Improving the profit generation management of a motor transport enterprise


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Profit is the main purpose and the key result of any enterprise operation. Profit management involves two stages, namely, generation and distribution. Profit generation is the main stage in the overall process of profit management and not only the basis for its distribution, but also a source of the production assets renewal and the new self-financing of the further development of the enterprise. Based on the analysis of approaches to the essence and classification of company profits, an advanced complex classification is proposed. In order to improve the profit generation management of a motor transport enterprise and to identify the main factors affecting its profits, an analysis of technical and economic indicators, analysis of profitability indicators and SWOT analysis were carried out. Given the results obtained, a questionnaire was created and a survey was carried out among managers and specialists of the enterprise, which allowed to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the activity of the motor transport enterprise. The factors are classified into external and internal. Also, a factor analysis of the company’s profit was carried out, which made it possible to determine key indicators that require priority attention in managing the profit generation at a motor transport enterprise. It was concluded that the most important external factors include the Ministry of Infrastructure’s activities aiming at adapting the world tendencies to the Ukrainian automotive industry. The internal factors in controlling the profit generation of the enterprises are in paying greatest attention to the volume of services rendered, their cost and the size of transportation tariffs.

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    • Table 1. Класифікація видів прибутку
    • Table 2. Матриця SWOT-аналізу ТОВ «Сумське АТП 15954»
    • Table 3. Факторний аналіз прибутку ТОВ «Сумське АТП 15954»
    • Table 4. Узагальнююча таблиця впливу факторів на чистий прибуток ТОВ «Сумське АТП 15954»