ERP implementation in banks: success factors & impact on financial performance
Article InfoVolume 12 2017, Issue #4, pp. 17-30
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The study aims to measure the extent of implementing ERP systems in the banking sector in Jordan, and identify the main factors that influence the implementation decision, in addition to measure the impact of the post-implementation of the ERP system on the financial performance. The study utilized a content analysis as a research instrument. The study of population consisted of all the banks in Jordan, where the study applied ‘Purposive Sample’ type. Therefore, the study included 11 banks from 2011 to 2016.
The study indicated that the implementation year of the ERP system started in most of the Jordanian banks in 2013, and the rates vary from bank to bank according to their importance and the level of awareness. Training courses are considered the main variable that these banks face in the process of implementation. In addition, awareness of the advantages, the cost, and supporting the infrastructure are the core factors needed to influence the implementation decision.
There is no impact when implementing an ERP system on the financial performance of the Jordanian banks in regard to the ROI and the DPS; on the other hand, there is an impact of the ERP system on the overall performance of the banks.
The study recommends to disseminate knowledge on the advantages of implementing of ERP system in Jordanian banks and to develop the IT department efficiency. Moreover, it will be worthwhile to examine the effect of ERP systems by utilizing financial and non-financial measurements.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M41, L1, D78, G21
- Table 1. Descriptive analysis of the variables prior-implementation of the system
- Table 2. Descriptive analysis of the variables post-implementation & implementation rate
- Table 3. One sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the variables
- Table 4. “T-test” results of ROI prior- and post-implementation of the ERP system
- Table 5. Simple regression results of the impact of the ERP implementation on ROI
- Table 6. “T-test” results of EPS prior- and post-implementation of the ERP system
- Table 7. Simple regression results of the ERP implementation impact on EPS
- Table 8. “T-test” results of DPS prior- and post-implementation of the ERP system
- Table 9. Simple regression results of the ERP implementation impact on DPS
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