Formation of future penitentiary managers’ professional competence in Ukraine

  • Received September 19, 2018;
    Accepted November 12, 2018;
    Published November 19, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 2 2018, Issue #1, pp. 47-58
  • Cited by
    1 articles

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Implementation of the Concept of Reforming (Development) of the Penitentiary System of Ukraine and the goals and strategies of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has determined the necessity to provide the penitentiary system with managers who possess the required professional competencies. The purpose of the article is to reveal a method of future penitentiary manager’s professional competence formation. Surveys were carried out involving 164 Master students who got higher education in the field of knowledge “Law” and were divided in half into control and experimental groups while studying the discipline “Human Resources Management”. Basic forms of study during the analysis are: lecture-discussion, seminar – “brainstorming”, practical classes; independent work; control measures. Basic methods are: interactive methods (solution of situational tasks, situational role-playing games, trainings); exercises; research activity (abstracts preparing, performance of individual tasks, writing the theses for conference speeches and scientific articles); forms of educational work are: collective, group, pair, individual. The peculiarity of the method is the interaction between the teacher and the students at the “subject-subject level”, common definition of the optimal methods of human resources and development and planning processes management, evaluation and certification of penitentiary personnel; development of the features necessary for building and maintaining high-quality relationships. The analysis of the results of the educational experiment using the Pearson criterion χ2 (chi-squared) proved the effectiveness of penitentiary managers’ professional competence formation.

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    • Figure 1. The model of future penitentiary managers’ professional competence formation
    • Figure 2. Distribution of control group and experimental group students according to the levels of penitentiary manager’s professional competence formedness after the experiment, %