The risk management practices in the manufacturing SMEs in Cape Town
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #2 (cont. 2), pp. 386-403
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Risk management is one of the prominent issues which are pivotal to the success of a business and may adversely affect profitability if not properly practised. Therefore, the main objective of this paper was to determine risk management practices in manufacturing SMEs in Cape Town. The research conducted was quantitative in nature and constituted the collection of data from 74 SME leaders, all of whom had to adhere to a list of strict delineation criteria. All data collected were thoroughly analyzed through means of descriptive statistics. From the findings made, it is clear that SMEs in the manufacturing sector do in fact understand risk management initiatives applicable to ‘manage’ their respective businesses towards sustainability, but not to a large extent. It was found that respondents are unaware of the elements which make risk management effective, which ultimately aids to the development of problems for SMEs. All employees, managers and owners must coordinate their efforts together to identify and manage organizational risks within their ambit to obtain total risk coverage, as well as provide assurance that these risks are effectively managed from a coordinated approach. Further studies may be carried out to identify measures that can be taken to improve the effectiveness of risk management practices in SMEs.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L25
- Table 1. The categorization of manufacturing SME sizes
- Table 2. Unemployment statistics of South Africa
- Table 3. Biographic information of SMEs manufacturing enterprises
- Table 4. Perceptions on risk management
- Table 5. Risk management practices of SMEs in the manufacturing sector
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