Methodological approach to determining the level of business entities’ financial potential
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #4, pp. 31-41
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Trends in the development of Ukrainian mining companies have shown that it is important to increase their financial potential. This necessitates an assessment of the financial capacity of business entities to determine the directions, methods for attracting additional and optimizing existing financial resources.
The aim of this research is to determine a methodological approach to determining the level of financial potential of economic entities through the use of mathematical and statistical methods to identify the current financial status of economic entities and financial reserves of development. General scientific and special research methods, analysis and synthesis, graphical analysis, taxonomic analysis, cluster analysis, as well as abstract and logical methods were used to achieve the goal.
Theoretical approaches to defining the essence of the concepts of “potential”, “financial potential of economic entities” were systematized to specify the boundaries of each of the concepts, its components. Definition of the essence of the “financial potential of economic entities” concept was proposed. A set of financial indicators to assess the level of financial potential through a priori ranking based on the analysis of literature sources was developed. The selected financial indicators were grouped according to the financial potential components; the integral indicators for each group were calculated. Business entities in the mining industry in Ukraine were grouped into clusters according to calculated taxonomic indicators. Besides, the level of financial potential for each cluster was determined.
The methodological approach to the diagnosis of the level of financial potential of economic entities was developed using mathematical and statistical methods. This made it possible to identify trends in the development of financial potential, which allows forming measures to increase it.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L72, N5, G17
- Figure 1. Методичний підхід щодо оцінки фінансового потенціалу суб’єктів господарювання в сфері добувної промисловості
- Table 1. Результати апріорного ранжування показників фінансового потенціалу підприємств
- Table 2. Показники оцінки фінансового потенціалу суб’єктів господарювання
- Table 3. Визначення інтегрального показника для оцінки стану фінансового потенціалу підприємств
- Table 4. Таксономічний показник фінансового потенціалу суб’єктів господарювання в сфері добувної промисловості
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