Inclusive literature as an innovative marketing resource of publishing activities


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Inclusive literature as a component of the process of real involvement of people with disabilities in active social life remains out of the attention of researchers. The paper aims to study the state and existing problems in publishing literature for people with disabilities and the use of inclusive topics by Ukrainian publishers. The results were obtained due to the theoretical comprehension of the empirical materials, which were based on a survey of 42 operating various domestic publishing houses. The vast majority of them expressed an understanding of the importance of publishing literature about people with disabilities and accessible editions for them. One-third of those surveyed publishers have experience in publishing inclusive literature. About 24% of respondents have books in accessible formats. They mainly used such publishing or engineering technologies as books with large print, picture-books, and books with pictograms. The study also found that among a few current insurmountable restraining factors of development of inclusive literature is the commercial inexpediency of such projects. The results of this study will contribute to the formation of collective public opinion on the importance of inclusive literature and, consequently, the attraction of the financing of inclusive publications of patrons, sponsors, crowdfunding platforms, etc.

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    • Figure 1. Percentage of the inclusive literature in the portfolio of publishers and corresponding reasons
    • Table 1. Publishers’ motives for inclusive literature
    • Conceptualization
      Viktor Shpak, Olena Osmolovska , Larysa Masimova , Natalia Romaniuk
    • Formal Analysis
      Viktor Shpak, Olena Osmolovska , Natalia Romaniuk
    • Funding acquisition
      Viktor Shpak, Olena Osmolovska , Larysa Masimova , Natalia Romaniuk
    • Investigation
      Viktor Shpak, Olena Osmolovska , Natalia Romaniuk
    • Methodology
      Viktor Shpak
    • Project administration
      Viktor Shpak, Larysa Masimova
    • Validation
      Viktor Shpak, Olena Osmolovska
    • Writing – original draft
      Viktor Shpak, Olena Osmolovska , Natalia Romaniuk
    • Writing – review & editing
      Viktor Shpak, Olena Osmolovska , Larysa Masimova
    • Supervision
      Larysa Masimova
    • Data curation
      Natalia Romaniuk
    • Visualization
      Natalia Romaniuk