Issue #3 (Volume 19 2021)
ReleasedSeptember 30, 2021
139 Authors
221 Tables
83 Figures
- academic
- access to loans
- accounting conservatism
- achievement
- agreeableness
- agriculture
- attitudes
- Bali
- behavior
- benefits
- bonding
- bridging
- business
- business enterprise expenditure
- business model
- business processes
- capacity-building
- capital structure
- CEO’s education
- circular economy
- classification
- climate change
- clustering
- collective action
- comparative analysis
- compensation
- conflict
- conjoint analysis
- control variable
- coronavirus
- corporate image
- Covid-19
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 outbreak
- creativity
- Cribis database
- critical success factors
- current employees
- Czech firms
- decisions
- decision tree
- digital competences
- digitalization
- drivers of performance
- e-skills
- economic growth
- education
- employee
- employee engagement
- employees
- employee value proposition
- employer
- employer branding
- employers’ expectations
- engagement
- enhance
- enterprise management
- enterprise performance
- enterprise value
- entrepreneurial competencies
- entrepreneurial intentions
- entrepreneurial passion
- entrepreneurial university
- entrepreneurship
- environment
- environmental performance
- environmental sustainability
- epidemic
- factors
- faculty development programs
- finance
- financial behavior
- financial inclusion
- financial ratios
- firm performance
- firm value
- flexibility
- franchisee
- franchisor
- funding
- gender
- health
- healthcare
- health care
- health literacy
- hospital
- households
- human capital
- human resource
- ICT in education
- idealized attributes
- illegal behavior
- immigration
- immigration policy
- impact investment
- implementation
- improvement
- improvement of technologies
- Income Asset Declaration
- innovation
- innovativeness
- innovative university
- intellectual stimulation
- interconnectivity
- internal branding activities
- internal processes
- internal public relations
- internal social media
- internationalization
- international technology transfer
- intra-organizational research
- invest
- Islamic ethic
- Islamic perspective
- IT employees
- job characteristics
- job development
- job performance
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- knowledge
- Kohonen neural networks (KNN)
- Labor Code
- labor market
- leadership
- leadership styles
- learning
- lecturer
- livelihood
- livelihood strategy
- Machiavellianism
- management
- management accounting
- management issues
- management model
- manufacturing company
- medical staff
- medium-sized enterprises
- Middle East
- millennials
- model
- modern communication technologies
- multiple regression
- narcissism
- national innovation system
- neural networks
- new technology
- Nigeria
- occupational health
- opportunity recognition
- orders
- organization
- organizational behavior
- organizational culture
- organizational performance
- organization fit
- organizations
- pairwise comparison method
- pandemics
- parametric analysis
- perfectionism
- performance
- performance models
- person fit
- Poland
- prediction models
- principal component analysis (PCA)
- productivity
- professional students
- psychopathy
- public-private partnership
- quality of service
- R&D activities
- reduction of emission
- research and development
- resources
- result-based financing
- risk management
- sadism
- satisfaction
- SDG 3
- self-confidence
- self-efficacy
- skilled workers
- skills by gender
- SME failure
- SMEs
- spitefulness
- stakeholder approach
- start-ups
- starting a business
- stepwise regression
- strategy
- stress
- student
- sub-urban SMEs
- supranational policy
- survivability
- sustainable management
- SWOT analysis
- target function of the enterprise
- tax compliance
- tax incentives
- teacher
- technical university
- technological
- technologies
- telework
- top management support
- transformational leadership
- transportation
- trust
- unevenness (“circular gap”)
- university student
- Vietnam
- Vocational Training Corporation
- women employee
- worker
- working conditions
- youth
- “Smart shipyard” strategy
Impact of teleworking on job satisfaction among Slovakian employees in the era of COVID-19
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 1-9
Views: 3970 Downloads: 1248 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe COVID-19 pandemic, which became a global crisis in 2020, has radically transformed people’s normal lives in a matter of weeks. In addition to the health consequences, the virus has had a significant impact on the society and the economy, including the labor market. The present study aims to assess how traditional working has been transformed into teleworking in Slovakia. The study examines whether Slovakian workers are satisfied with teleworking. The questionnaire survey was conducted in December 2020 during the second wave of the coronavirus in Slovakia. Based on the obtained results, a significant relationship between teleworking satisfaction and salary satisfaction, supervisory support, and job autonomy was found. Based on the obtained results, teleworking introduced due to the coronavirus had a clear positive effect on job satisfaction of the examined Slovakian employees. As a result of teleworking, the relationship between manager and subordinate has improved, and work-life balance has also developed favorably.
This study was funded by the Pallas Athéné Foundations. -
Entrepreneurial competencies and intentions among students of technical universities
Julita Wasilczuk, Nataliya Chukhray
, Oleh Karyy
, Lіubov Halkiv
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 10-21
Views: 1050 Downloads: 742 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study investigates the entrepreneurial competencies and intentions of students. Their formation is a requirement of modern times. The question arises whether students of modern technical universities get entrepreneurial competencies and whether they transform these competencies into their entrepreneurial intentions. More than 3.6 thousand students from six technical universities from Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Bulgaria, and Lithuania were surveyed. Methods of summarizing and grouping data, analysis of the structure of the population and distributions of its elements, evaluation of relationships were used to analyze the results of the survey. It was found that studying at technical universities is not an obstacle to the existence of entrepreneurial intentions among students. The respondents positively assessed their ability to recognize market opportunities for new business (the sum of the shares of positive answers exceeded the sum of the shares of negative answers by 12.4%). A positive generalized assessment was determined when assessing the ability to persuade others to invest in their business, while negative – their ability to write a formal business plan. It is proved that students who highly value their entrepreneurial abilities are much more likely to show the intention to start their own business (р < 0.001). Students’ focus on starting their own business is partly explained by the fact that they connect employment in corporations with a low guarantee of job retention. High positive integrated assessments received the following advantages of own entrepreneurship: prestige (0.302), chance to be realized (0.362), and the ability to create jobs (0.597).
The authors wish to thank Denislava Yordanova (Sofia University, Bulgaria), Tatjana Nikitina (Riga Technical University, Latvia), and Daiva Jurevičienė (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania) for helping to collect data at respective countries. -
Islamic work ethics and lecturer performance: Mediating roles of person-organization fit and innovation in learning activities
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 22-32
Views: 1129 Downloads: 387 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study highlights the performance of lecturers at religious universities. The research gap of the study is the influence of Islamic Work Ethics (IWE) on lecturer performance. This study intends to examine the role of IWE in improving lecturer performance by mediating person-organization fit and innovation in learning activities. It is expected that IWE, which is characterized by some behaviors (hard work, responsibility, altruism, as well as worship and blessings as work intention), becomes an important antecedent in improving lecturer performance. The stratified random sampling with disproportionate random sampling was employed as a sampling technique. This study involved 104 respondents from IAIN Surakarta and UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. The data were analyzed using path analysis with IBM SPSS 23 software as a tool of analysis. In this study, all proposed hypotheses have been proven. However, the person-organization fit has the greatest value in increasing innovation in learning activities. Person-organization fit and innovation in learning activities partially mediate the influence of IWE on lecturer performance. The implication of the study describes the role of IWE that are attached to the individual level of a lecturer; thus, IWE is an important aspect in driving lecturer performance. The best strategy proposed from this study is to maximize the role of IWE to encourage innovation in learning activities, which leads to improvement of lecturer performance that has the value of path of 0.1272.
Internal employer branding as a way to improve employee engagement
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 33-45
Views: 2289 Downloads: 2086 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the turbulent environment of modern business, attracting and retaining valuable human resources have become one of the main means of competitive edge. The satisfaction of current employees and talent retention are essential elements of organizational success. Against this background, this study aims to examine whether the process approach to internal employer branding, including internal branding activities (IBA) and conducting intra-organizational research (CIR), allows for the improvement of the current employee involvement. The study used the method of regression analysis. In addition, a survey was used as to collect necessary data. The sample included 120 personnel, selected by a convenience sampling method. In the light of the conducted analysis, it was confirmed that CIR significantly increases the employee value proposition (EVP). Likewise, IBA directed at current employees has a significant impact on EVP shaping. In this context, assuming EVP as a measure of employee involvement, it has been shown that the adoption of a process approach to employer branding can lead to the improvement of the current employee commitment and productivity. Thus, employer branding seen as a process in line with the human resource management and corporate strategy can contribute to building a competitive advantage.
Assessment of bankruptcy risks in Czech companies using regression analysis
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 46-55
Views: 1193 Downloads: 345 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯBankruptcy is an important topic in academic research and practice. It is a burning issue worldwide in the current COVID-19 situation. The aim of this study is to examine the financial risks of Czech companies. By employing the stepwise regression technique to estimate the financial risks, the p-values of all selected 15 financial ratios (explanatory variables) were calculated. If the p-value of the variable is more than the level of significance, the particular variable is removed from the model and another regression model is calculated. The findings from the stepwise regression revealed that return on capital, current ratio, net working capital turnover rate, and current assets turnover rate have a positive influence on company’s financial health. On the contrary, return on capital employed, asset turnover rate, inventory turnover rate, fixed assets turnover rate, and debt to equity ratio negatively impact the company’s financial health. The findings of this study will be fruitful for managers, policymakers, and investors of the companies to estimate and assess financial risks.
This study is supported by the Internal Grant Agency (IGA) in Tomas Bata University in Zlin, the Czech Republic, under the projects No IGA/FAME/2021/008 and IGA/FAME/2021/014. -
Creating an attractive workplace for current and potential hospital employees
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 56-69
Views: 834 Downloads: 295 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe health service of EU member states facing numerous challenges. Hospitals have a catastrophic shortage of medical personnel; meanwhile, the demand for medical services caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is increasing. Hospitals’ pursuit of recruiting staff with a high level of professional education is more likely to be successful with potential candidates in a competitive talent market in institutions where a cultural organization, innovative treatment as a patient-centered approach is included in top priorities.
The survey was conducted in the pre-COVID time with the use of the proprietary questionnaire in a traditional way. 204 employees of the Prof. dr Stanisław Popowski Regional Specialized Children’s Hospital in Olsztyn were the respondents. The paper uses the r-Pearson correlation analysis. IBM®SPSS®Statistics, version, was used to develop the correlation results. After verification of the research hypotheses, it was shown that there is a statistically significant relationship between inappropriate activities of employer branding and reduced employee retention. It has been demonstrated that there is a discrepancy in the offered and actual working conditions. The discrepancies concerned the atmosphere at work (31.4%) and the inability to develop a career path (8.3%). 19.1% are willing to change jobs due to inadequate remuneration. For the respondents, factors important in choosing a workplace included remuneration, organizational culture, and the availability of the benefits package. One hypothesis was confirmed, another was partially confirmed.
The proposals presented in the paper could significantly contribute to shaping a good image of hospital employers and increasing employee satisfaction.Acknowledgment
The study was conducted at the Prof. dr Stanisław Popowski Regional Specialized Children’s Hospital in Olsztyn.
Factors of national environmental performance in sustainability management aspect
Heorhiy Rohov, Sergiy Prykhodko
, Oleh Kolodiziev
, Volodymyr Sybirtsev
, Ihor Krupka
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 70-84
Views: 860 Downloads: 213 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe ambitious goals of environmental sustainability stated in international agreements and national programs require developing strategies to achieve them. At the same time, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the environmental performance factors, which can be purposefully changed to achieve an effective result in the short and medium-term. The paper aims to find the institutional factors of national environmental performance, including financial ones, which might be effectively used as environmental sustainability management tools. For this, the relationships between the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), as the dependent variable, and the indicators of control of corruption, the effectiveness of an anti-monopoly policy, financial opportunities, undue influence, corporate culture, innovation output, GDP, and income growth among the poorest population, using a sample of 81 countries, and the technique for constructing nonlinear regression models based on the normalizing transformations for non-Gaussian data were studied.
The study findings show that environmental performance can be predicted with sufficient accuracy by a linear model of its dependence on corruption control, minority shareholders protection, judicial independence, favoritism in decisions of government officials, tax incentives, ease of access to loans, and innovation output. Adding GDP per capita to the explanatory variables of the EPI model does not significantly affect the result accuracy but changes the model shape from linear to nonlinear. The paper substantiates ways to apply results for institutional reforms and sustainability management, such as inflation targeting, public credit guarantee schemes, performance-based loans, etc. -
Moderating effect of firm performance on firm value: Evidence from Indonesia
Ida Nurhayati, Bambang Sudiyatno
, Elen Puspitasari
, Robertus Basiya
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 85-94
Views: 1497 Downloads: 492 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe practice of accounting conservatism, determination of capital structure, and firm performance are important elements in influencing firm value, either directly or through moderation. Firm performance as a reflection of company`s policy plays an important role as a variable that can moderate this influence. Thus, this study aims to examine the role of firm performance in influencing firm value, particularly in moderating the effect of accounting conservatism and capital structure. To test this role, managerial ownership and institutional ownership are viewed as control variables. A total of 43 manufacturing companies from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) were sampled from 153 manufacturing companies listed from 2017 to 2019 to achieve this target. The data collection approach in this study was purposive sampling, and the data analysis method was multiple regression. The results showed a statistically significant positive effect between accounting conservatism and firm value, while the capital structure had no statistically significant effect. Firm performance acts as a moderating variable of accounting conservatism and capital structure in influencing firm value. The results of this study also confirm that managerial ownership and institutional ownership do not function as control variables in controlling the effect of accounting conservatism and capital structure on firm value. Whereas managerial and institutional ownership is expected to encourage managers to carry out policies that are oriented towards increasing the firm value.
This paper is an independent study that is not funded by any institution. We would like to thank all those who have provided immaterial support for the implementation of this study. -
Mediating role of employee motivation for training, commitment, retention, and performance in higher education institutions
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 95-106
Views: 1291 Downloads: 478 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe motivation of the individuals working in higher education institutions has been a topic of great interest for managers and researchers for a long while. This study has been taken to estimate the importance of faculty development program (FDP) as perceived by a faculty member, the role of FDP on faculty motivation and faculty performance, exploring whether faculty motivation mediates the relationship between FDP and employee performance. To achieve the stated aim, data has been collected from 311 faculty members associated with government and private sector institutions of higher education in Uttarakhand State (India). Important factors that motivate faculty to participate in FDP and its influence on faculty motivation and performance were analyzed using factor analysis, regression analysis, and Sobel test to establish the relationship. The findings indicate that FDP has a positive effect on the teaching of faculty, enhances their skills, helps control their emotions, and strengthens their capacity to perform academic and administrative duties. Moreover, FDP enhances work motivation and, in turn, helps faculty in improving their performances. To strengthen faculty motivation, the emphasis must be put on improving faculty recognition and reputation, making work more challenging and exciting, providing better career advancement prospects, and focus more on appropriate salary and compensation benefits for faculty members.
Does intrapreneurship increase work spirit and performance of village credit institutions?
I Ketut Merta , I Wayan Gede Supartha, I Made Artha Wibawa
, Ida Bagus Ketut Surya
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 107-117
Views: 765 Downloads: 458 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to analyze the influence of intrapreneurship on improving village credit institution (VCI) performance with the work spirit as a mediation variable. The study was conducted at 108 village credit institutions in Karangasem Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia. Respondents were representatives of the management of village credit institutions (heads, treasurers, and secretaries). Sampling was done by proportional random sampling. A quantitative approach was used. Data were analyzed by the partial least square with SmartPLS 2.0 M3 program. The results found that intrapreneurship had a significant positive effect on the VCI performance. In addition, intrapreneurship had a significant positive effect on the work spirit, work spirit had a significant positive effect on the VCI performance, and work spirit significantly mediated the effect of intrapreneurship on VCI performance. Findings described the relationships among intrapreneurship, work spirit, and VCI performance in Karangasem Regency. VCI performance is more influenced by the work spirit than intrapreneurship with a coefficient of 0.645; VCI performance is partially influenced by intrapreneurship with a coefficient of 0.383; work spirit is also partially influenced by intrapreneurship with a coefficient of 0.353. Work spirit with a coefficient of 0.227 can act as partial mediation of the VCI performance in Karangasem Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia.
SDG 3 and financing instruments in Austria and Ukraine: Challenges and perspectives
Mario Situm, Alex Plastun
, Inna Makarenko
, Yuliіa Serpeninova
, Giuseppe Sorrentino
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 118-135
Views: 1259 Downloads: 308 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the SDG in healthcare achievement in Austria and Ukraine and to determine possible lessons for Ukraine based on best EU and world experiences. To identify existing challenges and perspectives a comparative analysis of key indicators of healthcare expenditures and health financing systems in Austria and Ukraine was carried out. Results indicate that in Ukraine there is a substantial lack of public funding for healthcare (only 682 US dollars per capita in 2018), a poor share of voluntary health insurance (less than 1%), significant amounts (on average 50%) of expenditures of the population in general spending on health. On the contrary, in Austria, there is sufficient public funding for healthcare (5,879 US dollars per capita in 2018), more than 5% share of voluntary health insurance, moderate amounts (on average 25%) of expenditures of the population in general spending on health. Austria’s experience as an EU-member country with a successful example of a financing strategy for the healthcare system is a sound example for Ukraine. The alternative financing tools (e.g. result-based financing, impact investment, public-private partnership) can be used as an additional financing mechanism of healthcare funding in Ukraine. The use of these instruments along with the improvement of the fiscal policy, social security, and governance based on Austrian experience can cut the existing financing gap to achieve SDG targets in healthcare in Ukraine.
This study is financed equally by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. -
Personality traits and entrepreneurial intention among Chartered Accountancy students
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 136-147
Views: 1177 Downloads: 332 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEntrepreneurial intention plays a decisive role in the process of becoming an entrepreneur. It is not only the prerequisite for establishing a business but it also influences an individual’s behavior. This study aims to investigate the impact of three key personality traits of a prospective entrepreneur (entrepreneurial passion, creativity, and self-efficacy) in shaping their entrepreneurial intention. It is proposed that entrepreneurial passion, creativity, and self-efficacy positively influence entrepreneurial intention. Primary data were collected from 408 Chartered Accountancy (CA) students of the National Capital Region (NCR) of India with the help of a structured questionnaire. The cluster sampling method was used to select the sample from the targeted population. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results establish that the entrepreneurial intention of CA students is significantly influenced by their creativity, entrepreneurial passion, and self-efficacy, as all three traits allow an entrepreneur to identify opportunities with profit potential. A student who is passionate, creative, and confident in exploiting the new business idea will develop an intention to become an entrepreneur. The present study contributes to the literature by investigating the entrepreneurial intention of CA students, which has not been explored earlier. The significance of this study facilitates academicians and accounting organizations to focus on the personality traits of students, which helps in developing entrepreneurial intention in them.
Moderating role of gender in influencing enterprise performance in emerging economies: Evidence from Saudi Arabian SMEs sector
Hend Hassan , Ahmed Abdelkader, Rashed Alhaimer
, Marwa Abdelkader doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 148-161
Views: 907 Downloads: 286 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe small and medium enterprise (SME) sector plays an important role in the development of the local, regional, and global economy. This study seeks to examine the relationships among several factors that are claimed to influence the performance of SMEs. Internal and external environmental factors, as well as the moderating role of gender on the research variables, are empirically examined.
A survey of 142 entrepreneurs in the northern region of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, using convenience sampling was conducted. Path analysis was used to test the research model using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) model by Warp PLS (ver. 7). Results suggest that both internal and external success factors influence enterprise performance. Based on statistically significant relationships, entrepreneurial orientation, human capital, and entrepreneur goals and motives (internal factors), as well as economic factors, socio-cultural factors, and legal and administrative factors (external factors) are influencing SME performance. Additionally, results indicate that SMEs almost perform at similar levels regardless of the gender of the SME owner. Gender is found to moderate the influence of economic factors, and legal and administrative factors on performance. There is no indication that gender moderates the influence of the rest of the factors on the performance. Such finding is surprising given the context of the study, i.e. Saudi Arabia was traditionally considered as a conservative male-dominated society.Acknowledgment
This study was supported and funded by the research sector of Arab Open University – Kuwait Branch under decision number 21002. Authors would like to thank the National Entrepreneurship Institute “RIYADAH”, Tabuk branch, KSA for their support in data collection. -
Effect of work motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance: Mediating role of employee engagement
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 162-174
Views: 11020 Downloads: 8056 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTechnological developments are things that must be followed by companies to achieve a competitive advantage to improve performance. To achieve and improve performance, companies need active employee engagement by encouraging motivation and fulfilling their job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the effect of motivation and job satisfaction on performance with employee engagement as a mediating variable. The research sample is Information Technology (IT) companies located in the cities of Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia. Research respondents are system developers who handle system development activities for a project or part of an ongoing project. By using the convenience sampling technique 103 responses were obtained from IT developers. The research model analysis method uses Partial Least Square (PLS) with SMART PLS Ver 3.0 software. Empirical findings prove that motivation has a positive effect on the performance of IT employees, while job satisfaction is independent. Employee engagement does not directly affect employee performance, but the effect of mediation through motivation and job satisfaction can have a significant effect on employee performance. The research findings have managerial implications, in increasing high employee involvement, motivation needs to be encouraged to be more active and innovative, and facilitate the achievement of the desired results.
This study was made possible because of the full support of the Region III Education Service Institute (LL-DIKTI III), the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Research Center at Mercu Buana University, Jakarta. -
Professional and educational activity of youth in the digital economy
Iwona Madej-Kurzawa, Katarzyna Pieczarka
, Grażyna Węgrzyn
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 175-184
Views: 831 Downloads: 219 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe paper is aimed to rank countries similar in terms of selected diagnostic variables: in terms of digital competencies held and variables related to the youth professional activity. The method of descriptive and statistical analysis, including comparative analysis, is used in the study. The paper also uses cluster analysis. The conducted analysis included the empirical material referring to the youth at the age of 15-29 taken from the Eurostat database. The research period is 2011–2019. The analysis by type of educational and professional activity of young people conducted in the EU member countries allowed the identification of four groups of countries, differing in the levels of both the NEET rate (Neither in employment nor in education or training) and the digital skills. The digital skills have been additionally grouped into competences in the field of information, communication, problem-solving and programming skills. The group of countries with the lowest NEET rate proved to include those where young people presented high levels of digital skills in all the dimensions analyzed. The study shows that acquiring digital competencies enables young people to participate in communities and gives them a better chance for professional activity.
Managing research and development process in conditions of economic growth of Kazakhstan: Methods and analysis
Anel Kireyeva, Dana Kangalakova
, Anna Kredina
, Zaira Satpayeva
, Marat Urdabayev
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 185-196
Views: 861 Downloads: 251 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to assess the relationship between R&D and economic growth in terms of their ability to understand R&D management. In the paper, the algorithm of actions was used, which allows ensuring interconnection, sequence of work, validity of the choice of the methods used, and defining key factors over a long period. The following methods of the empirical study were used: analysis of the provision of level development; regional analysis of the data; correlation analysis. Based on correlation analysis the impact of economic growth on R&D was investigated, which is expressed by such variables as the number of organizations engaged in R&D, internal expenditures in R&D, expenditures for technological innovations, number of employees in R&D. The data were obtained from the World Bank, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the statistical yearbook of Kazakhstan for 2009–2019. The results obtained show that all determinants correlate not only with the GDP but with each other as well. According to the findings, viewing the GDP level, there is a positive and negative correlation link between such two factors as ‘the number of research organizations’ and ‘R&D technological innovations’. These coefficients of correlation between GDP and independent factors selected for the analysis are significant, i.e. they can significantly affect the value of the GDP. The obtained results are useful in formulating the R&D development management strategy.
This study has been funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant IRN AP08052800 “Intellectual potential of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: assessment and development prospects”). -
Investigating the relationship between tax culture and tax communication in Kazakhstan
Nurzhan Kuandykov, Yerlan Abil , Arman Utepov
, Aisulu Nurkey
, Aisulu Abenova doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 197-210
Views: 812 Downloads: 387 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study demonstrated the level of tax culture as the basis for tax compliance. In turn, the formation of a strong tax culture depended on certain factors. Therefore, there were statements that the degree of such a culture depends on the level of tax communication. To show this connection, this paper analyzed the content of text arrays and products of communicative correspondence by keywords income and asset declaration in the Google search system (content analysis). Results of the analysis demonstrated more than 160 news articles and numerous social media posts. Moreover, the study contains the analytics of social media powered by YouScan artificial intelligence platform. This paper also presents the analysis and results of the sociological survey, in which more than a thousand people participated in the two biggest cities in Kazakhstan. The data of the survey were analyzed by the software Statistica 10 – the statistical data analysis system. The survey showed low tax awareness of citizens, almost 72% of respondents did not know about the introduction of the declaration of income and welfare. The results obviously demonstrated that there is a positive correlation between investigated issues, and poor utilization of information and communications technology by the government. In this way, this paper explored the relationship between tax culture and tax communication, where the awareness of citizens could be a huge step in the formation of honest taxpayers and increase confidence in government institutions.
Mediating role of entrepreneurial competencies: Influence of personality traits on entrepreneurial intention
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 211-220
Views: 930 Downloads: 322 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to examine the role of entrepreneurial competency in mediating the influence of personality traits on entrepreneurial intention. Data were collected using a questionnaire sent to medium-sized business managers in the province of Bali, Indonesia; the sample size is 385 people. Assuming a response rate of 85%, 453 questionnaires were sent. Of these, 142 returned and a usable response rate of 30.37% was achieved. Data were analyzed using SEM-PLS with WarpsPLS 7.0. The findings show that personality traits have a significant effect on entrepreneurial competency (β = 0.513; p < 0.001), personality traits significantly affect entrepreneurial intention (β = 0.266; p < 0.001). Furthermore, this study proves that entrepreneurial competency significantly affects entrepreneurial intention (β = 0.436; p < 0.001). This study also found the Sobel test value of 5.770, which means that entrepreneurial competency can influence personality traits and entrepreneurial intention as a partial mediator. There is a comprehensive view of the relationship between personality traits, entrepreneurial competency, and entrepreneurial intention. This study not only provides an understanding of the relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial intention, but also provides evidence on the mechanism by which entrepreneurial competency mediates the relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial intention.
Effect of work environment on employee engagement: Mediating role of ethical decision-making
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 221-229
Views: 1956 Downloads: 639 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOrganizations are increasingly being responsible for providing good and healthy work environment that can help in supporting employees performing their duties. Supportive work environment can increase the degree of employee engagement, which in turn, makes them more attached to their roles. The purpose of the current study is two-folded: to investigate the effect of work environment on engagement, and to test ethical decision making as a mediator between environment and engagement. Data were collected from a sample of 237 employees from transportation corporations listed on the Amman Stock Exchange (2019) in Jordan. Structural equation modeling was utilized to test the model. Results proposed that engagement was significantly related to work environment and ethical decision-making. Work environment has a greater effect on employee engagement than on ethical decision-making. Moreover, the effect of ethical decision-making on employee engagement was greater than the effect of work engagement on ethical decision-making. Furthermore, the study yielded support for the claim that ethical decision-making played a significant role in the relationship between work environment and employee engagement. Therefore, employees having good working conditions and making ethical decisions tend to get higher levels of employee engagement.
Evaluation of R&D activities in the maritime industry: Managing sustainability transitions through business model
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 230-246
Views: 663 Downloads: 1102 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe maritime industry is always at the forefront of knowledge and new technology. In recent years, the companies have used large resources in research and development (R&D) towards environmentally friendly technology. At the same time, there exist many issues around this: are those companies enough good at the utilizing of R&D fonds, i.e., do they put new technology together with solutions that are best adapted to the customer requirements (export-oriented), on the one hand, and are they efficient and sustainable, on another hand? Hence, the current paper aims to study how the R&D costs contribute to value creation and sustainable transition in the maritime industry. To achieve this goal, R&D activities in the maritime industry were analyzed using correlation and linear regression analyses between 2010 and 2019. The results show that those indicators that have the greatest positive impact on value-added are R&D expenditures in the business enterprise sector and turnover from product innovations. Also, it was revealed that there is a negative impact of trade indicators on value creation. In addition, the study proves that R&D activities are contributing to the sustainable transition of the maritime industry. Overall, it was concluded that without sufficient public support, strategy, and new business models, export-oriented industries benefit less from innovation.
The study is supported by a grant from the Research Based Innovation “SFI Marine Operation in Virtual Environment (SFI-MOVE)” (Project no: 237929) in Norway. -
ASEAN Economic Community and its impacts: Opportunities, challenges, and implications for higher education
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 247-260
Views: 1396 Downloads: 727 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe vision of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) envisaged as a global ASEAN has impacts on all sectors, including higher education (HE), a key driver to the goal. However, it is still debatable whether HE can achieve it. This study aimed to draw insights into its impacts with a focus on opportunities, challenges, and implications for HE. This study employed qualitative, comparative, interpretive, and in-depth analysis of documents. The findings revealed that the progress of AEC has a great impact on HE in three areas. Prospective opportunities comprise the services sector and internal cooperation and collaboration. The sector accounted for approximately 50% of the real output in 2018. The top three countries were Singapore (68.9%), Thailand (59.9%), and the Philippines (57.8%). However, a crucial challenge is an inequitable access to digital-driven education due to inequitable access to the Internet among member countries. The gaps of subscribers and cellular phones lie between 94.6 and 33.1 and between 180.2 and 51.9 respectively. Singapore, the regions’ best education and labor mobility destination, has the highest rates of subscribers (100) and cellular phone usage (88.2). For implications, policymakers should foster interconnectivity and digitalization through innovation-driven education. A feasible roadmap for strategic management is also proposed for AEC engagement.
Technological orders’ change caused by the pandemics: Digitalization in the internationalization of technology transfer
Kateryna Alekseieva, Iryna Novikova
, Oleksandr Bediukh
, Olga Kostyuk
, Alla Stepanova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 261-275
Views: 927 Downloads: 322 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe COVID-19 pandemic has become a catalyst for changing the technological order of human development and has accelerated the formation of new forms of organization and business. The change of technological orders causes uneven development of scientific and technological progress, as a result of which the existing technologies deepen, which become dominant and can be superimposed on the existing technological way of life. The purpose of the study is to substantiate changes in technology orders and to analyze the process of digitization as a new trend in the internationalization of technology transfer based on data on the dynamics of business meetings at brokerage events recorded in the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). The use of EEN IT platform tools and general scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and historical analysis has confirmed the differences between the fifth and sixth technological orders and demonstrated the search for new ways of development for small businesses. The study formulated a general strategy for the digitization process and recommendations for the internationalization of technology transfer using Enterprise Europe Network tools in a pandemic, which include intensifying business activities using cyberspace, changing existing forms of organization, and innovation for small businesses. This strategy became the basis for the formation of a new methodological paradigm for managing the process of internationalization of technology transfer, taking into account the peculiarities of the domestic economy in a pandemic.
Performance of SMEs: Literature synthesis of contingency models
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 276-297
Views: 1522 Downloads: 1249 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe fundamental issue of performance of SMEs has been intensively analyzed by academia mainly through performance models. Performance models are largely focused on predicting failure and have intrinsic limitations. The present literature synthesis proposes an alternative perspective from seemingly unconnected empirical studies, which share the performance of SMEs as a common criterion: contingency models. Such perspective emphasizes the positive facet of SMEs results and complements the current academic standard of prediction models. This study performed integration and conceptual classification of 99 articles cataloged as contingency models and published by reputed journals from 1999 to 2019. The evidence from the integrated empirical literature revealed an ample and diverse set of supported variables that explain a positive economic outcome in small ventures. The analysis and classification of the articles derived 7 sections, 24 categories and 131 supported variables, which are intended to help improve the scholarly and professional analysis of SME performance due to the inherent viability of the integrated articles, proving a benign economic output. This view contradicts the current paradigm of performance models, which is insufficient to predict or explain how to improve SMEs results. The integrated elements developed by this study can work as a framework for the academic research of SMEs performance, and practical guidance for SMEs’ managers. This synthesis sets an agenda for further academic research in the field of SME performance, specifically in the areas of methodology, operationalization of performance, and empirical research.
Public transportation and service quality management during the COVID-19 outbreak: A case study of Tunisia
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 298-308
Views: 947 Downloads: 219 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to investigate the quality management of public transportation services in the Tunisian context during the COVID-19 outbreak. The empirical study was based on the conjoint analysis approach. The sample collected is composed of 250 individuals who often use the train as a means of transport and the pairwise comparison method is adopted for conjoint analysis.
This study assesses quality management of customer service and takes into account four aspects of service quality such as comfort, way of reservation (possibility of online booking), speed, and safety. The findings revealed that the optimal combination of service offered by the Tunisian national railway company is characterized by the terms “first class”, “online booking”, “express”, and “safety”. It is favored by Tunisian customers during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Additionally, the results show that the maximum utility corresponds to the “safety train” modality followed by “second class”, “online booking”, and finally “stopover”. Moreover, the use of new information and communication technologies (NICT) has importance for train users during the COVID-19 outbreak. Indeed, Tunisians are looking for safety and measures to reduce crowding in a train, to minimize the risk of contagion of COVID-19 outbreak.
Activities undertaken by Polish manufacturing companies to reduce air emissions
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 309-320
Views: 490 Downloads: 131 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe emphasis on the need to balance the relations between the economy and the natural environment has been growing in recent years. For individual enterprises, it means considering the environmental protection issues in their activities and switching to environmentally-friendly business practices. The purpose of this paper is to present the activities undertaken and performed by Polish manufacturing companies participating in the European Union Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) to reduce emissions of contaminants to air and an attempt to determine solutions that could serve as good environmental practices in this aspect. The grounds for the assumed research method were the analysis of secondary sources in the form of environmental statements. Environmental statements were downloaded from the EMAS website. The selection of the sample was targeted, the study was complete and included 13 manufacturing companies from Poland participating in EMAS, according to the register as of February 18, 2021. The findings indicate that Polish enterprises most frequently performed activities that involved using or improvement of technologies to reduce air emissions and implementation of monitoring and emissions measurement systems. The implemented or improved technologies mostly focused on limiting hard coal usage and replacing it with other energy sources, e.g., liquid gas, earth gas, or renewable energy sources. Analyzed enterprises also performed activities with the purpose of process containment, improvement of offered products, or reducing transport-related emissions.
Urbanization – changes in employment and incomes of people in Vietnam
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 321-331
Views: 589 Downloads: 250 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aimed to analyze the impact of urbanization on the income and employment of people in Vietnam. To collect data for the study, 515 people participated in the survey, representing 515 households living in major cities in Vietnam. The OLS regression method and the T-test are applied to analyze the research objectives and examine the differences in the income and employment of people before and after urbanization. Research findings show that urbanization has both positive and negative effects on people’s income and employment in Vietnam. The income of people increased by about 12.5779 million VND/year compared to the pre-urbanization period. After urbanization, new jobs will increase, with employment disparities before and after urbanization in each family averaging about 1.734 jobs. The survey findings also show that household investments have the most significant influence on household income (standardized coefficients = 0.465). Compensation also has a positive and relatively substantial impact on household income with standardized coefficients = 0.195. However, the undesirable consequences of urbanization affected the employment of a part of the population, the number of unemployed leads to a decrease in the household’s income (standardized coefficients = –0.13).
Factors of uneven progress of the European Union countries towards a circular economy
Maxim Polyakov, Igor Khanin
, Vladimir Bilozubenko
, Maxim Korneyev
, Gennadij Shevchenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 332-344
Views: 939 Downloads: 191 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe increased final consumption exacerbates the problem of the scarcity of natural resources and leads to environmental pollution. The concept of circular economy, which implies the formation of closed-loop chains of production and consumption with maximum regeneration and recycling of materials, is considered as an alternative to the firmly established “linear economy” (take-make-dispose). As a part of sustainable development strategy, the European Union adopted a general policy on the transition to a circular economy. However, for objective reasons, such transition is quite uneven at the level of member countries, which adversely affects the total progress. Therefore, the need arises to assess the positions of individual countries and identify major reasons for the uneven transition to support the countries that are lagging.
The goal of the study is to identify the factors of uneven progress of the EU countries towards a circular economy. For that reason, a set of empirical data (20 indicators) has been compiled; cluster, classification, and parametric analyses have been conducted. As a result, three clusters of the EU countries have been obtained and six indicators, included into combinations that make all clusters different, have been identified. These indicators can be interpreted as the key factors contributing to the uneven progress of the EU countries towards a circular economy. The difference in harmonic means by clusters allowed quantitatively estimating a “circular gap”. It is of practical value for the EU policy aimed at bridging the gaps between member countries during the transition to a circular economy. -
Determining the importance of high-reliability healthcare organizations during the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from healthcare workers in Turkey
Imran Sarihasan, Judit Oláh
, Main Al-Dalahmeh
, Allam Yousuf
, Krisztina Dajnoki
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 345-355
Views: 911 Downloads: 236 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe Covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in the social and economic environments for healthcare. Particularly, to avoid spreading the Coronavirus pandemic, release the stress among healthcare workers, and make them work effectively during the epidemic, high-reliability healthcare organizations give great importance to the improvement of their functions. This study aims to show the importance of high-reliability healthcare organizations comparing their effectiveness during a pandemic by applied qualitative research method with many statistical analyses. In order to achieve the aim of the study, a Likert scale survey technique is used to collect the data by using an online survey. 280 healthcare workers filled the survey from January 17, 2021, to February 22, 2021. Based on the outcomes of the analyses, it has been found that such functions as shared knowledge pattern, provision of self-care, awareness of the coronavirus consequences at the workplace of high-reliability healthcare organizations have a positive and significant relationship at p < 0.01 level with taken appropriate measures against coronavirus variable. Self-awareness of organizational role, organizational resources to provide safety, flexibility of work, environmental safety, and collective mindfulness do not have any relationship with the appropriate measures against Covid-19 variable. This outcome indicates that shared knowledge pattern, provision of self-care, and awareness of the coronavirus consequences at the workplace have a more important role in combating Covid-19 in high-reliability healthcare organizations.
We would like to thank all the healthcare workers, who filled the survey of the study. This paper is supported by EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007—“Young researchers for talent”— supporting careers in research activities in higher education program. -
Enterprise value management based on the stakeholder approach
Hanna Sytnyk, Iryna Vysochyn
, Tetiana Zhuk
, Inna Olesenko
, Viktoriia Stratiichuk
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 356-372
Views: 691 Downloads: 304 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe need to ensure the growth of enterprise value in the context of strengthening intangible factors’ role in its formation and maintaining sustainable development of society requires the introduction of new value-oriented management models, taking into account the interests of a wide range of stakeholders.
The paper aimed to develop an approach to enterprise value management based on the stakeholder approach. Based on the presented conceptual vision of the enterprise as an SRPR system (stakeholders-resources-processes-results), a two-level system of SRPR value indicators for the main stakeholder groups has been developed, as well as an integral indicator of sustainable economic value added (EVA), which allows assessing the potential growth of enterprise value through a sustainable network of stakeholders. The possibility of using SRPR indicators in the process of planning activities has been substantiated: a model for maximizing EVA is formulated subject to a number of restrictions reflecting the standards of relationships with stakeholders, its transformation into a matrix of SRPR indicators.
The results of approbation of the proposed approach by questioning processing and wholesale trade enterprises in the B2B segment are presented, confirming the compliance of the proposed system of indicators with the interests of stakeholders and implementation at Europroject Ukraine LLC, which proved its practical value.
The need for further empirical studies of the dependence of EVA on changes in indicators of satisfaction of stakeholders’ interests is emphasized. -
Flexibility of creating and changing employment in the options of the Slovak Labor Code
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 373-382
Views: 644 Downloads: 169 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯFlexibility of the employer’s ability to manage human resources during the several-month “lockdown” due to the COVD-19 pandemic has proven crucial to the survival of a Slovak company. However, this flexibility, unlike other contractual relationships, is strictly regulated by the Slovak Labor Code. Given the scope of the problem, the paper focuses only on issues related to the possibility of creating and changing employment in the Slovak Republic, which must be addressed by the management of all companies. The main purpose of the study is to assess flexibility in creating and changing employment. In processing this managerial issue, analysis, synthesis, deduction, and comparison are used. It was found that the Slovak Labor Code is flexible enough and fulfills its purpose. Despite its flexibility, it also provides an employee with the necessary protection in employment relations and allows him, in agreement with an employer, to grant more rights than he himself guarantees. However, in the current information age, it does not allow for electronic conclusions of legal acts and still prefers the paper form. Another disadvantage is the finding that it does not regulate the institute of a management contract, which objectively causes problems between the employer and the manager, especially in the issue of stability of a managerial position.
This scientific paper was created within the project VEGA [1/0320/21] “The Role of Universities in Building the Knowledge Economy” and was supported by funds from Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management.
Franchise business sustainability model: Role of conflict risk management in Indonesian franchise businesses
Dorojatun Prihandono, Andhi Wijayanto
, Dwi Cahyaningdyah
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 383-395
Views: 1019 Downloads: 274 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯFranchising is one of the most trustworthy strategic alliance formations to start or expand businesses. Like many other business formations, franchise businesses need sustainable and long-term running; these objectives can be reached by a proper relationship between partners – the franchisor and the franchisee – in the alliances. Both partners’ perspectives are valuable inputs to provide insight into understanding the sustainability of Indonesian franchise businesses. Furthermore, in any type of strategic alliances conflict is a risk that needs to be managed properly. This study aims to examine the relationships of determinants that influence franchise business sustainability. The determinants are risk management, trust, satisfaction, and sustainability. The study applies confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM) AMOS software. Respondents in this study are franchisors and franchisees in the Indonesian retail and food and beverages (F&B) sectors, the study accommodates 204 respondents. Based on the analysis the study reveals that there is a positive relationship between risk management and satisfaction. Risk management also has a positive relationship with survivability; trust and satisfaction also have a positive relationship. Meanwhile, there is no relationship between satisfaction and survivability and the last relationship is between trust and survivability that has no positive relationship between the determinants. This study provides clearer insight to understand the relationships between determinants that influence franchise business survivability in Indonesia, especially based on both parties’ perspectives.
Is the endowment fund a panacea for the financial autonomy of classical universities in Ukraine?
Yuliia Petlenko, Andriy Stavytskyy
, Ganna Kharlamova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 396-407
Views: 761 Downloads: 346 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe COVID-19 has put higher education institutions in a new situation and identified bottlenecks in the financial structure of institutions and education systems in general. However, for Ukrainian universities, this situation can be seen as an opportunity to achieve financial autonomy. This study is devoted to the consideration of a possible tool for the financial autonomy of Ukrainian classical universities, most of which are state-funded. The paper considers the methodology of a possible tool for the accumulation of external financing – the endowment fund. The case analysis and analytical consideration of world practice are applied. As a result, a model for financing the university in its transition to the innovation and entrepreneurship model is proposed as the chain “endowment fund – development of start-ups”. This example can become the basis of the road map for other national HEIs, as well as the practice of wider use in the field of higher education. However, despite most of the national classical universities have declared a course to an innovative development, which further raised the necessity of external funding, top management and general economic situation require more attention. As this transition to a new model of the university is taking place along with the financial stabilization and under economic and social upheavals, the formation of a new culture of online communication is necessary. Thus, the proposed model is the practical guideline of possible decisions but mostly the start-point for further discussion and research.
This paper is done in the framework of the grant project “Financial stabilization of classical universities in the context of the global consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic” funded by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine “Science for Human Security and Society” (2020-2021). -
Employee engagement and best practices of internal public relations to harvest job performance in organizations
Han Nu Ngoc Ton, Phuong V. Nguyen
, Luan The Vuong
, Hoa Quynh Tran
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 408-420
Views: 1001 Downloads: 265 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯInternal public relations are used to control the relationship between the organization and its employees. The paper explored whether and how internal public relations stimulate employees’ life satisfaction and job performance. The conceptual framework was built to link internal social media, perceived organizational transparency (POT), organizational identification, employee engagement, life satisfaction, and job performance. Using the hierarchical component model with employee engagement measured by job engagement and organizational engagement is a nascent point from this study. A mass survey was distributed to employees working in the aviation industry in southern Vietnam. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was used to analyze primary data from 193 valid respondents. It reveals that POT, internal social media, and organizational identification significantly positively impact employee engagement. It shows that employee engagement has significantly positive impacts on life satisfaction and job performance. It indicates that both organizational identification and POT are partial mediators intervening in the strong relationship between employee engagement and internal social media. It also indicates that life satisfaction is a partial mediator intervening the positive linkage between employee engagement and job performance. Practical implications and theoretical contributions were suggested for using internal public relations to enhance employees’ life satisfaction, and job performance.
This study is funded by Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCMC) under grant number B2020-28-02. -
Effect of transformational behavior on millennial job satisfaction
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 421-429
Views: 1053 Downloads: 368 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯLeaders are responsible for empowering and driving employees to succeed in challenging times or changes and, ultimately, achieve the best results. One of the biggest dilemmas in today’s leaders’ agenda is to understand how to manage a diverse multigenerational workforce in which millennials represent a predominant group by far, being completely different from previous generations due to the technology impact. The aim of the paper is to identify which leadership style and behavior affects most positively millennial job satisfaction in a multinational environment, and to understand the differences between millennials and non-millennials. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, known as the MLQ, was answered by 167 representative employees from various multinational corporations, 125 of whom are millennials.
Based on the results, transformational style is strongly correlated with and positively affected by millennial job satisfaction. Moreover, transformational style is a significant predictor of increased millennial satisfaction, and more specifically, idealized attributes and intellectual stimulation are behaviors that have been validated to increase it. On the other hand, individual consideration has been proven to have a productive effect by increasing non-millennial job satisfaction. According to the findings, millennial workforce leaders need to move towards a more transformational style, based on more idealized attributes and an intellectual stimulation approach, if they want to increase their satisfaction and avoid unwanted attrition. Basically, millennials are searching for leaders who trust and embrace innovation, creativity, critical thinking and, most importantly, leaders who also question the status quo. -
Business performance assessment of small and medium-sized enterprises: Evidence from the Czech Republic
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 430-439
Views: 662 Downloads: 192 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯBusiness performance assessment is one of the basic tasks of management. Business performance can be assessed using a number of methods. The basic ones include financial analysis, Balanced Scorecard or Economic Value Added (EVA). The paper is focused on SME business performance assessment based on Economic Value Added, calculated using the INFA build-up model. According to this method, companies were divided into four categories. The first category included companies with a positive EVA value. The second category included companies with negative EVA, but with the economic result above the risk-free rate. The third category included companies with a positive economic result above the risk-free rate. The fourth category included companies with a negative economic result. The model did not include companies with negative equity. The input represented 15 predictors based on their financial statements. The data were normalized and all extreme values, likely caused by a data rewriting error, were removed. Company performance is visualized by comparing Principal Component Analysis and Kohonen neural networks. Compared to similar research, the methods are compared using the data that analyzes the performance of companies. Both methods made it possible to visualize the given task. With regard to the purpose of facilitating the interpretation of the results, for the given case, the use of PC seems to be more appropriate.
This study has been supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under project No TL01000349. -
Factors affecting the implementation of management accounting techniques in medium-sized enterprises of Vietnam
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 440-452
Views: 1283 Downloads: 1121 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe main purpose of this paper is to find and evaluate the impact of unexpected factors and institutional factors that affect the implementation of management accounting techniques in medium-sized manufacturing enterprises of Vietnam. Mixed methods were combined in this study: specifically, qualitative research methods were used based on previous studies as well as background theory was used to build factors in the research model. The quantitative method used data based on surveying 129 small and medium business owners in Vietnam using SPSS 2020 software to test a multivariable linear regression model. The results show that there are three factors affecting the implementation of management accounting techniques in medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam in the following order: (1) Viewpoints of business owners, (2) Advanced technology, and (3) Mimicry. Based on this research result, medium-sized manufacturing business owners, as well as macroeconomic managers, will have solutions to further develop management accounting techniques in medium-sized manufacturing enterprises of Vietnam.
The emergence of soft skills in agricultural education
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 453-466
Views: 712 Downloads: 693 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAs the possession of soft skills is becoming an essential part of the basic skill set of entrants, it is undoubtedly essential to research and develop these skills. The purpose of this study was to examine how students studying at the largest agricultural university in Hungary perceive their soft skills to be in line with employers’ expectations, i.e. whether demand matches supply, in what qualities students feel strong, what employers expect, how well supply and demand in the agricultural labor market match in terms of soft skills. Furthermore, whether educational institutions are able to develop these qualities in students and what other possibilities there might be to strengthen these qualities. The research results confirmed that the university students in the sample perceive the quality of their soft skills to be influenced by several factors, including age, gender and work experience. They show that women over 40 with work experience tend to have stronger emotional soft skills, while men of the same age who have not started their careers are stronger in leadership skills. The study also concluded that students do not feel that current schooling in institutions can strengthen the soft skills expected by the labor market (the average on a five-point Likert scale was 2.74), while the development of these soft skills was considered by respondents to be as important as the development of hard skills (agreement was very high with an average of 4.52 on a five-point Likert scale).
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on performance of small enterprises that are e-commerce adopters and non-adopters
Dirga Lestari , Saida Zainurossalamia ZA, Siti Maria
, Wirasmi Wardhani
, Rizky Yudaruddin
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 467-477
Views: 2450 Downloads: 1285 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯResearchers have emphasized the role of e-commerce for small enterprises in improving their performance. However, there is limited evidence on the use of e-commerce by small enterprises, and e-commerce adopters and non-adopters dealing with COVID-19. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in the impact of COVID-19 on income between small enterprises that are adopters and non-adopters of e-commerce. This study also explored the impact of restrictions on community activities, the intention to adopt e-commerce, and the types of assistance required by small enterprises due to the pandemic. Data were collected through an online questionnaire survey among small enterprises that operate in the culinary field (1,024 small enterprises in Indonesia). The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, cross-tabulation, and the Mann-Whitney test. This study finds that non-adoption of e-commerce caused small enterprises to experience a decline in income, which worsened due to restrictions of community activities, compared to adopters of e-commerce. Therefore, to overcome this negativity, small enterprises were pushed to adopt e-commerce. Finally, working capital assistance is the main assistance required due to the pandemic both by e-commerce adopters and non-adopters. This study has significant implications for how small enterprises and governments may benefit from e-commerce dealing with extreme disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are grateful to Mulawarman University for providing us with the funding necessary to gather the necessary data for the study and complete this empirical investigation. We also would like to thank two anonymous reviewers and seminar participants at Mulawarman University for their helpful feedback. -
Impact of organizational entrepreneurship characteristics on entrepreneurial orientation: Moderating role of firm size and education
Amel Farhan Swadi , Ahmad Abed al-hayy Al-dalaien doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 478-487
Views: 754 Downloads: 463 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOrganizational entrepreneurial characteristics (OEC) have received less attention compared with the individual entrepreneurial ones. In addition, few studies examined this issue in the context of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of OEC on the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of an organizational member. OEC are operationalized to include top management support (TMS), organizational culture (OC), and transformational leadership (TL). Two moderators are proposed in this study: the CEO’s education and company`s size. The data were collected via purposive sampling using a questionnaire; a survey included 206 SMEs in Iraq. The data were analyzed using AMOS. The findings indicate that the impact of EOC (B = 0.14) on OE is positive. Its dimensions TL (B = 0.14) and TMS (0.50) also impacted positively the OE. CEO’s education and company size moderated positively the effect of OEC on OE. Decision makers are advised to pay more attention to leadership style and adopt open culture as well as free expression and tolerance among SMEs in Iraq.
Management of successful technology transfer in agriculture: The case of Kazakhstan
Rui Dinis Sousa, Ainur Boranbayeva
, Zaira Satpayeva
, Amina Gassanova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 488-501
Views: 937 Downloads: 330 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯProgress of agriculture is becoming increasingly reliant on the successful application of technology. However, many developing countries depend on technology transfer from other countries to be utilized in large and complex projects in agriculture. This study intends to identify strategic directions for successful technology transfer in developing countries’ agriculture with Kazakhstan as a case study. A SWOT analysis was conducted using Internal Factor Evaluation, External Factor Evaluation, Strategic Position and Action Evaluation, and Quantitative Strategic Planning matrices as analytical methods, based on primary data from interviews and secondary data from reports. With a weight of 52%, opportunities prevail in external factors, with emerging good geographical position, land area latitude, and participation in economic integrations as the most significant ones. On the other hand, internal factors such as emerging low skills in agricultural innovation, insufficient resources in agriculture, old technologies and worn-out equipment, and lack of mechanisms for effective adaptation of foreign technologies to local conditions are indicated as weaknesses, with the percentage of 82%. This study includes twenty-six strategies that were specially designed for technology transfer, and nine of them are considered the most relevant in overcoming internal weaknesses by exploiting external opportunities. Promoting agriculture in an innovative direction, expanding the resource base necessary for technology transfer, and increasing sources of funding for the transfer of technology and the R&D expenditures in agriculture make a top 3 of these strategies. These results will be of interest for policymakers in decision-making on technology transfer in agriculture.
Moderating role of social capital on the effect of financial behavior on financial inclusion
Chike Onodugo , Ifeoma Onodugo, Anastasia Ogbo , Henry Okwo
, Charles Ogbaekirigwe doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 502-512
Views: 935 Downloads: 377 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe need for improved institutional interventions aimed at increasing access to financial services by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has been emphasized. Complimenting these efforts, this study proposes that building social networks capable of informing requisite financial behaviors would facilitate the financial inclusion of SMEs co-existing in business clusters. This study aimed to empirically test the moderating influence of collective action, bonding, trust, and bridging on the effect of financial behavior on financial inclusion. Using a sample of 311 owners/managers of small and medium scale businesses in sub-urban clusters in South-Eastern Nigeria, the hierarchical moderated regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses of the study. Results show a positive main effect of financial behavior on financial inclusion
(βf = 0.162; t (304) = 1.503; p < 0.05). Also, collective action (βfca = 0.201; t (304) = 6.906; p < 0.05) and bridging (βfbr = 0.201; t (304) = 6.906; p < 0.05) had positive moderating effects, bonding (βfb = 0.032; t (304) = 1.423; p > 0.05) and trust (βft = 0.014; t (304) = 0.9609; p > 0.05) were statistically insignificant. For policy implications, social virtues such as bridging and collective action are more veritable tools for financial inclusion than the personal virtues of trust and bonding and should be factored into economic and social intervention being deployed by institutions interested in meeting the banking/financial needs of businesses. -
Application of decision tree model for prediction of immigration policy in different countries of the world
Viktoriia Apalkova, Sergiy Tsyganov
, Nataliia Meshko
, Nadiia Tsyganova
, Serhii Apalkov
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 513-532
Views: 687 Downloads: 247 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the past few decades, the ever-increasing dynamics of international migration flows can be observed. At this stage, the governments of major countries in the world are striving to balance the needs of their citizens and the support of immigrants. The paper analyzes factors that affect the immigration policies of various countries and determines the role of ecological factors (such as environmental conditions). The objective of the study is to predict the immigration policies of different countries of the world based on the analysis of the influencing factors, including environmental performance. The research method is based on the use of the RapidMiner software package to build two decision tree models and a static index database of more than 150 countries around the world. The results show that in most cases, the immigration policies of various countries will focus on maintaining the current level of immigration and increasing the number of skilled workers. At the same time, one of the key decision-making factors will be the country’s current immigration level, environmental performance, GDP per capita, and the Education index. One of the main conclusions is that the country’s environmental indicators have begun to become one of the priority values that determine the state immigration policy. This can be explained by the rising global community interest in the challenges of climate change.
Dark personality traits and job performance of employees: The mediating role of perfectionism, stress, and social media addiction
Mehmet Kiziloglu, Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi
, Viktor Koziuk
, Serhii Vitvitskyi
, Serhii Kozlovskyi
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 533-544
Views: 877 Downloads: 368 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of this study was to explore the indirect and direct relationships of Big-5 and dark personality traits (i.e., extroversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, sadism, and spitefulness) with job performance via perfectionism, stress, and social media addiction. A total of 514 private sector employees filled out a query sheet that included the assessment tools for the variables. Path analysis using a multiple mediation model indicated that neuroticism was negatively directly and indirectly related to job performance via stress and social media addiction. Machiavellianism and spitefulness were directly positively associated with job performance, and Machiavellianism-related higher social media addiction diminished the direct positive effect of Machiavellianism on job performance, indicating complex relationships. Furthermore, stress, social media addiction, and perfectionism were related to different personality traits positively and negatively. Findings of the present study suggest that an anti-social personality may promote higher job performance. However, job performance may be adversely affected by the adverse consequences relating to these traits. Professionals and firms that attempt to increase job performance should take anti-social personality traits and their complex effects on job performance into account.
The preferred leadership styles in vocational training corporations: Case of Jordan
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 545-555
Views: 558 Downloads: 413 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study aims to identify the leadership styles (democratic, authoritative, autocratic, laissez-faire, transformational, and transactional) practiced by trainers at the Vocational Training Corporation as perceived by the female trainees in Jordan. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data collected by the questionnaire from respondents (n = 105 female trainees) selected by the simple randomization sampling and representing 50% of the population (n = 210). Among the questionnaires sent, only 104 were received and declared valid for statistical analysis. Major findings indicated that the democratic leadership style was mostly preferable by female trainees, where rated top by respondents (M = 4.50), followed by the transformational style (M = 4.23), and the authoritative style was rated the lowest (M = 2.58) compared with the autocratic, laissez-faire and transactional leadership styles. Thus, to keep increasing the development of training programs and obtain positive feedback for trainees, both trainers and managers of the Vocational Training Corporation necessarily need to practice appropriate leadership styles, develop a high level of learning and benefits.
The authors would like to thank Al-Balqa Applied University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Institute of Public Administration in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for all kinds of support and providing us with time and access to the research resources.