review of Arab HRD’s theoretical and empirical articles during the period 1964–2016 in peer-reviewed journals was conducted. Content analysis was utilized to examine how HRD is conceptualized, what purposes are attached to HRD and what activities HRD encompasses in Arab literature.
It was found that the basic construct of HRD is employee development, targeted toward “individuals” and encompassing training, education and learning. Arab HRD has a strong performance orientation, and tends to emphasize utilitarian outlooks, as the role of HRD is perceived to be “instrumental” and “outcome focused”. HRD in Arab literature falls under the traditional functionalist school within the managerialist perspective and is essentially based on the principles of human capital theory. The issues of social justice, power, diversity and equity are rare in Arab HRD literature. Although the Arab view of HRD has been influenced by the American school, it is still in an early stage of growth, lacks a clear disposition and is still confined within the stance of traditional training. -
Macro level analysis of factors contributing to value added: technological changes in European countries
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 417-428
Views: 910 Downloads: 117 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn conditions of globalization and rapidly growing production fragmentation, generation of value added becomes an ultimate goal and a measure of economic performance. The study provides an analysis of factors contributing to value added at macro level in different European countries. The analysis includes a panel framework covering 27 European countries over the period 2006–2015. In order to investigate the differences across regions, three subsamples are considered, namely, developed economies, PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) and Central-Eastern European Countries (CEEC). Pooled OLS, fixed effects and random effects models are used. The results indicate that increase of value added corresponds to budget discipline, quality of human capital improvement, strong currency and transparent institutions. It could be expected that currency depreciation improves performance of the value added of exported final goods. However, the results show the opposite evidence: currency depreciation causes the value added decrease in all groups. Thus, for transitional countries, it is im¬portant not only to join global production chains, but also to acquire a significant share in generation of value added in these chains based on technological changes.
The analysis of influence of motivation and organizational commitment on employees’ performance in Telkom Kandatel Gorontalo Province
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 429-443
Views: 1410 Downloads: 223 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEvery organization is required to be in a conducive condition in order to produce optimal performance to serve the community. The successfulness of an organization in many activities was based on technological advantages, fund avalaibility, facilities and human capital. It demanded that every organization of the company must improve its competence in terms of human resources. This research was explanatory research with a quantitative approach that aimed to:
1) analyze the effect of motivation on organizational commitment;
2) analyze the effect of motivation on employees’ performance;
3) analyze the effect of organizational commitment on employees’performance;
4) analyze the effect of motivation on employees’ performance through organizational commitment.The study was conducted at the Regional Service Office of PT Telkom Kandatel Gorontalo Province with the total sample of 45 people, the sampling technique used was saturated sampling (census). Primary data collected using the questionnaires were then processed and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study indicated that:
1) motivation had a significant positive effect on organizational commitment;
2) motivation did not have a significant effect on employees’ performance;
3) organizational commitment had a significant positive effect on employees’ performance;
4) motivation had a significant positive effect on employees’ performance through organizational commitment of PT Telkom Kandatel Gorontalo Province employees.
Religious feeling, morality and ethical feelings: the case study on Indonesia
Niki Lukviarman, Maruf , Syafrizal , Masyhuri Hamidi doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 444-452
Views: 1035 Downloads: 146 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThere is no guarantee that people will follow their professional code of ethics. Large number of violation occurred in almost every organization. In this study we argued that commitment toward code of ethics, which is related to ethical feelings, is imperative to predict whether a person will obey their professional code. This study predicted that commitment to the code of ethics is determined by individual morality (i.e. moral judgment and moral maturity), and religious feeling. The survey was conducted through online questionnaire to Indonesian employees from various sectors and undergraduate students. The analysis revealed that moral judgment cannot predict commitment toward code of ethics. The result showed that religious feeling and moral maturity have positive association with commitment to code of ethics. In addition, these two concepts also produced favorable effect on moral judgment. Discussion, implication, and limitation are provided in the final part of article.
Employment creation in Kenya: exploring the Jua Kali enterprises
Eric E. Mang’unyi, Christine W. Mwanzia
, Krishna K. Govender
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 453-467
Views: 1940 Downloads: 633 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn developing countries, non-agricultural micro-sized informal enterprises are known to create employment and income generation opportunities. However, due to the complexity and unregulated nature of the sector and, in particular, the Jua Kali, achieving efficient and effective sustainability remains a major challenge for the owners and policy makers alike. Since many unknown barriers continue to impact the effective and efficient development of the aforementioned enterprises, the aim of this study was to determine the barriers to effective job creation in a developing country’s informal micro enterprise industry using evidence from the Jua Kali sub-sector in Kenya. The data from a survey conducted among a random sample of 118 enterprises, which were listed in one Jua Kali Association Directory Nairobi, were analyzed using exploratory factor and regression analyses. Strong evidence supports the notion that some socio-demographic variables such as age, education and marital status have an impact on entrepreneurial activities in the Jua Kali sector. Training, advise and consultation for Jua Kali entrepreneurs need to be enhanced, as this will be necessary to advance their business prowess. The results contribute to studies in entrepreneurship and management by demonstrating that designing and implementing the systems, activities and programs for supporting employment creation through the informal sector can improve productivity at all levels of the economy and improve the living of these entrepreneurs.
An examination of the e-commerce technology drivers in the real estate industry
Ghaith M. Al Abdallah, Azzam A. Abou-Moghli
, Ahmed H. Al-Thani doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 468-481
Views: 1353 Downloads: 242 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study examined the factors that drive e-commerce technology adoption in the real estate industry in Qatar using the Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3) and sought to analyze the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, anchor factors, adjustment factors and cognitive instrumental variables and their effect on e-commerce adoption in real estate industry in Qatar. The study adopted a descriptive methodology and quantitative research design utilizing survey strategy. 350 filtered and screened questionnaires that were retrieved from the Quota sample from 59 real estate firms operating in Qatar were analyzed using AMOS. The results indicate that all the dependent variables have significant relationship with e-commerce adoption indicating that the original model used was a good fit, accounting for a large percentage of the variance associated with e-commerce adoption. However, the results also show that only perceived usefulness and anchor variables have positive direct effect on e-commerce adoption; perceived ease of use, adjustment variables and cognitive instrumental factors have notable indirect effect on e-commerce adoption.