Issue #2 (Volume 20 2022)
ReleasedJuly 04, 2022
161 Authors
245 Tables
93 Figures
- 3D-printing
- affective commitment
- agility
- agricultural purpose
- alienation
- assessment
- audit firms’ reputation
- audit firms’ size
- auditors’ perceptions
- audit risk
- bibliometric analysis
- board characteristics
- board of directors
- business
- butter market
- candidate performance
- career advancement
- change management
- change support
- cheese market
- circular economy
- cluster analysis
- clusters
- communication
- compliance
- conflict
- contemporary management accounting practices
- convolutional neural network
- cooperative
- corporate culture
- corporate entrepreneurship
- corporate governance
- corporate reporting
- COVID-19
- Covid-19
- COVID-19 crisis
- COVID-19 pandemic
- Covid-19 pandemic
- creative industry
- crisis
- crosstab analysis
- death rate
- decision tree
- dematerialization
- descriptive analysis
- design thinking
- developing country
- diagnostics
- disclosure practice
- disruptive technology
- diversification
- dynamic stability
- e-government
- earnings management
- economic growth
- economic growth rate
- economic support
- education
- electronic leadership
- empathy
- employee enhancement
- employee perceptions
- employees
- empowerment of women
- entrepreneurship
- environmental performance
- environmental sustainability
- Europe
- executives
- explanatory sequential mixed methods
- external environment
- family business
- female
- finance
- financial behavior
- financial information
- financial knowledge
- financial security
- financing
- firm capabilities
- food and beverage
- food insecurity
- food market
- forecasting
- foreign ownership
- functional approach
- gender differences
- gender equality
- Gini index
- green human resource management
- green innovation
- green organizational identity
- group level
- handicraft
- healthcare
- higher education
- hotels
- HR strategies
- human capital
- human resource management
- India
- indicators
- individual level
- Indonesia
- inequality
- innovation
- innovative work behavior
- institution
- intangibles
- integrated index
- intellectual capital
- intellectualization
- internal factor
- IT sector
- Jakarta
- job embeddedness
- job satisfaction
- job stress
- Jordan
- k-means model
- Kazakhstan
- labor market
- land plots
- leadership
- learners
- learning
- Malang
- management
- management theory evolution
- manufacturing firms
- mapping
- marketing performance
- methodology
- monitoring
- morality
- motivation
- multiplicative model
- national economy
- natural assets
- nepotism and cronyism
- new normal
- Nigeria
- non-financial information disclosure
- office-workers
- OLS method
- online
- operational innovation
- operations
- organizational commitment
- organizational level
- organizational support
- organizational trust
- organization behavior
- pandemic
- paradigm
- pay satisfaction
- perceived trust
- performance
- person-organization fit
- personnel
- personnel impacts
- Philippines
- policy
- policy measures
- population growth
- preliminary procedure
- privacy
- problem definition
- production
- productivity
- product testing
- profitability
- programming
- protection
- prototyping
- public sector
- purchasing power
- quality of work life
- questionnaire
- re-engineering corporate thinking
- recreation
- recruitment
- region
- regional policy
- regulation
- relationship
- relationships with superiors
- remote work
- research concentration
- resilience
- resource
- reward
- rewards and recognition
- risk-taking
- rule of law
- safety and health
- safety climate
- safety climate dimensions
- safety culture
- Saudi Arabia organizations
- self-efficacy
- self-organization
- self-organize
- self-reported productivity
- service quality
- SMEs
- social economy
- social support
- social sustainability
- software development companies
- spiritual capital
- standard
- state ownership
- student experience
- student support
- subjective health
- subjective well-being
- sugar market
- sustainability reporting
- sustainable development
- sustainable human resource management
- tax administration efficiency
- technology
- technology acceptance model
- telework
- territorial communities
- threat
- tourism
- traditional management accounting practices
- transformational leadership
- turnover
- turnover intention
- two-sample t-test
- Ukraine
- unethical behavior
- university brand image
- venture
- Web of Science
- welfare
- well-being
- women entrepreneurs
- work-family conflict
- working at home
- working conditions
- Yemen
- Zoom
Job satisfaction in the light of gender in the engineering sector in Slovakia
Eva Živčicová , Tatiana Masárová , Monika Gullerová doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 1-9
Views: 857 Downloads: 700 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯJob satisfaction covers all factors affecting a particular work activity. Gender is one of the internal job satisfaction factors. The purpose of the paper was to find job satisfaction differences related to gender in selected characteristics of employees working in the engineering sector. A questionnaire method was used to conduct the survey. Questionnaire items were selected from the questionnaire developed by Paul E. Spector (1994) and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). The respondents were employed in a Slovak engineering company, and the sample consisted of 60 respondents with balanced basic and specific characteristics. Paper questionnaires were distributed to the respondents while observing all the ethical rules of the survey. The results are expressed in means, standard deviations and p-values. In addition, a two-sample t-test was used. It was found that job satisfaction is perceived differently by male and female workers in the areas examined. Statistically significant differences were established in the areas of remuneration, recognition, and use of one’s abilities at work. Statistically insignificant areas of job satisfaction include meaninglessness of work, experiencing happiness at work more than others, and satisfaction with the relationship with supervisors.
The paper was written under the project Multiplier Effects of Human Capital Quality on Economic Performance and Competitiveness of the Slovak Economy and supported by the Grant Agency VEGA of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic [No. 1/0357/21]. -
Effect of crises on human resources management in small and medium enterprises: Evidence from manufacturing industry in the Czech Republic
Eva Hoke , Kamil Peterek , Katerina Vichova , Pavel Taraba doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 10-21
Views: 848 Downloads: 493 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe current turbulent times have never been so demanding to adapt to ever-changing conditions. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) form the cornerstone of the economy. Moreover, they are the driving force of economic processes in all countries. Therefore, this paper aims to empirically map and identify the causes of the crisis and statistically verify how these crises affect the personnel measures taken and human resource management (HRM) in SMEs. The chi-square test and Cramer’s coefficient were used to verify the statistical dependences of research questions and hypotheses. A statistically significant impact of external economic influences on enterprises’ activities was empirically confirmed (59%). It was proved that nowadays, the most important external factor influencing the activities of enterprises in the market is the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also focused on the personnel measures taken during the crisis. It was confirmed that small businesses apply alternative personnel measures, namely reducing variable wage components before radical redundancies.
This study was supported by the project DKRVO Tomas Bata University in Zlín – Risk management in logistics – RVO/FLKŘ/2021/03, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, and project GAAA – Project risk management in the conditions of SMEs in the Czech Republic – GA/16/2019. -
Healthcare sector in European countries: Assessment of economic capacity under the COVID-19 pandemic
Anastasiia Simakhova , Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi , Serhii Kozlovskyi , Vira Butenko , Volodymyr Saienko doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 22-32
Views: 641 Downloads: 237 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe year 2020 showed certain unpreparedness of the world’s countries for the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the unpopular measures of closed borders and total quarantine. The leading social component that opposes a pandemic is the healthcare system. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to assess the ability of European countries to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The cluster modeling was performed using the STATISTICA 7.0 package. As a result of modeling, the studied countries were divided into 4 clusters. The first cluster included nine countries. According to the smallest distance, the core countries in this cluster are Ireland and Bulgaria. The second cluster included seven European countries. The core country in this cluster is Sweden. Five of the studied countries were part of the third cluster. The core country in this cluster is Estonia. The fourth cluster included economically developed European countries with a Scandinavian social economy model and countries with a transitive social economy model. The core country in the fourth cluster is Germany. The recommendations for European countries can be introducing educational activities at the state level among the population on the importance of vaccination against COVID-19, increasing the staffing of the healthcare system, conducting the audit on the effectiveness of using public funds, and developing the medical infrastructure.
Management accounting practices and organizational performance
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 33-43
Views: 1900 Downloads: 700 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯManagement accounting practices (MAPs) are crucial for manufacturing firms to control diverse organizational operations and improve their organizational performance. The study aimed to analyze the scope of MAPs and their association with the organizational performance of Nepalese manufacturing firms. The outcomes relied on primary data obtained through structured survey from 223 medium to top-level employees of the selected companies. It was found that traditional management accounting practices had greater dominance (β = 0.817, p = 0.000) in the package of MAPs than contemporary management accounting practices (β = 0.707, p = 0.000) in Nepalese manufacturing firms. The extent of use of contemporary management accounting practices was marginally greater (mean = 3.757) than traditional management accounting practices (mean = 3.563). The analysis also disclosed no association of MAPs with organizational performance of Nepalese manufacturing firms. Though the study had a moderately small sample size from the manufacturing industry, future studies may examine the association between MAPs and organizational performance by taking samples of the manufacturing and service industry to ensure comparability and generalizations. The study endeavored to advance management accounting literature by presenting pragmatic evidence on the association of MAPs with organizational performance in the Nepalese scenario.
Impact of work-family conflict on job satisfaction and job stress: Mediation model from Indonesia
Siswanto , Masyhuri , Nur Hidayati , Muhtadi Ridwan , Rifki Hanif doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 44-56
Views: 1455 Downloads: 768 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper analyzes the impact of work-family conflict on employees’ job satisfaction and job stress and determines how organizational commitment and social support reduce job satisfaction and job stress. The study employed a questionnaire to collect the data from 382 Islamic bank employees in Indonesia. After the data were collected, it was calculated using SEM-PLS. The results showed that work-family conflict was a significant predictor of job satisfaction and job stress. Furthermore, social support mediates the influence of work-family conflict on job stress. However, organizational commitment is not able to mediate the two variables. Practically, the results of this study indicate that bank employees have high work stress due to role conflicts that occur in their families. In addition, one of the causes of role conflicts is the government’s policy to work from home during the pandemic. Furthermore, social support can mediate the relationship between work-family conflict and job stress, meaning that social support can help employees reduce job stress due to role conflicts in their families. Therefore, companies must pay attention to the psychological condition of employees before giving assignments.
Privacy concerns and protection behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 57-70
Views: 701 Downloads: 225 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper aims to analyze the protection behavior of employees while working remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic using online video chat software. This pandemic changed the way organizations work, managers meet with employees, and employees communicate. An e-mail-based survey among computer users who use video chat software for remote working is employed in this study. Using 306 responses, structural equation modeling explores the relationship between privacy concerns, protection behavior, and antecedents. The technological changes induced due to Covid-19 influence privacy concerns and protection behavior. Privacy efficacy increases privacy concerns and protection behavior. Perceived vulnerability increases privacy concerns. Perceived effectiveness of organization software affects privacy concerns but does not affect protection behavior. There is a positive relationship between privacy concerns and protection behavior; however, this positive relation is negatively moderated by a propensity to trust. A finding of threat severity measure using Covid-19 factors concludes that both privacy concerns and protection behavior increased for online video chat software users. The theoretical model explicates 75% of variances in privacy concerns and 57% of variances in protection behavior. Every one-unit increase in Covid-19 induced changes regarding the work environment increases the privacy concern by 35%, and every one-unit increase in perceived effectiveness of organization software increases privacy concern by 22%. Every one-unit increase in the privacy concern increases the protection behavior by 48%, and every one-unit increase in privacy efficacy increases protection behavior by 59%.
The assistance provided by Arun Thottath in reaching out to survey participants was greatly appreciated.
Policy measures for economic resilience of Visegrad Group and Ukraine during the pandemic
Alina Boiko , Yurii Umantsiv , Ivan Cherlenjak , Volodymyr Prikhodko , Diana Shkuropadska doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 71-83
Views: 649 Downloads: 317 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented healthcare and economic resilience challenges for the world. This study systematizes the policy measures taken by the Visegrad Group and Ukraine to support national economies in response to the pandemic. The paper is based on a grouping method to systematize the policy measures, and a tabular method to present the results of the policy measures classification. Following systematization results, the policy measures for ensuring the economic resilience under the pandemic are classified as quarantine and compensatory measures. Additionally, quarantine measures were classified into prohibitions, restrictions, and recommendations. Compensatory measures were classified by the type of policy and grouped according to the global dimension in periodization of the COVID-19 waves. The analysis of quarantine measures in Ukraine and Visegrad Group also shows that prohibitions had been used most frequently and for the longest time in Ukraine, particularly they included school closures, public transport closing, and restrictions on internal movement. Meanwhile, fiscal, macroprudential, and microprudential measures prevailed among the compensatory measures. Simultaneously, 38% of all fiscal measures were direct grants to households and enterprises. The largest number of various measures (78) were implemented in Poland, linking quarantine and compensatory measures. The least compensatory measures were implemented in Ukraine (19) and Slovakia (15). Overall, policy measures helped to avoid a worse scenario of pandemic impact but did not help to overcome the effects of the pandemic fully.
An exploration of research clusters of sustainable human resource management
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 84-95
Views: 759 Downloads: 370 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSustainable human resource management has gained significant attention and importance over the past years. The present paper aims to review the sustainable HRM literature by identifying the existing research clusters relating to the field and analyzing the common themes per cluster to organize the intellectual base on the topic and identify possible research gaps. There has been a consistent increase in research publications since 2017. The cluster analysis conducted in the present study presented the current state of research per type of sustainable HRM, with over 60% of studies relating to green HRM. General sustainable HRM follows this with 27% and socially responsible HRM – with 11%. In addition, the review sample extracted from the Scopus database showed how sustainable HRM involved CSR, sustainable development, environmental management, and supply chain management.
Moreover, it showed how it could be linked with other disciplines, different contextual variables, and possibilities for cross-disciplinary studies. Furthermore, the results show that much research has concentrated on the green HRM cluster, followed by general sustainable and socially responsible HRM clusters. This paper provided an opportunity to see in a comprehensive way what research is being done per cluster and find the possible research gaps in the current body of literature. -
Impact of corporate governance and ownership on business performance: A case study of Vietnam
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 96-106
Views: 786 Downloads: 394 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study is conducted to investigate the impact of corporate governance and ownership on business performance in listed firms on the Vietnamese Stock Exchange. The study employed the general regression method (GLS) with a sample of 506 listed firms in the period 2008–2020. The study demonstrated the impacts of corporate governance and ownership on firm performance. First, the size of the Board of Directors (BOD), state ownership, and foreign ownership have a positive impact on firm performance. On the contrary, the ratio of independent members in the BOD and the percentage of members of the BOD who are major shareholders have a negative impact on firm performance. An interesting finding is that the BOD with female members, the duality of director and chairman, and the ratio of independent members have a negative impact on the Board of Management. In contrast, firms with no female members in the BOD have a positive relationship with firm performance. The empirical results and recommendations in this study might be good instructions for firms to improve their firm performance.
Perceptual attitudes towards safety climate among employees of a manufacturing firm: A qualitative approach
Abdullah Muzakkir Razali , Razali Mat Zin , Qaisar Ali doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 107-116
Views: 583 Downloads: 235 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSafety climate can be regarded as a summary of moral perceptions that employees share about their work environments. This study explores the attitude of employees (working on production sites) towards the safety climate of a manufacturing firm producing medical equipment located in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). The data were collected through an open-ended questionnaire from 30 employees working in the manufacturing section of Setia Tek Limited. All the responses from open-ended questionnaires were analyzed descriptively and interpretively simultaneously using a thematic content analysis method. The findings indicate that the overall perception of the majority (67%) of employees about safety climate is positive. The research findings further reveal that majority of employees share a common understanding of the significance of the managerial strategies in business operations. With regard to the contribution of dimensions to shaping safety climate perceptions, the analysis reveals that all nine dimensions (safety concept, risks associated with daily work, cause of accidents, safety policies, regulations, and procedures, balance productivity goals and safety goals, commitment of the upper management, commitment of the immediate supervisor/ manager, commitment of employees, adequate training and competency, disciplinary actions for safety violations, accident investigations) positively contribute to employees’ safety perceptions.
Assessment and forecasting of Ukraine’s financial security: Choice of alternatives
Ihor Rekunenko , Fedir Zhuravka , Natalia Nebaba , Oksana Levkovych , Svitlana Chorna doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 117-134
Views: 669 Downloads: 249 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯFinancial security of a country is an integral part of its economic security and the basis of national security. The paper aims to assess and forecast the level of Ukraine’s financial security using two methodological approaches (the existing one and the authors’ elaboration) to choose the best alternative. The first one is based on the Methodology of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. The alternative one has been developed as a multiplicative model of non-linear convolution of relevant direct and indirect impact indicators, considering the opportunity and risk, which is based on a combination of a power function and the Harrington method. A database of input indicators was formed with further differentiation according to their impact on Ukraine’s financial security. The research results demonstrated that during 2013–2019 Ukraine’s financial security integrated index was cyclical and constantly changing. A comparison of the existing methodology and the developed model demonstrated a certain discrepancy between the obtained results. It was substantiated that the proposed multiplicative non-linear convolution model for assessing and forecasting the state’s financial security is more relevant, includes current indicators sorted by their direct and indirect impact, and adjusts them according to the risk of impact on overall security in the country.
Evaluation models for the impact of pricing factor on environmental performance in different countries
Viktoriia Apalkova , Sergiy Tsyganov , Nataliia Meshko , Nadiia Tsyganova , Serhii Apalkov doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 135-148
Views: 547 Downloads: 196 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe need to increase the price of non-green, carbon-emitting goods, as well as the application of new environmental taxes and fees to help solving the global climate crisis, has been actively discussed. However, price is not only a strong impetus for market development, but it can also restrain growth. The price level and population purchasing power belong to the key indexes that define the market capacities in different countries. This paper aims to investigate the impact of income inequality, including price levels and purchasing power, on environmental performance in different countries. The research method is based on RapidMiner’s machine learning programs, applying three modeling algorithms: correlation, clustering, and decision trees with a static index database of more than 150 countries around the world. The results obtained partially confirm the conclusions made by other researchers studying the Environmental Kuznets concept (EKC) effects. In particular, it was found that an important factor influencing the efficiency of the environment in the country’s ecosystem is the level of population’s income. The analysis also shows that environmental performance is strongly dependent on domestic price levels. This may support the hypothesis that the cost of green goods reflects a high benchmark for natural resource costs. However, further research is needed, including such directions as sources of financing for the implementation of circular projects, as well as the associated economic and environmental effects.
Determinants of turnover intention: The case of public servants in Vietnam
Phuong V. Nguyen , Nga Le , Hoa Trieu , Tien Huynh , Hoa Quynh Tran doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 149-160
Views: 807 Downloads: 520 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTurnover intention is an essential issue for every organization as retaining experienced and knowledgeable employees is an essential factor contributing to an organization’s competitive advantage and sustainable growth. Governmental and non-profit organizations, in particular, need to develop measures for reducing the increasing rate of turnover among federal officials. This study examines the factors influencing intentions to leave among civil servants in the public administration sector. Therefore, an online survey was undertaken to collect data from the targeted respondents, who are employees and managers working in governmental organizations in Vietnam. By using the convenience sampling method, a total of 300 responses were obtained. Men made up 53.3% of the participants, while women made up the remainder. Nearly 60% of the participants work for governmental and political organizations, and the rest work for state unions. The collected data were then processed via AMOS software and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling approach. The results indicate that job satisfaction strongly affects employees’ turnover intentions, with a path coefficient of 0.352 and a p-value less than 0.001. In addition, perceived organizational support has a significant positive relationship with organizational commitment, evidenced by the path coefficient of 0.315 and p-value less than 0.001. Overall, the results suggest that organizations are more likely to retain qualified and committed employees when they attempt to develop appropriate training programs and an incentive reward system.
Causes of intra-organization conflict: Telecommuting triggered by the epidemic
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 161-174
Views: 641 Downloads: 236 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe COVID-19 pandemic has made many companies in China adopting telecommuting to continue their operations. Like traditional office work, telecommuting requires communication and cooperation to complete the work, and getting along with others means the possibility of conflict. Therefore, conflict can also occur in telecommuting. The purpose of this paper is to analyze telecommuting based on conflict process theory and build a model to test the hypothesis. Quota sampling and convenience sampling are used to conduct online questionnaires, and quantitative research methods are used to analyze the collected data and provide solutions. To this end, 282 Chinese respondents from different service industries completed online questionnaires. Through empirical analysis, the results show that telecommuting has a significant negative relationship with inter-role conflict and interpersonal conflict but has a significant positive effect on stress. In addition, interpersonal conflict, stress, and inter-role conflict have significant positive impacts on affective conflict. Similarly, interpersonal conflict and stress have significant positive effects on cognitive conflict. However, the relationship between inter-role conflict and cognitive conflict, cognitive conflict, and affective conflict is not significant. Thus, the results provide suggestions for managers on how to manage telecommuters and key factors that need to be considered. It also provides a new way for other scholars to study telecommuting.
We thank LetPub ( for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript. -
Additive economy and new horizons of innovative business development
Leonid Melnyk , Oleksandr Matsenko , Oleksandr Kubatko , Maxim Korneyev , Oleg Tulyakov doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 175-185
Views: 829 Downloads: 334 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe disruptive technologies and cyber-physical production systems are important factors that bring transformations to socio-economic formations. The paper aims to formulate the content, key directions, positive and negative effects of additive economy (AE) in the current transition phase to Industry 4.0. The research method is based on the analysis of structural links in socio-economic systems, where the additive economy potential is realized. The additive economy is treated as a new approach to production technological aspect based on the additive principle of manufacturing and aimed at minimizing the use of primary natural resources for dematerialization of social production. AE is the antithesis of the subtractive economy, which dominates today and uses only a tiny proportion of extracted natural resources. Among the positive effects of AE, there are the reduction in energy intensity of products, dematerialization of production, solidarity of society, economic systems sustainability, and intellectualization of technologies and materials. Among the negative expectations of AE, there are increased information vulnerability of production, risk of losing control over cyber-physical systems, expanding the unification of individuals, and increasing psychological stress. The additive economy is more sustainable than the subtractive economy since it does not require extra components to the production spheres, reduces the resource scarcity, and could satisfy more economic agents’ needs. Therefore, improved production efficiency due to AE promises economic growth acceleration, environmental burden and social risk reduction.
The publication was prepared in the framework of the research projects “Sustainable development and resource security: from disruptive technologies to digital transformation of Ukrainian economy” (№ 0121U100470); Fundamental bases of the phase transition to an additive economy: from disruptive technologies to institutional sociologization of decisions (No. 0121U109557). -
Entrepreneurial design thinking and business success: Empirical evidence from Nigeria
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 186-198
Views: 568 Downloads: 364 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEntrepreneurial activities seek to fill the gaps created by the government’s inability to employ their citizens globally. However, design thinking, which is a human-centered and solution-based approach to problem-solving can enhance entrepreneurial success. This study investigates design thinking and business success in Nigeria. The purpose was to determine how design thinking influences business success using the five-stage model of design thinking as its framework. The study employed a quantitative methodology. The design was a cross-sectional survey of 224 out of 350 randomly selected online respondents that were invited. The respondents, who were either entrepreneurs or people with knowledge of entrepreneurial education at the undergraduate or postgraduate levels, were contacted through social media (Facebook and WhatsApp) and a structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from them. The data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling technique. Empathy, problem definition, ideation, prototyping, and product testing were found to be positively related to business success. However, while the positive relationships between empathy, problem definition, prototyping, and product testing were found to be significant at a 1% level, that of ideation was not significant at all; thus, empathy, problem definition, prototyping, and product testing are predictors of business success. Consequently, at a 99% confidence level, it is concluded that empathy, problem definition, prototyping, and product testing, and by implication, entrepreneurial design thinking, are significant predictors of business success.
Managing change in nature-based tourism: A decision-making model using linear programming
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 199-219
Views: 616 Downloads: 283 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn conditions of forced isolation, nature-based tourism meets the needs of safe and comfortable recreation and travel combined with the solution of acute issues of medical treatment and rehabilitation during the pandemic and post-pandemic periods. This study aims to develop a model for decision-making on change management in nature tourism based on the approach of linear economic and mathematical programming. The paper formalized changes in the variability of objective function parameters of the model and the system of its restrictions, following the structure of assets of nature-based tourism, balanced by the sustainability principle. The algorithm for implementing the model includes four stages: collection and processing of relevant data on nature-based tourism; considering changes in the objective function and the system of its limitations; linear programming with variability tests using the simplex method; defining ranges/limits in which decisions are made. The initial data are summarized and averaged based on the primary data analysis on the functioning of sanatoriums and other tourist and recreational facilities in Ukraine. Short-term nature-based tourism is considered, the services of which are classified according to the criterion of the primary purpose of travel: “wow-effect” tourism, sports tourism, health tourism, traditional recreation, and green tourism. The results make it possible to substantiate decisions on changes in recreational land areas and human resources, on the limits of changes in income due to the dynamics of service prices, as well as determine the price range while maintaining income structure and sustainability limits for natural and human assets of nature-based tourism.
The paper contains the results of a study conducted under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine’s grant Formation and Use of Natural-Resource Assets of the Recreational and Tourism Sphere (0120U100159) and the Nominal Scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Young Scientists-Doctors of Sciences for 2021 (0121U113482). -
An efficient human resource management system model using web-based hybrid technique
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 220-235
Views: 709 Downloads: 313 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe proliferation of international business activities drives organizations to expand their operations into new areas and propels human resource management (HRM) to ensure hiring and retaining competent personnel. Consequently, firms have been struggling to place qualified people in relevant roles and provide adequate training. This study utilized information technology to solve these challenges using a web-based system to interconnect the processes, receive the data from the job applicants via a web-based interface, and connect them with suitable employment. Firstly, the proposed model presented a hybrid technique of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Cloud Web-based Human Resource Management System (CLWHRMS) by recognizing distinct features and forecasts the candidate’s potential under various classification tasks. For this, the study used a set of various software tools for web pages and database designing, including for the alteration of images. The hybrid model was executed using real-time data of 250 resumes, which were collected through an online database to validate the overall performance of the developed web-based system in terms of its accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. Though the specificity was the same with all the techniques, the results illustrated CNN-LSTM technique was 91% accurate and 90% sensitive compared to the traditional methods. This CNN-LSTM model automatically estimates the suitability of a job candidate and projects his/her workability contributing to Saudi Arabian firms to ease and enhance their recruitment process.
This project was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, AlKharj, Saudi Arabia under the Specialized Research Grant program with Grant No-2021/02/18747.
Do nepotism and cronyism have payoff boundaries? A cross-country investigation
Zbysław Dobrowolski , Łukasz Sułkowski , Sylwia Przytuła , Martina Rašticová doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 236-247
Views: 1061 Downloads: 243 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn modern business, the phenomena of “nepotism” and “cronyism” are often observed, which are usually associated with corruption in the public sector and abuse of public resources. However, these phenomena are international in scale, and no country or sector of the economy is free from them. Existing research does not identify shared and contradictory interests of individuals based on nepotism or cronyism. This study aims to fill this research gap. A research hypothesis was developed and tested in order to determine a point from which nepotism and cronyism are not beneficial to their perpetrators. The research data included Poles and Albanians. According to Transparency International (2022), the obtained results showed that Polish society is currently less vulnerable to corrupt practices than Albanians. Moreover, it was substantiated that relative altruism operates as the mechanism that explains nepotism or cronyism practices. Individuals involved in nepotism or cronyism perceive these practices as a tool to reduce the risk of their operations failing. However, the phenomena lead to long-lasting reciprocity, like in the case of corruption. This study contributes to a better contextual diagnosis of organizations and helps develop preventive strategies.
Virtual leadership as a development opportunity in business context
Franklin Cordova-Buiza , Pamela Aguirre-Parra , Moises Gustavo Garcia-Jimenez , Diana Carolina Martinez-Torres doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 248-259
Views: 1156 Downloads: 467 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the twenty-first century and under the framework of the fourth industrial revolution, virtual leadership emerged as a new way to direct and lead companies and organizations in the public and private sectors. In this regard, it should be mentioned that this situation is the result of the profound effects and changes of the digital revolution in the business world, which are a consequence of the globalization process and the rise of the so-called Information Technology and Telecommunications (ICT). Therefore, the objective of this narrative literature review is to know what has been written about virtual leadership between 2016 and 2021. As a result, 58 sources of information were reviewed, their level of scientific evidence was evaluated, and opportunities for growth and development in business and commercial activities were identified. In addition, a business management alternative to mitigate the impacts of the new Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic was analyzed. Hence, this paper is highly relevant, as it also considers elements such as personalized communication and digital tools. In conclusion, it was found that virtual work generates benefits, including time savings and quick contact. However, it presents challenges for leaders, such as the challenge of connectivity, motivation, and collaborators’ commitment.
Factors influencing decisions of satellite office users in the new normal era: Evidence from Indonesia
Afdol Muftiasa , Diah Purnama Sari , Lili Adi Wibowo , Agus Rahayu doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 260-268
Views: 467 Downloads: 233 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCOVID-19 affects all aspects of life, including work patterns, work behavior, and daily routines. It has also prompted organizations to change how they operate, working more from outside the office due to government restrictions. Therefore, many activity restrictions were introduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, office activities must continue. This creates a new need for the availability of satellite offices as a solution for companies and employees in carrying out organizational activities. This paper analyzes factors that influence the selection of satellite offices during the COVID-19 pandemic and the new normal. Quantitative research was used in this study; the data were analyzed using descriptive analysis methods and cross-tabulation analysis. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 65 users of the satellite offices in Jakarta. The results show that the majority of users choose a satellite office by considering the proximity to their place of residence, and room comfort, which is then followed by the availability and stability of internet access. In general, satellite office users also consider the price and choose the daily billing system over other billing systems. Thus, workspace providers in the satellite office can formulate the right strategy to attract satellite office users by choosing a proper location, fulfilling room comfort facilities, price positioning, and the billing system used.
Influence of financial support of human capital development on economic growth
Igor Chugunov , Valentyna Makohon , Tatjana Kaneva , Iryna Adamenko doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 269-280
Views: 574 Downloads: 191 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the issue of strengthening the financial support of human capital development and enhancing its impact on economic growth. This study aims to assess the impact of financial support of human capital development in terms of public spending on health and education on economic growth. Economic-statistical methods and correlation-regression analysis are used to determine the impact of the share of public spending on health and education in GDP on real GDP, and to assess the characteristics of financial support of human capital development. The study reveals evidence of a link between the level of public funding for human capital development and real GDP. At the same time, for Ukraine and the countries-full members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, in particular Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, the Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, and Russia, the results of the study were mixed. In recent years, with the share of public spending on health and education in GDP growing by 1 percentage point, real GDP has grown in 4 and 5 countries, respectively, and decreased in 5 and 4 countries out of 9 studied. The results show that a significant deterrent to strengthening the financial support of human capital development and its impact on economic growth is a significant level of uncertainty in economic processes, which determines the importance of revising the forms and methods of public financing of human capital.
Personal and reliability factors affecting adoption and utilization of e-government: An effect of intention to use
Rachmawati , Khoirul Aswar , Mahendro Sumardjo , Meilda Wiguna , Eka Hariyani doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 281-290
Views: 803 Downloads: 250 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to examine and prove the effect of personal and reliability factors on both the adoption as well as the utilization of e-government indirectly through the intention to use. The proposed model uses various theories, such as technology acceptance, diffusion of innovation, and unified theory of acceptance and use of technologies. It incorporates contracts from the e-government adoption and usage model to explore and understand the factors that drive different types of e-technology adoption and use. Employing purposive sample, the paper collected around 158 respondents that were used to support this study. According to the findings, there are 103 government employees in the sample, 36 general public, and 19 businessmen in the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta (Indonesia). After the questionnaire’s reliability and validity were rigorously evaluated, the data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. The results indicate that personal factors and perceived trust significantly affect the adoption and the utilization of e-government. In addition, reliability variables highly influence intention to use. Moreover, intention to use does not mediate the effect of personal factors, reliability factors, and e-government adoption use. This study is expected to be material for consideration and evaluation of the quality of ICTs-based public information for government officials and staff.
Directions and risks of legal rights enforcement by territorial communities after the opening of the agricultural land market in Ukraine
Volodymyr Ladyka , Mykola Kurylo , Kutluhan Bozkurt , Alyona Klochko , Svitlana Zapara doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 291-301
Views: 592 Downloads: 173 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe need for state management of the land market is stipulated with the necessity for rational use of agricultural land and preservation of its fertility. This study aims to identify the risks that have arisen with opening the land market in Ukraine. Moreover, it develops effective measures to minimize such risks, designed to enforce the legal right of amalgamated territorial communities to acquire ownership of agricultural land. The comparative law method was used in a sample analysis of legal precedents on liability for offenses in land relations, as well as the regulations that establish liability for offenses in this field and certain provisions of the legal precedents of the European Court of Human Rights. Following the study, proposals were formulated intending to improve land management in favor of the decentralized model and enforce the legal rights of amalgamated territorial communities due to the opening of the land market in Ukraine. An innovative strategy is proposed for the functioning of land relations, aimed to improve the process of their regulation in the land market performance, and its components are outlined. Implementation of the proposed strategy for the functioning of land relations will improve the transfer mechanisms of agricultural land to the amalgamated territorial communities. It will also mitigate the identified risks in the land market performance in Ukraine.
The impact of green organizational identity on green innovation at Jordanian food and beverage companies
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 302-310
Views: 600 Downloads: 219 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIntegrating environmental objectives into an organization’s mission and strategies improves the organization’s image as a socially responsible organization and helps it take a leading position of advantage. Due to the increasing pressures towards sustainability and environmental policies, organizations are making efforts in this direction. This study is aimed at identifying the impact of green organizational identity (GOI) on green innovation (GI). Data were collected from 168 employees working in food and beverage industry companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. SPSS was employed to analyze the data and test the hypothesis. The study finds a significant positive effect of GOI on GI product and GI process. The study recommends that companies show interest in GOI for their role in raising GI levels. Due to cultural differences between countries that limit the generalizability of the study results, it is recommended to conduct another study in Western culture to determine their applicability.
Addressing the interplay amongst university support, student experience, and university brand image at Vietnamese higher education institutions
Hai Ninh Nguyen , Thi Tra Phuong Nguyen , Thi Dieu Phan , Cam Tu Pham , Thi Truc Tran doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 311-320
Views: 673 Downloads: 203 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDuring the last three years, the Covid-19 pandemic has made landmark changes in all aspects of the society and higher education is no exception. The current study examines the interrelationships between university support, student experience, and university brand image. The study used partial least square–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and Smart PLS 3.3.7 to conduct the analysis. Research data were collected by structured questionnaire with 300 students from various studying majors of 12 prominent universities across the nation. The findings firstly suggest that university support has a positive and significant impact on students’ perceived support and overall student experience. Second, the student experience has a noticeable impact on the university image. In addition, the current paper also emphasizes the significant role of student experience in mediating the relationship between university brand image and student perceived support. Practically, universities have been suggested to provide more support for students, including both policies and activities, to improve student perceptions of support and experience. An outstanding student experience is critical to develop and enhance the university brand image. As a result, the findings aid higher education institutions in enhancing their competitiveness in today’s dynamic educational environment.
A mixed-methods study on the influence of quality of work life on commitment and performance
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 321-334
Views: 832 Downloads: 500 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAcademic institutions are distinguished entities that perform pivotal functions to promote education and research. Faculty are involved in these aspects by contributing their best efforts to achieve goals. Thus, they are the most important organizational resources. The study aimed to investigate the quality of work life of state university faculty. Moreover, it intended to contribute new knowledge by identifying its influence on commitment and performance using Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods. There are studies on quality of work life (QWL) in higher academic institutions with different components. However, this will be the first in education using the thirteen (13) factors of QWL of the 21st century. There is a sample of two hundred fifteen (n = 215) respondents and twenty participants from the state university in the province of Rizal, Philippines. Numerical data were treated with mean and Pearson’s r, while thematization is used to analyze qualitative data. Rewards and recognition have been commendable (M = 4.37); however, sustainable safety and health programs are aspired (M = 3.38). People feel empowered, but the excessive number of teaching loads was noticed, and the incentivization of those with the additional designation. The study found influence of quality of work life on commitment (r = .583, p < .01). QWL is considered multi-faceted, and evidently, many elements do not directly influence performance, having a very weak positive correlation (r = .079, p < .01). These results are deemed significant to continuously improve the welfare of employees. Hence, commitment and performance will be intensified.
The author is indebted to the President of the University of Rizal System, Philippines, and Vice President for Research, Development, Extension, and Production for the support given to publishing this paper. -
Research on management theory: A development review and bibliometric analysis
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 335-347
Views: 922 Downloads: 2352 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯWhile the literature on management theory has been growing in recent years, there are no publications regarding the evolution and mapping of this scientific field. This study dwells on the issues related to management theories in the context of today’s research by identifying the most important lines of research, researchers, and the concentration of research. To explore the trends in the development of management theory, this study used bibliometric analysis. The search in the Web of Science database provided 5,825 documents (including articles, books, reviews, etc.). Methods of trend analysis, clusterization, and comparative analysis were used. The results show that a new direction of responsible management research is being formed – the organization’s operations and objectives must be balanced, and their implementation must be responsible. This study enriches management literature by providing new ideas related to future research tendencies. Moreover, it fleshes out the direction for developing management theory and outlines the most-cited works and authors, the research concentration in different countries, and leading journals. For scholars and practitioners, such structured data are an important source of relevant information in published papers and allows for the definition of research guidelines.
Job embeddedness and its connection with person-organization fit among Saudi Arabian employees
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 348-360
Views: 606 Downloads: 392 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯJob embeddedness and person-organization fit are two constructs that reflect employees’ attachment toward their organizations. While job embeddedness enhances employees’ affection, person-organization fit involves the value convergence with the organization. Therefore, the two constructs facilitate continuance in employment. The study attempted to identify the relationship between job embeddedness, person-organization fit, and human capital among the Saudi workforce. Data for the study were collected from 190 full-time employees employed in various organizations in Saudi Arabia. Convenient sampling was used to collect data. The respondents belong to different demographic categories. The data were analyzed using SPSS and structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques. Three hypotheses were formulated for the study to denote the relationships between the variables. For all the hypotheses formulated in the study, t-values (0.71, 0.88, and 0.84) showed a five percent level of significance. The research results thus indicated a significant positive relationship between job embeddedness, person-organization fit, and human capital. The relationship between the constructs and demographic variables was also examined. The findings are significant as the identified constructs help dealing with turnover intention, which is a bane for any organization. Therefore, the results could be used to identify retention strategies.
This publication was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia, under the Specialized Research Grant program with Grant No- 2020/02/17318. -
Influence of the board of directors on discretionary accruals: Evidence from Vietnamese listed companies
Tran Quoc Thinh , Vo Thi Thanh Thuy , Luu Chi Danh , Dang Anh Tuan doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 361-371
Views: 637 Downloads: 219 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the trend of globalization, profit is always a concern for companies because the competition is increasingly fierce. With accounting tools and policies, managers of companies can perform profit management. The purpose of this paper is to test the influence of the board of directors on the discretionary accruals in Vietnamese listed companies. The paper uses time series of table data. The sample includes 915 observations of 183 Vietnamese non-financial companies in the period from 2016 to 2020. The feasible generalized least squares method is used to test the hypotheses of the research model. The paper uses two foundational theories, including the agency theory and the signaling theory, to explain the discretionary accruals of Vietnamese listed companies. The results show that the independence of the board of directors, the meetings of the board of directors, and the foreigners in the board of directors influence the discretionary accruals in Vietnamese listed companies. Then, the paper proposes some appropriate policies on regulations to control the discretionary accruals in Vietnamese listed companies to improve the quality of accounting information in the context of regional and international economic integration.
Assessing dynamic stability of economic development of global food markets in the context of globalization
Mykola Sychevskiy , Olga Kovalenko , Liudmyla Deineko , Lyudmyla Yashchenko doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 372-388
Views: 426 Downloads: 169 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe global food market is in constant transformation. Cyclical fluctuations and force majeure (financial crises, epidemics, military actions) affect the volumes of production, consumption, exports and imports of food products. Therefore, the study of the dynamic stability of the growth of world food markets is especially relevant. The purpose of the study is to assess the dynamic stability of economic growth in the world food markets: cheese, butter and sugar. The study used general scientific and special methods: dialectical and logical to summarize the scientific foundations for ensuring the sustainable development of world food markets; regression analysis – to determine the direction of market development; variational analysis – to determine the sustainability of market development. The advantage of the approach proposed in the paper is the assessment of the direction of development by the regression coefficients and the amplitude of fluctuations by the average percentage of deviations from the trend, which allows more correct interpretation of the results than when using only the coefficient of variation, which takes into account changes around the average value. It is established that the world markets for cheese, butter and sugar from 2011 to 2020 are characterized by dynamically stable growth in production, consumption, exports and imports. However, the markets of individual countries have developed unevenly: cheese production is most attractive and less risky in the EU, Brazil and South Korea; butter production in the EU and India; sugar production – in the USA, India, Algeria. Forecast calculations confirm the likelihood of growth in these markets.
Moderating role of leadership on factors influencing tax administration efficiency
Abobakr Al-Harethi , Saliza Abdul Aziz , Idawati Ibrahim doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 389-401
Views: 562 Downloads: 261 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe current study targets to examine the relations between motivation, attitude, job satisfaction, and tax administration efficiency with leadership as a moderator from the tax employee’s perspective using the Yemeni environment. The questionnaires were distributed among 505 employees of the Yemeni Tax Authority as part of the survey technique, exactly from six governorates. As a result, 306 questionnaires were appropriated for further analysis. Respondent data were analyzed using SPSS.23 and PLS software. The analysis results manifest that motivation, attitude, and job satisfaction significantly influence tax administration efficiency. Whereas motivation presents about 40% of the influence, attitude is about 31% of the influence, and job satisfaction is about 15% of the influence on the efficiency of tax administration. Furthermore, for the influence of leadership as a moderating variable, it was found to moderate the impact of job satisfaction and attitude on tax administration efficiency (β = 0.157; P < .001; β = 0.105; P < .01). On the contrary, the findings also show that leadership cannot moderate the correlation between motivation and tax administration efficiency (β = –0.061; P > .05). The findings of this study are helpful for the tax administration in the context of Yemen.
It is our pleasure to thank Seiyun University and Universiti Utara Malaysia for their continuous support in the completion of this work. Appreciation also goes out to the anonymous reviewers, who had supplied excellent advice and comments. -
Population growth and food security: Evidence from Nigeria
John O. Aiyedogbon , Sarah O. Anyanwu , Grace Hezekiah Isa , Yuriy Petrushenko , Olena Zhuravka doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 402-410
Views: 1196 Downloads: 897 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe average agriculture output growth between 2011–2020, which stood at 3.5% against the backdrop of over 2.6% population growth rate, accounts for the present food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition in Nigeria. The study aims to examine the impact of population growth on food security in Nigeria with data covering 1986–2020. The study employed two models: the first model analyzed agriculture output as a function of population growth rate. The second model examined the impact of population growth and agriculture productivity on economic growth. The Cochrane-Orcutt iterative method on an ordinary least squared (OLS) was employed. The study results found that population growth had a significant impact on agriculture output. However, the paper further substantiated that economic growth is significantly and positively responsive to changes in agriculture output and population growth rate in Nigeria. Among other things, the study recommended the government consider an increase in budget allocation to the agriculture sector so as to boost food output. Finally, the government may also consider introducing a policy that would encourage small families, thereby reducing the country’s population growth rate.
Impact of intellectual capital on profitability: Evidence from software development companies in the Slovak Republic
Yuliia Serpeninova , Serhii Lehenchuk , Martina Mateášová , Tetiana Ostapchuk , Iryna Polishchuk doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 411-425
Views: 821 Downloads: 278 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIntellectual capital is the total value of all entity’s intangible resources (organizational, human, and customer). Effective management of intellectual capital in high-tech industries needs determination of its role in ensuring profitability and clarifying the direction of managerial and investment policy in intangible resources. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of intellectual capital on the profitability of Slovak software development companies. Panel data regression analysis was used as the main research method to analyze the data of 16 Slovak software development companies for 2015–2019. The study designed and analyzed four panel data regression models with different dependent variables (Return on Assets, Net Profit Margin, Gross Profit Margin, Earnings Before Interest and Taxes Margin) and similar independent variables (Capitalized Development Costs, Software, Acquired Intangible Fixed Assets, Personnel Costs, Social Security Costs, Social Costs, and Total Costs of Economic Activity). The analysis of these models was carried out based on the fixed effects method. It was found that intellectual capital reflected in the financial statements of software development companies does not meet the information needs of stakeholders and does not have a significant direct impact on profitability. Only Acquired Intangible Fixed Assets had a direct positive impact on the profitability of software development companies in all four analyzed models, and some independent variables had a negative impact. It is proposed to expand the structure of financial reporting items that characterize the intellectual capital and improve the method of recognizing costs of various types as intangibles.
Achieving competitive advantage through spiritual capital, innovation work behavior, and organizational learning
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 426-437
Views: 819 Downloads: 262 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSpiritual capital is one of the essential intellectual capital that drives individuals and organizations to run the business following the law and standards. As a result, organizations can gain trust and integrity by following the rules and affecting their competitive advantages. This study analyzes competitive advantage based on spiritual capital, innovative work behavior, and organizational learning, which are reflected in two dimensions: exploratory and exploitative learning. The research population was 53 businesspersons of handicraft industries in the Malang City of Indonesia selected by saturated sampling techniques. A research instrument collected data in a structured questionnaire distributed to business people; the data were analyzed with SmartPLS 3.0. The results are interesting because they showed that spiritual capital did not significantly affect competitive advantage, both directly with a coefficient of 0.090 and as a mediator with a coefficient of 0.030 for innovative work behavior on competitive advantages. Other results of this study concluded that innovative work behavior was affected significantly by exploratory learning with a coefficient of 0.412 and exploitative learning with a coefficient of 0.139. Indirectly, exploratory and exploitative learning have a significant impact on spiritual capital with a coefficient of 0.139 for exploratory learning and 0.112 for exploitative learning. Spiritual capital was affected significantly by innovative work behavior with a coefficient of 0.331, and innovative work behavior affected competitive advantages with a coefficient of 0.371.
The role of women entrepreneurship antecedents in supporting social and economic well-being
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 438-447
Views: 885 Downloads: 240 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOne way to support sustainable development is to put concern on women empowerment. The role of women in a society is essential, yet often treated unfairly. This study focuses on looking at the aspects that can determine the success of entrepreneurship as a form of women entrepreneurship. Additionally, the effect of women entrepreneurship on social and economic well-being is also investigated. The study took a quantitative approach and employed a survey method on a total of 406 members of Setia Bhakti Wanita cooperative in Indonesia. STATA 14 statistical software was used to analyze the data. The results of this study indicate that access to micro-loans has the highest impact on women entrepreneurship (path coefficient 0.43), followed by social environment support (path coefficient 0.32), and entrepreneurial education (path coefficient 0.13). Furthermore, women entrepreneurs have a more favorable impact on economic well-being (path coefficient 0.93), as evidenced by better access to health service, than social well-being (path coefficient 0.89) that is shown from better social relationship with the nearest community. This study offers solid evidence-based recommendations for women’s empowerment in Indonesia using proper entrepreneur organization channels.
The authors thank to Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Indonesia and the Setia Bhakti Women Cooperative East Java Indonesia.
The role of operational innovation and external environment on the relationship between service quality and marketing performance in the hotel business
Abdel Hakim Akhorshaideh , Jassim Al-Gasawneh , Dia Zeglat , Nawras Nusairat , Mahfuz Judeh doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 448-458
Views: 703 Downloads: 254 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEconomic sustainability allows hotel customers and other stakeholders to profit from hospitality services. Hotels can improve their marketing success by leveraging technologies and innovation strategy initiatives to suit guests’ ever-changing needs. Thus, this paper investigated the effect of service quality on marketing performance among hotels in Jordan. In addition, it analyzed the moderating role of operational innovation and external environment on the relationship between service quality and marketing performance among Jordanian hotels. This study was quantitative and used the pretested questionnaire by interviewing general managers. The valid questionnaires were distributed stratified randomly to general hotel managers. The analyzed data were from 162 completed questionnaires, employing partial least squares analysis software. The results demonstrate a positive relationship between service quality and marketing performance. Moreover, this relationship was moderated by operational innovation and external environment. Clearly, the managers in Jordanian hotels might find and draw business strategies by linking the marketing performance with the service quality specifically (SERVQUAL) and employing management and technologies strategies through its operational innovation and external environment.
The influence of technological innovative capabilities on firm performance: Moderating effect of strategic agility
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 459-470
Views: 574 Downloads: 208 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study investigates the influence of technological innovative capabilities (TICs) on firm performance (FP) in the IT sector, with strategic agility as a moderator variable. This paper analyzes the TICs at the firm level in the service sector using the functional approach. An online structured questionnaire was adapted and refined to collect the required information on the influence of TICs dimensions on FP in the IT sector to achieve the objectives. The unit of analysis consists of top management staff and heads of departments from IT firms in Amman, Jordan. A sample of 67 IT firms was selected, and 300 questionnaires were distributed. A total number of returned responses was 223, producing a 74% response rate. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. The revealed findings show that learning capability, marketing capability, organizational capability, and strategic planning capability had a significant influence on FP, whereas resource allocation capability was not significant. In addition, multiple hierarchical regression was used to test the moderating effect of strategic agility on the relationship between TICs and FP. Revealed results of the overall model to examine the moderating effect show that strategic agility is not significant in moderating the relationship between TICs dimensions and FP.
Study on factors affecting audit fees and audit quality through auditors’ perceptions: Evidence from an emerging economy
Hau Nguyen Van , Hai Phan Thanh , Cuong Nguyen Thanh , Diep Nguyen Ngoc , Giang Ha Hai doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 471-485
Views: 1013 Downloads: 784 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAudit fees and audit quality have received the attention of stakeholders, clients, audit firms, and third parties. Each subject has its own opinion on determining influencing factors and their relationship. This study aims to investigate the determining factors of audit fees and audit quality in Vietnam. Using random data collection, a questionnaire was created on Google forms and sent to auditors from the 4th quarter of 2020 to the end of the 1st quarter of 2021. 267 valid auditors’ responses in 28 audit firms were used for data analysis. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to determine relationships between observed variables and factors. The measurement model and recommended hypotheses were confirmed by structural equation modeling (SEM) using SPSS 26 and AMOS 26. The study results show that contract types and audit complexity, audit firms’ reputation, size, and risk significantly impact audit fees and audit quality. In addition, the specialization of the audit firms does not have a positive effect on audit quality but on audit fees. The audit tenure has no statistical impact on audit fees and audit quality. Notably, audit fees statistically affected audit quality. Several implications can be applied, such as increasing the firm size, performing the procedures in response to audit risk, separating audit contract types, and determining the complexity of audit projects and specialties.
Self-organization of remote employees in Lithuanian companies
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 486-496
Views: 485 Downloads: 181 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe paper deals with employees’ self-organization as a modern form of organizing a company’s activities in a remote work environment, which was eventual and challenging in the pandemic, but, undoubtedly, is being further developed in companies due to perceived benefits. The aim of the paper is to analyze the self-organization of remote employees. For research methodology, in a quantitative approach, a survey of 196 working remotely employees in various Lithuanian companies by size, industry or sector was conducted using a questionnaire to analyze their self-organization activities and capabilities at the individual, group and organizational level. The survey data were statistically processed and analyzed, indicating percentages, means, medians, standard deviations, and correlations. It was found that for the vast majority of employees (79-91% in different components), self-organization is most developed at the level of individual work while working remotely. This allows employees to achieve a work-life balance and greater job satisfaction. However, the involvement of remote employees via self-organizing of group activities and decision-making as well as solution of problems important to the company in a competitive environment, is not sufficiently developed. In practice, this means that self-organization of their individual work can be delegated to employees, but more efforts are needed to involve remote employees in management processes.
“White collars” on self-reported well-being, health and work performance when teleworking from home
Agota Giedrė Raišienė , Violeta Rapuano , Greta Masilionytė , Simonas Juozapas Raišys doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 497-510
Views: 868 Downloads: 289 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the wake of the pandemic, telework became relevant to more employees than before. Researchers suggest both positive and negative impact of telework on employees. The study examines office workers’ self-reports on the impact of teleworking on their subjective well-being, health, and productivity. Data (N = 475) were collected from teleworkers in Lithuania during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings indicate that teleworking during the pandemic had a negative impact on the well-being (in work-life balance aspect) and health (mostly in terms of mental exhaustion) of office workers, while work performance suffered relatively less. Also, this study revealed three original observations. First, well-being evaluations of teleworkers were found to be most correlated with close relationships and age. Second, teleworkers who live with their parents have the most positive evaluations of teleworking in all three areas: well-being, health, and productivity. And third, the overlap between family and work when working from home increases the likelihood that women and young workers will be less concerned about healthy living habits. This study contributes to a better understanding of the factors teleworkers face when working at home and can help companies improve their hybrid working strategies.
Assessment of the relationship between inequality, income and economic growth in the regions of Kazakhstan
Karina Turkebayeva , Makpal Bekturganova , Orazaly Sabden , Galiya Dauliyeva , Gaukhar Kenzhegulova doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 511-521
Views: 552 Downloads: 173 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper aims to analyze various indicators to explain the impact of inequality and income on economic growth at the regional level of Kazakhstan. The data collected from the Bureau of National Statistics from 1995 to 2020 examined the impact of country, interregional, and market inequality indices and real income/wage on the GRP of different regions. Applying the methods such as analysis of unique statistical data covering 16 regions of Kazakhstan and log-linear multivariate regression analysis, which was carried out using the STATA software package, evidence was provided on the influence of interregional, country inequality, and income on economic growth. The analysis showed the differential impact of inequality and income. It was found at the first stage that the gap between interregional inequality and country inequality is insignificant. It was identified at the second stage that in models with real incomes, an increase in income has a negative impact on the development of the economy of Kazakhstan. All the models obtained are consistent and have (although not very high) significant explanatory power and confirm the relationship between inequality and economic growth. The findings can help policymakers, regionalists, economists, and governmental bodies understand the importance of income inequality and which areas can contribute to the formation of effective regional policy.
The study was carried out within the framework of program targeted IRN OR11465433 funding by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Development of the concept and mechanisms of balanced territorial development of the economy and society of Kazakhstan”.
Impact of transformational leadership on employees’ reactions to change and mediating role of organizational trust: Evidence from service companies in Hungary
Khadija Aya Hamza , Ayman Alshaabani , Najd Salameh , Ildiko Rudnak doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 522-535
Views: 1353 Downloads: 321 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the context of organizational change, employees can have different reactions, where some of them accept and engage with it, and others completely refuse and resist it. Hence, companies should permanently settle for the best and introduce a fruitful leadership style along with a good change management strategy to ensure the company’s prolonged survival and prosperity.
This investigation aims to examine the influence of transformational leadership on employees’ affective commitment and intention to support change. Both were chosen to constitute the main dimensions of employees’ reactions toward organizational change and highlight the importance of organizational trust as a mediator in that correlation.
To confirm the hypotheses subtracted from the literature review, a quantitative study was managed by a survey devoted to 428 employees working for diverse service companies in Hungary and going through different change cases.
Structural equation modeling (SEM) was then applied to hold out the favorable findings, which reveal that transformational leadership is a booster for employees’ intention to support change but not for affective commitment. It was also found that organizational trust firmly mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and employees’ reaction to change.
This statement justifies that both transformational leadership and organizational trust are able to reduce change complexity and lead to its acceptance, openness, and support. -
Intrinsic motivation of millennials and generation Z in the new post-pandemic reality
Nina Chala , Oksana Poplavska , Nataliia Danylevych , Olena Ievseitseva , Roman Sova doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 536-550
Views: 1170 Downloads: 1114 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe effective performance of any company is determined by the degree of motivation of its staff. In a pandemic, it is important to explore changes in the values and motivational profiles of staff, especially young people. The aim of the paper is to study the internal motives of millennials and Generation Z, to identify modern motivational tools, taking into account the challenges of an unstable global ecosystem. To assess the changes in the motives for work, a questionnaire was used. The survey was conducted (at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021) among young people in Kyiv (Ukraine) aged 17-22 (287 people participated), who had previous work experience. All results were proven to be valid. The results of the study showed that changes in the motivational profile of millennials and Generation Z under the influence of restrictive measures due to the pandemic occurred in the range of values of awareness of individuality: motives for maintaining health, balancing life, personal and professional growth came out to be more relevant. Such changes indicate positive opportunities for young people due to high adaptability to changing and unstable conditions, and, on the other hand, they bring challenges for companies – the loss of personnel. The most optimal models will be career-oriented and adaptive with elements of well-being management to motivate millennials and Generation Z.
The impact of intrapreneurship on operators’ performance of Jordanian Telecom organizations
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 551-563
Views: 496 Downloads: 360 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of intrapreneurship on the performance of telecom operators in Jordan. Three different dimensions are investigated that represent the independent variable of intrapreneurship – corporate culture, corporate entrepreneurship, and re-engineering corporate thinking, while the dependent variable performance included five dimensions such as the volume of production, sales volume, production process, diversification, and employee enhancement. A quantitative method was used; a survey was targeted at Telecom Jordan employees who were participating in the company’s intrapreneurial program Oz. 140 employees participated in the intrapreneurial program as a comprehensive population, and 102 questionnaire forms were retrieved. The findings showed that there is a significant effect of intrapreneurship on the performance of Telecom Jordan. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.394, indicating that the intrapreneurship explains 39.4% of the change in operators’ performance. Moreover, the results revealed that the highest effect of intrapreneurship is on employee enhancement, followed by the process of production, sales volume, the volume of production, and diversification, respectively. The study highly recommended giving more attention to the intrapreneurial studio, as it is considered a factory of various diversified ideas.
Determinants of sustainability reporting: Empirical evidence from East African Countries
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 564-574
Views: 766 Downloads: 245 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSustainability reporting is gaining attention among industry professionals and academics. However, it has been criticized since it fails to represent the proper reporting practices of firms, with this being described as symbolic in form. Regardless of this criticism, management of firms in East Africa is increasingly adopting sustainability reporting, despite being voluntary. Therefore, the paper analyzed the determinants of sustainability reporting of East African firms. Eight years of annual reports of 74 listed firms in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda were used. Random and fixed effect regression techniques were employed for the estimates. The study found that firms’ specific characteristics such as size, Tobin’s Q, industry affiliation, and ownership structure have a positive and significant influence on firms’ management to adopt sustainability reporting practices. In addition, it was suggested that firms with a more considerable asset and Tobin’s Q provide more sustainability reporting than those with smaller assets and Tobin’s Q. The results further showed that firms’ age and return on assets do not influence sustainability reporting. The evidence further demonstrated that firms with foreign parent companies significantly disclosed more sustainability information than local firms. The paper concludes that the firm-specific characteristics influence their sustainability reporting practice. The study provides policy implications because it can assist the governments and regulators in these countries in guiding the firms’ reporting practices.
Financial literacy and business risk-taking among business start-up students in Nigeria
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 575-587
Views: 743 Downloads: 343 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯLow business outlook due to poor financial decisions among students has continued to attract interest of financial educators and professionals. Previous studies have interrogated financial literacy with sparse attention given to business risk-taking among students’ start-ups in Nigeria. This research gap forms the basis of this study. The aim of this paper is the interrogation of financial knowledge and financial behavior as a lever for business risk-taking among start-up students of the University of Lagos, Nigeria. The philosophical perspective drew insight from the positivist approach with a random sampling of 145 final-year students selected from the departments of Business Administration, Accounting and Employment, and Labour Relations of the Faculty of Management Sciences. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test and Bartlett’s test were conducted to determine sample adequacy. Regression analysis was employed to test the hypotheses. The results show that financial knowledge and behavior of start-ups revealed a high propensity to be engaged in business risk-taking (β = .407, t (511) = 7.556, p < 0.05; β = .412, t (1.511) = 7.525, p < 0.05) with males showing more financial literacy understanding for business risk than females (β = .591, t (2;510) = 4.381, p < 0.05; β = .280, t (2;510) = 2.217, p = 0.262) respectively. The findings show the need for the continuous development of students’ start-up behavioral and attitudinal disposition, especially females in becoming more financial literate for appropriate financial decision-making in business risk-taking and venture creation.
The author acknowledges and appreciates all students who participated in this study. -
A multidimensional approach in examining the role of self-efficacy on innovative work behavior: Evidence from the creative industry
Zulkifli Musannip Efendi Siregar , Yudi Nur Supriadi , Agus Setyo Pranowo , Ende , Nova Jayanti Harahap doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 588-597
Views: 684 Downloads: 227 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯInnovative work behavior is a significant factor for business success, including in the creative industry. This paper aims to explore the effect of self-efficacy on the innovative work behavior of employees in the creative industry sector. This study uses a quantitative research approach. It was conducted on small and medium enterprises in the creative industry sector in Labuhanbatu and South Labuhanbatu regencies, Indonesia. The participants in this study were employees and managers in the creative industry. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed, and 216 questionnaires were returned. Therefore, the samples in this study were 216 respondents. After the data were collected, they were processed by the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method, which uses a multidimensional approach to testing the hypothesis. The results revealed that innovative work behavior was influenced by self-efficacy. Based on the results of the multidimensional analysis, it was shown that the most influential dimension in measuring innovative work behavior was the idea champion. In addition, the strength dimension dominantly influenced self-efficacy as the most influential dimension. The originality/value of this paper is that the analysis using multidimensional analysis shows that self-efficacy can predict innovative work behavior. The SMEs in the creative industry are suggested to give support to enhance their capability to improve employee self-efficacy and innovative work behavior.