The influence of corporate social responsibility on repurchase intention: The mediating effect of satisfaction


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The study evaluates the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in the fast food service business in Vietnam. This study used quantitative research methods with a sample of 414 customers aged 18 and older who have used fast food service in Vietnam. Primary data were collected based on customers’ willingness to provide information through questionnaire links on social networking platforms such as Facebook and Zalo. Structural equation modeling and mediating effect analysis were used to test the correlation between components in the research model. Research results have identified three components of CSR, including community responsibility, environmental responsibility, and ethical responsibility in business, that directly and positively influence customer satisfaction. The results validate the mediating influence of satisfaction on the correlation between CSR components (community, environmental, and ethical responsibility) and repurchase intention, which very few previous studies have performed. These findings theoretically contribute to the literature, verifying three CSR components from the customer’s point of view in the fast food service business, including community, environmental, and ethical responsibility. Expanding the theory on factors affecting customer satisfaction and promoting cause-related marketing, prosocial behavior, and competitive advantage theory is necessary. As for managerial contributions, fast food business brands are suggested to invest and increase their CSR activities.

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    • Figure 1. Research model
    • Figure 2. The influence of corporate social responsibility on repurchase intention
    • Table 1. Demographic statistics
    • Table 2. Cronbach’s alpha for components in the research model
    • Table 3. Results of hypotheses testing
    • Table 4. Mediating relationships
    • Conceptualization
      Sang Vo Minh, Uyen Phan Nguyen Thao, Khanh Truong Tan, Phung Pham Van
    • Formal Analysis
      Sang Vo Minh
    • Investigation
      Sang Vo Minh, Uyen Phan Nguyen Thao, Khanh Truong Tan, Phung Pham Van
    • Methodology
      Sang Vo Minh, Uyen Phan Nguyen Thao, Khanh Truong Tan, Phung Pham Van
    • Project administration
      Sang Vo Minh, Uyen Phan Nguyen Thao
    • Supervision
      Sang Vo Minh
    • Validation
      Sang Vo Minh
    • Writing – review & editing
      Sang Vo Minh
    • Data curation
      Uyen Phan Nguyen Thao
    • Resources
      Uyen Phan Nguyen Thao, Khanh Truong Tan, Phung Pham Van
    • Software
      Uyen Phan Nguyen Thao
    • Visualization
      Uyen Phan Nguyen Thao
    • Writing – original draft
      Uyen Phan Nguyen Thao, Khanh Truong Tan, Phung Pham Van