Determinants of intention to continue using internet banking: Indian context
Article InfoVolume 17 2021, Issue #1, pp. 40-52
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
It is necessary to understand the customers’ perceptions of internet banking because it helps determining the direction and patterns of intention to continue using internet banking. This could also help bank policymakers to develop appropriate strategies to increase internet banking usage. The study aims to examine the determinants of user’s intention to continue using internet banking since there have been no systematic attempts to understand this aspect, especially in the Indian context. This research suggests and tests an extended model to predict the intention to continue using internet banking in India. The suggested study model was examined using survey data from 206 internet banking users. PLS-SEM was employed for data analysis. The findings imply that the most significant determinants of intention to continue using internet banking are service quality, trust, and user satisfaction. On the other hand, the study finds that intention to continue using internet banking is not impacted by system quality and information quality.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, M15, O33, G20, L86
- Figure 1. The proposed model
- Figure 2. PLS algorithm results
- Table 1. Demographic variables
- Table 2. Factor loadings and cross-loadings
- Table 3. Measurement model and multicollinearity examination
- Table 4. Structural model results
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