An evaluation of the links between quality of reporting and efficiency of investment in companies listed at Tehran Stock Exchange

  • Published September 15, 2016
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  • Article Info
    Volume 14 2016, Issue #3 (spec. issue), pp. 341-347
  • Cited by
    2 articles

This paper aims to evaluate the relationship between the quality of reporting and efficiency of investment in companies registered at Tehran Stock Exchange Market during 2010-2014 (Iranian calendar) period. The population consists of manufacturing firms registered at Tehran Stock Exchange and the statistical sample includes 126 companies. To explore the assumptions of the research, secondary data, as well as audited balance sheets have been used to collect the data. The data have been analyzed using descriptive and inferential methods at two levels and via Panel Yapold tests. Reliability for variables has been verified using Luin, Leen and Chu methods for data related to the study. The results coming out of the study have been obtained by financial and monetary data of the companies registered at Tehran Stock Exchange during the years between 2010 and 2014 and have been analyzed. It was illustrated that not only companies that used higher qualities of reporting had better investments, but also the higher quality of reporting itself made the investments more efficient. Moreover, the results showed that there is negative and significant relation between too much investment and quality of financial reporting and between too little investment and the quality of reporting.

Keywords: quality of reporting, investment efficiency, Tehran Stock Exchange.
JEL Classification: M41, M42, G32

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