Trends in the developing Ukrainian non-bank financial service markets assessed using a mixture separation method
Article InfoVolume 19 2020, Issue #4, pp. 48-60
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Non-bank financial institutions play an important role in the non-bank financial service markets expressed in expanding the access to financial services for individuals and legal entities. The non-bank financial service markets demonstrate their performance peculiarities in the pre-crisis and post-crisis periods that bring up to date the need to form a scientific presentation of their development trends. Therefore, it is necessary to provide scientific background and identify the regress and progress processes in the non-bank financial service markets. The research aim is to develop an analytical approach to determining the peculiarities of the development processes in the non-bank financial service markets. The research assesses the key indicators of the non-bank financial service markets in terms of quantity by dividing a set of values into groups by cluster analysis and multidimensional object clustering by a system of indicators, as well as identifying the progress and regress patterns in the non-bank financial service markets. Achieving the research results requires taking into account the above-mentioned objectives fulfilled in seven stages. The research results reflect the influence on the financial service markets exerted by the governmental regulation policy and the consumer protection level in these markets.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G23, G28
- Figure 1. Examples of generalization patterns showing the development process of indicators by the cluster analysis method
- Figure 2. Results of the analytical approach applied to define the development processes in the NBFS markets
- Table 1. Summarized results of cluster analysis for selected indicators of the NBFS markets in Ukraine for 2006–2018
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