Metallurgical complex of Ukraine: dynamics and development prospects
Received March 23, 2018;Accepted June 8, 2018;Published June 15, 2018
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Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #2, pp. 364-375
Cited by1 articlesJournal title: Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho UniversytetuArticle title: Transformation of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine from the concept “Industry 4.0” to capitalism of stakeholderDOI: 10.33271/nvngu/2022-2/166Volume: / Issue: 2 / First page: 166 / Year: 2022Contributors: N. A Yasynska, I. V Syrmamiikh, B. V Derevyanko, L. M Nikolenko, A. V Katrych
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The conducted research reveals the role of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine in world production and export of steel. Its development indicates inertia and is in a pre-crisis condition. But, at the same time, there are prospects for the development of the enterprises of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine, which appears to be the purpose of the study along with an assessment of the dynamics of the development of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine regarding the internal and external factors of influence on it. Therefore, the object of the research is the current state of development of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine. For this purpose, the main methods of steel processing and fuel consumption for their melting are determined, which, thus, emphasizes the extraordinary energy intensity and cost structure of steel production in Ukraine due to 21.4% of processing in open-hearth furnaces. As a result, on the basis of the comparative analysis, the structure of production was characterized by the degree of steel processing, which indicated the inertia of the development of the industry on the principle of total exploitation of available resources. Through systematic structural analysis, the types of economic activity, the results of the enterprises, which were taken into account in the research of the development of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine and identified their implementation under the imperative incremental destructive factors of the internal and external environment, were identified. With the help of empirical research, in the institutional environment instability of normative legal provision, regulatory restrictions on FDI inflow and investment protectionism in metallurgy were revealed. The critical dependence of the industry on demand in foreign markets based on the export orientation of raw materials is established. For example, it has been determined that at the expense of products below the average technological capacity, almost a quarter of the export basket of Ukraine was formed. It was found that metallurgical production is a zone of interests of powerful industrial and banking private business groups of residents and non-residents. The absence of a state-owned joint-stock company or a holding company in Ukraine with a main type of activity in the investigated industries is emphasized.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L13, L25, L61
- Figure 1. Structure of production of metallurgical products by the enterprises of the leading countries for steel production by the processing method in 2016, %
- Table 1. Production volumes of finished steel products in the period 2007–2016, kg/person
- Table 2. Dynamics of fixed assets of enterprises of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine
- Table 3. Dynamics of capital investments of enterprises of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine
- Table 4. Location of Ukrainian enterprises among the world steel producers
- Table 5. Business groups operating in the metallurgical complex of Ukraine
- Table 6. Dynamics of the main indicators of activity of enterprises of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine in the period 2014–2016
- Table 7. Dynamics of the number of EDRPOU entities for the enterprises of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine by the organizational and legal form of management
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Analysis of current trends in innovation and investment activity of Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises
Maryna Resler, Mykola Kurylo
, Mykola Logvinenko
, Vitalii Makhinchuk , Andriy Ivanyshchuk
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 116-128 Views: 1380 Downloads: 203 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe current stage of the socio-economic development of the Ukrainian economy is characterized by an imperfect economic base, low level of labor productivity, high resource intensity and energy consumption of production. It is the result of insufficient innovation and investment activity – a leading factor in the growth of competitiveness and a serious obstacle in the conditions of increasing openness of the economy, joining the country to the processes of globalization. This also applies to the development of the metallurgical industry, which is one of the basic branches of the national economy, since its production and export potential largely determine the stability of the economy and the filling of the budget of the country.
The article analyzes the influence of financial and administrative analysis on the managerial, financial and investment activity of the metallurgical industry, which enables to assess and determine the innovation and investment level of the metallurgical industry and to analyze the structure of world steel production.
It should be mentioned that although such parts of economic analysis as financial and administrative are deepening and complement each other, they should be considered separately, because it will allow to improve organizational, informational and methodological assurance, based on methodological approaches and considering practical needs.