Improvement of the water resources management system at the territorial level
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #3, pp. 421-437
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The article is devoted to the improvement of the water resources management system at the territorial level. The article covers problems in different countries of the world, which are described in the water supply with an increase in the population of a harsh climate. Today, the existing trend shows that about two-thirds of forests and wetlands have been lost or degraded since the early 20th century, the soil was destroyed and deteriorated in quality. These trends predict floods and droughts, which in turn affects our ability to adapt to climate change. The analysis of the literature on the peculiarities of determining the main elements of influence on the use of water resources in the world is carried out. The article used a dialectical method, which is due to the need for analysis and generalization of certain aspects of scientific knowledge that analyze the availability of water resources in different parts of the world. Structural-functional analysis of the principle of systematic study of phenomena and processes is applied. With the help of the system-analytical method, the maintenance of the territories (areas) of Ukraine by local water resources is calculated, on average, per year, this m3 per person, based on the resource of surface water, as well as the exploration and catchment of groundwater. The decomposition of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of water resources management at the territorial level based on the integral territorial index is developed. According to the numerical value of the integrated territorial efficiency index, it is proposed to combine regions into homogeneous groups depending on the proximity or distance from the average value of this index.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q25, Q28
- Figure 1. Resources of fresh water in different countries on average per person, м3
- Figure 2. Provision of the population of Ukraine regionswith local water resources in the average water year, thousands, m3 per person
- Figure 3. Conceptual scheme of the mechanism of the state policy of water sector development based on the concept of mobilization water use in the process of decentralization
- Figure A1. Algorithm for assessing the effectiveness of the water resources management system at the territorial level
- Table 1. The dynamics of water use in the world by years
- Table 2. Criteria for determining the trend of changing the efficiency of the water resources management system at the territorial level
- Table 3. The matrix of the choice of the basic guidelines for the water resources management system at the territorial level
- Table A1. Top 20 countries with the highest level of water resources exploitation
- Table A2. Rating of investment-attractive countries in the context of the relevance of water production/water supply
- Table A3. The dynamics of the integrated territorial index of the efficiency of the water resources management system at the territorial level by the investment criterion, 2015–2017
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