Issue #1 (Volume 9 2018)
ReleasedMay 17, 2018
12 Authors
34 Tables
13 Figures
- carbon dioxide
- CO2
- coastal regions
- crop rotation
- employment
- Environmental Kuznets curve
- environmental modification
- fertility
- foreign direct investment
- green economy
- green finance
Exploring the environmental Kuznets curve for CO2 and SO2 for Southeast Asia in the 21st century context
Environmental Economics Volume 9, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 7-21
Views: 2644 Downloads: 421 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to investigate the relationships between economic development and environmental degradation regarding the emissions of CO2 and SO2 in Southeast Asia (SEA). The pooling data consist of 10 countries, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, in the period 2003-2012. Furthermore, income elasticity of CO2 and SO2 emissions is computed for each country to observe the sensitivity of environmental degradation through the emissions of CO2 and SO2 brought by economic development.
The results indicate that CO2 displays an inverted U-shape pattern, whereas SO2 has decreased at an increasing rate since 2003. It is expected that SO2 will increase as the SEA economies further develop. The turning points for both CO2 and SO2, indicate that the current SEA income level has not reached the turning point. The income elasticities show that income elasticities for CO2 are positive for all 10 countries. Both Singapore and Malaysia are classified as countries with high income. However, Singapore, with 0.64%, has the highest income elasticity, and Malaysia, with 0.15%, has the second lowest. There is no indication that wealthy countries have a significant impact on CO2 through economic development. Income elasticities for SO2 of each country are all negative. This suggests that SO2 is an inferior good. Brunei, with 8.41%, has the most sensitivity toward change in SO2 emissions, whereas Myanmar, with only 0.58%, is the least sensitive to SO2 emissions. -
Impact of climate change and natural catastrophe on the occupational changes in the coastal areas of Bangladesh: an empirical study
Nawazeesh Muhammad Ali doi: Economics Volume 9, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 22-37
Views: 1881 Downloads: 186 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOccupation of the populace who live in the coastal areas of Bangladesh needs to be changed in the pattern of source of income owing to sea level rise and natural disaster in a cyclical manner and also irregular variations. This is now a great concern for Bangladesh especially in the country’s coastal regions. As such, the research question relates to assessing the impact of climate change and natural catastrophe on the occupational changes in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. This study explored using both primary and secondary sources. The study had been conducted from May to December 2017. The study found that climate change was causing sea level raising and created salinity problem in the coastal areas, which has caused change of the occupational changes. Salinity problem had caused damage of most of the agricultural production, fisheries and household. The binary logistic regression equation indicated that occupational change was due to climate change and natural catastrophe that also depend on socio-economic situation of the people of that area of the country. From another binary logistic regression equation, it was found that occupational change also depends on the various demographic factors and if the personal position of the respondents is changed then it will occur. Each year in coastal areas, people are permanently and temporarily dispersed because of global warming in Bangladesh. The country should take effective steps in the coastal areas to diminish climate change threat and also control over its phenomenon. Those who are responsible internally to increase climate change should be supported by creating employment opportunities for affecting community development as suggested by the researcher. To reduce natural catastrophe, more trees should be planted in the coastal regions, and there is a need in balanced development at urban and rural areas without destroying nature.
Waste management policy and employment: the case of France
Younes Ben Zaied , Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh , Pascal Nguyen , Mohamed Badrane Mahjoub doi: Economics Volume 9, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 38-46
Views: 2365 Downloads: 297 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper examines whether a causal relationship exists between waste tonnage and employment when the waste collection is entrusted to a private operator in France (i.e. waste management policy by delegation of service). The empirical investigation is based on weekly data for four waste streams for the period from January 2015 to June 2017. Using nonstationary time series techniques including cointegration, VECM (Vector Error Correction Model) and long-run causality test of Toda and Yamamoto (1995) within a bivariate framework, the results demonstrate potential causal negative relationship between waste tonnage and employment. For three waste streams (i.e. household waste, outdoor garbage waste and miscellaneous waste), the results suggest that waste management practices that aim at entrusting the collection and treatment to a private operator (i.e. waste management by delegation of service) are not economically beneficial to society, because this policy does not favor environmental jobs creation. The paper calls for the adoption of other waste management practices to preserve employment in the waste collection sector.
Assessment of ecological and economic efficiency of agricultural lands preservation
Environmental Economics Volume 9, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 47-56
Views: 1763 Downloads: 311 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article substantiates the necessity to define and generalize the criteria for assessing the ecological and economic efficiency of using agricultural lands. Due to the transition of the agro-industrial complex to private forms of management, the problems of forming a strategy of rational, ecologically safe and sustainable development of land use in Ukrainian agriculture became of paramount importance. Therefore, systematic studies on the assessment of the ecological and economic efficiency of the agricultural land use need to be conducted. Harmonization of ecological and economic interests is of particular importance in the context of ensuring the conservation, resource-saving and reproductive nature of the agricultural land exploitation.
A scientific study found that in Ukraine, the agrarian sector of the economy provides about 47% of GDP, but the question arises: At what price are these achievements given to us? Agricultural land development exceeds environmentally sound standards. Excessive cultivation of the territory leads to an annual increase of eroded lands by 80-90 thousand hectares. Land use is recognized as environmentally unstable, and there is a steady tendency to deteriorate the quality of soil. Each second hectare of cultivated land is erosion-hazardous, that is, these soils are subject to water and wind erosion. In this regard, it is recommended to introduce the world-wide experience of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), which provides an opportunity to provide food security to the country and to limit the negative impact of the environment, based on the introduction of organic production.
It is proved that regardless of the size of farms and forms of management using resource-saving no-till technologies, enterprises received low cost of grown products, providing profitable activities. Ecological compatibility of the technology provides energy savings of at least 30% in comparison with traditional farming systems, the accumulation of not less than 30-40% of plant residues on the soil surface after harvesting of the predecessor, provides protection of the soil from wind and water erosion by minimizing the amount and depth of technological operations.
It is confirmed that the most widespread evaluation of the agricultural lands use is the evaluation of the results of their use through volumes of gross and commodity products, income, and production profitability. The criteria for the environmental effectiveness of agricultural land use should be: the degree of functional use of land resources, ecological stability, the level of anthropogenic loading, the degree of erosional feature of land, etc.
According to the study results, it was established that one of the main areas of agriculture is the application of minimal tillage in crop rotation, i.e. resource-saving no-till technology.
The economic feasibility of technologies based on the use of different soil tillage systems has been confirmed. -
The nexus between foreign direct investment and environmental sustainability in North Africa
Marwa Lazreg , Ezzeddine Zouari doi: Economics Volume 9, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 57-68
Views: 2282 Downloads: 460 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper provides a study of the relationship between sustainable development and foreign direct investment (FDI) from an empirical point of view in the case of the North African countries during the period from 1985 to 2005. We use the cointegration test, the FMOLS (Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares) model and the Granger causality test to examine this relationship. According to the empirical results, we confirm the existence of a cointegration relationship between the different series studied in this paper. Based on the cointegration test we can use the error correction model. Also, to test the effect of FDI on sustainable development in the North African countries, we make an estimate by FMOLS method. We found that the foreign direct investment has a positive impact on CO2 emissions. Also, the Granger Causality test confirms the presence of a bidirectional relationship between FDI and CO2 emissions (Carbon dioxide). That is to say, the FDI can cause CO2 emissions and CO2 emissions can cause FDI based on the Granger causality.
Contemporary paradigm of sustainable development: the evolution of formation and development
Environmental Economics Volume 9, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 69-82
Views: 1897 Downloads: 232 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe research reveals the peculiarities of shaping the sustainable development paradigm since the publication of the first studies on the human activity impact on the environment to date. Three main stages of development with the focus on the key goals and tasks through an analysis of the main documents regulating activities in this area are determined. The results showed a change in the vector for further development and identification of the financial component as an independent element.