Regulatory assessment of the bank market risk: international approaches and Ukrainian practice
Article InfoVolume 13 2018, Issue #4, pp. 73-84
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The implementation of international standards for the bank risk assessment and market risk, in particular, in Ukrainian banking practice is aimed at achieving common standards for regulating banking activities in different countries. This should help to increase the banking sector stability in Ukraine and, accordingly, increase the interest of foreign investors.
The article deals with the methodological approaches to assessing the bank market risk (in particular, SA, IMA and R-SbM approaches) recommended by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in terms of standardization and unification of the normative framework of capital requirements for Ukrainian banks. Considering the analysis results, it was determined that the choice and implementation of an optimal approach in the context of Ukrainian banking practice can be carried out in one of two alternative scenarios: 1) a simplified version of a sensitivity based method (R-SbM); and 2) a recalibrated version of the Basel II standardized approach. In this case, the Basel II recalibrated version is more acceptable for use by banks, since it is most relevant to volume and complexity of transactions carried out by Ukrainian banks.
The obtained results are aimed at improving the existing methodology for calculating the adequacy ratio of banks' regulatory capital (N2), which currently considers only the needs for credit risk coverage, and at refining the methodology in terms of considering banks' market-risk coverage needs.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G20, G21
- Figure 1. General structure of capital requirements according to the standardized approach
- Figure 2. Assessment of capital requirements using the internal models’ approach
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