Optimization of a service it company’s business processes functional structure


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The paper proposes an approach to optimizing the functional structure of the business processes of a service IT company based on the business process management system as an active self-organized, viable system that takes into account the peculiarities of the information technology industry development. This allows to optimize the structure of business processes through adequate positioning and formal description of the whole set of complex hierarchical interconnections with the aim of transition from hierarchical to functional structure of enterprise’s business processes taking into consideration the relationships between elements. The designed business process management system is considered as a set of strategic, tactical and operational business processes that are interrelated within a single strategic goal. The graph of the functional tasks of the investigated service IT company is formed, which reflects the incidence and closeness of the links between business processes. The model of optimization of the functional structure of business processes is proposed based on the algorithm, which involves minimizing the total connections of the subsets of the vertices of the functional graph, with the help of which the optimal restructured system of business processes was constructed, which increases the efficiency of management of the investigated service IT company. The advantages and disadvantages of the restructured functional structure of the service IT company’s business processes were analyzed. It is determined that the restructuring of the business process system will be effective only with changes in the enterprise processes management based on appropriate management strategies.

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    • Figure 1. Трьохрівнева система управління бізнес-процесами сервісної ІТ-компанії
    • Figure 2. Результат експертного оцінювання груп вихідної інформації БП сервісної ІТ-компанії
    • Figure 3. Граф взаємозв’язку підмножини бізнес-процесів сервісної ІТ-компанії
    • Figure 4. Результат розбиття графу БП сервісної ІТ-компанії на підграфи
    • Table 1. Матриця парного порівняння груп інформації між собою з використанням експертного оцінювання
    • Table 2. Кластери БП, утворені після розбиття графу