Technology for the development and implementation of social projects: substantiation of the project proposal and documents


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Ensuring a decent standard of living for citizens, especially vulnerable groups, requires qualitative changes in society. Social projects are a modern tool for making change. In this regard, it becomes relevant to study the applied aspect of their implementation – technology for the development and implementation of social projects. This study aims at exploring the nature and classification of social projects, as well as improving and further developing the technology for the development and implementation with justification of the project proposal and documentation using the Let’s Start Together project as an example. The object of research is the process of using technologies for the development and implementation of social projects in solving social problems of society. The subject is theoretical and practical recommendations on the technology for the development and implementation of social projects, based on the justification of the project proposal and documentation. The following methods were used: logical analysis – to clarify the essence of the concept of a social project; analysis and synthesis – to improve the classification of social projects; network planning – to formulate a technology implementation plan for the development and implementation of social projects. The paper explores the essence of a social project, proposes the classification of social projects and defines criteria for their evaluation. The sources of financing a social project are characterized; co-financing by various donors. A technology for the development and implementation of social projects is proposed. Considerable attention is paid to the first stage, namely the development of the project proposal and the documentation of a social project. The proposed technology was tested in the context of the social project Let’s Start Together.

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    • Figure 1. Співфінансування бюджету затвердженого соціального проєкту
    • Figure 2. Етапи розроблення проєктної пропозиції та документації соціального проєкту
    • Figure 3. Організаційна структура НКЦ «Вдалий старт»
    • Table 1. Основні напрямки реалізації соціальних проєктів
    • Table 2. Критерії оцінки доцільності реалізації соціального проєкту «Стартуємо разом!»
    • Table 3. Соціально-економічна ефективність соціального проєкту «Стартуємо разом!»
    • Conceptualization
      Nataliia Ahramakova
    • Formal Analysis
      Nataliia Ahramakova, Svitlana Honcharova, Andriy Honcharov
    • Funding acquisition
      Nataliia Ahramakova, Svitlana Honcharova, Andriy Honcharov
    • Methodology
      Nataliia Ahramakova
    • Writing – original draft
      Nataliia Ahramakova, Svitlana Honcharova, Andriy Honcharov
    • Writing – review & editing
      Nataliia Ahramakova, Svitlana Honcharova, Andriy Honcharov
    • Data curation
      Svitlana Honcharova
    • Project administration
      Svitlana Honcharova
    • Validation
      Svitlana Honcharova
    • Visualization
      Svitlana Honcharova, Andriy Honcharov