Transformational leadership and change readiness and a moderating role of perceived bureaucratic structure: an empirical investigation

  • Published March 28, 2017
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  • DOI
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    Volume 15 2017, Issue #1, pp. 35-44
  • Cited by
    8 articles

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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and change readiness through perceived bureaucratic structure among government employees in Rasht. As a methodology, descriptive method was applied using questionnaire to collect data. The studied population consisted of 600 employees from three state organizations including Municipality, Gilan Tax Department and Gilan Justice Court. According to Morgan table, the sample size was estimated at 234. This study examined six hypotheses, which were tested using multiple regression method. The results showed that transformational leadership had a positive direct effect on employee change readiness and its dimensions. However, substitution of the bureaucratic structure in the model eliminated the effect. Finally, the hypothesis on the effect of transformational leadership on change readiness through perceived bureaucratic structure was rejected.

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    • Fig. 1. Conceptual framework
    • Fig. 2. Confirmatory factor analysis for transformational leadership
    • Fig. 3. Confirmatory factor analysis for change readiness
    • Fig. 4 Confirmatory factor analysis for bureaucratic structure
    • Table 1. Distribution of samples in organizations
    • Table 2. The results of confirmatory factor analysis
    • Table 3. Cronbach’s Alpha
    • Table 4. Demographics of respondents
    • Table 5. Descriptive study
    • Table 6. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for variables
    • Table 7. Regression analysis
    • Table 8. Multiple regression analysis of transformational leadership on employee change readiness through perceived bureaucratic structure