Ayman Mansour Khalaf Alkhazaleh
2 publications
0 books
Does banking sector performance promote economic growth? Case study of Jordanian commercial banks
Ayman Mansour Khalaf Alkhazaleh doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.15(2).2017.05Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 55-64
Views: 2396 Downloads: 1774 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSpurred by the need to evade possible parameter bias associated with earlier works, this study intended to address the subject of whether performance of commercial banking contributes to economic growth. With the aim of answering this question, the present review concentrates on analyzing the association between profitability, deposit and credit facilities as proxy for performance of commercial banks while gross domestic product proxies economic growth. The population of the study is characterized by the Jordanian banking industry; the study enclosed a period of six years from 2010 to 2015 constructed on the annual report of thirteen chosen banks. Using Ordinary Least Square, the regression outcomes found a significant positive association between measures of bank performance and economic growth. Findings demonstrate that measures of bank performance in particular profitability deposits credits have positive relationship with economic growth as measured by GDP. The empirical results suggest that the policy creators should make arrangements to augment and prompt the banking sector in Jordan on account of its key significance in making and advancing development of the economy. It additionally can be inferred that not only commercial banking performance but also other movables such as political stability and technology may assume essential part in the economic prosperity in Jordan.
Factors may drive the commercial banks lending: evidence from Jordan
Ayman Mansour Khalaf Alkhazaleh doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/bbs.12(2).2017.03Banks and Bank Systems Volume 12, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 31-38
Views: 1687 Downloads: 2107 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn an attempt to shed more light on the behavior of lending in banks, especially in the environment of developing countries, this study aims at explaining the impact of some factors proposed as determinants of bank lending in Jordanian commercial banks by benefiting from the financial reports of thirteen banks during the period 2010-2016. The study, in order to achieve the objectives and to test the main hypotheses has adopted Ordinary least square model (OLS). The most important results of the study are a statistically significant adverse effect of both credit risk and liquidity on bank lending, while there is a significant positive effect of the return on assets, size of the bank measured by assets, inflation, money supply and growth in gross domestic product in determining the level of lending. In addition, the study does not show a significant statistical effect between investments, the volume of deposits and bank lending in the same time frame. The review points out that because of the negative impact of liquidity and credit risk factors, commercial banks need to focus more on reducing their impact because presence of this impact at the end will decrease the ability of these banks to provide loans and stay in the banking market.