Corporate social responsibility practices of banks in Bangladesh: a structuration theory perspective
Article InfoVolume 15 2018, Issue #1, pp. 350-360
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The aim of this paper is to illuminate the role of the socio-economic, cultural and religious context in shaping corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of banks in Bangladesh. The authors utilize content analysis of annual reports and websites of banks to identify CSR activities in healthcare, education and financial inclusion sectors. Structuration theory (ST) is used to explain how interactions between bank managers (as agents) with the social structures (institutions and government) shape CSR practices. The findings show that banks’ engagement in CSR activities is embedded in the social fabric of Bangladesh and not a result of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It is also noted that Islamic banks focus their CSR activities on social justice, while other banks target education and other humanitarian issues. The authors contribute to the literature on the determinants of CSR by revealing the rationalizations of different actors in the production and reproduction of CSR practices in Bangladesh, an insight attributed to ST. The researchers conclude that Islamic beliefs influenced managers to mitigate poverty through CSR investments.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M14, M40, O15, O35, I00
- Figure 1. Sector wise expenditures on CSR (in percentage) in the banking sector of Bangladesh
- Figure 2. Sector wise expenditures on CSR (in percentage) by IBBL
- Figure 3. Sector wise expenditures on CSR (in percentage) by DBBL
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