Neural network time series prediction based on multilayer perceptron
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #1, pp. 23-34
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Until recently, the statistical approach was the main technique in solving the prediction problem. In the framework of static models, the tasks of forecasting, the identification of hidden periodicity in data, analysis of dependencies, risk assessment in decision making, and others are solved. The general disadvantage of statistical models is the complexity of choosing the type of the model and selecting its parameters. Computing intelligence methods, among which artificial neural networks should be considered at first, can serve as alternative to statistical methods. The ability of the neural network to comprehensively process information follows from their ability to generalize and isolate hidden dependencies between input and output data. Significant advantage of neural networks is that they are capable of learning and generalizing the accumulated knowledge. The article proposes a method of neural networks training in solving the problem of prediction of the time series. Most of the predictive tasks of the time series are characterized by high levels of nonlinearity and non-stationary, noisiness, irregular trends, jumps, abnormal emissions. In these conditions, rigid statistical assumptions about the properties of the time series often limit the possibilities of classical forecasting methods. The alternative methods to statistical methods can be the methods of computational intelligence, which include artificial neural networks. The simulation results confirmed that the proposed method of training the neural network can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of the time series.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)С45
- Figure 1. Результати моделювання
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