Approaches to the formation of an optimal personal investment portfolio in Ukraine


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Globalization and IT progress are expanding the possibilities of using various financial instruments to create a personal investment portfolio. The purpose of the study is to differentiate the investment portfolio by the level of income of Ukrainian citizens and its impact on the effectiveness of personal finance management. Analysis of indicators of state and current investment trends allowed identifying the optimal ratio of profitability and risk in financial decisions of individuals by diversifying the investment portfolio, creating personal reserves, localizing investment instruments and minimizing the use of credit resources.
The result of the study is the development and justification of criteria that an investor should meet during the investing. In particular, the formation of an individual investment portfolio depending on personal income allows everyone to justify an effective personal investment policy, taking into account the available investment tools.
The paper covers the approaches to the formation of a person’s investment portfolio, depending on the level of his or her income. The paper also examines the need to form an optimal investment portfolio, depending on the real financial opportunities of a person.

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    • Figure 1. Dynamics of the increase (decrease) of people’s assets in Ukraine in 2013–2019, UAH mln
    • Figure 2. The structure of asset acquisition by households in Ukraine in 2019, %
    • Figure 3. The share of different types of assets in the general structure of world savings in 2019, %
    • Figure 4. Personal investment portfolio of an individual with low, middle and high income in 2019, %
    • Table 1. Average investment return according to financial instruments in Ukraine in 2019, %
    • Conceptualization
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Eduard Yurii
    • Formal Analysis
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Alina Korbutiak, Natalia Sokrovolska, Eduard Yurii
    • Funding acquisition
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Alina Korbutiak, Natalia Sokrovolska, Eduard Yurii
    • Investigation
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Natalia Sokrovolska, Eduard Yurii
    • Methodology
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Alina Korbutiak
    • Project administration
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Eduard Yurii
    • Supervision
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Natalia Sokrovolska
    • Validation
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Alina Korbutiak, Natalia Sokrovolska, Eduard Yurii
    • Visualization
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Alina Korbutiak, Eduard Yurii
    • Writing – original draft
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Alina Korbutiak, Natalia Sokrovolska, Eduard Yurii
    • Writing – review & editing
      Liudmyla Gavatiuk, Maksym Karvatskyi, Alina Korbutiak, Natalia Sokrovolska, Eduard Yurii
    • Data curation
      Alina Korbutiak
    • Resources
      Alina Korbutiak, Natalia Sokrovolska