When knowledge matters: job change made easier? unpacking the black box
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #2, pp. 64-77
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Knowing where to find inside information can mean the difference between getting a job from a suitable company or following the wrong direction and wasting precious time, happiness or health in the wrong job and job environment. This article investigates the influence of electronic online word of mouth in the form of job reviews during the process of changing jobs and finding the right job. Job review sites are becoming more and more popular in the process of job search. While the professional world has already started to acknowledge job review sites as useful tools in the process of job search, so far, the academic scene has not paid much attention to this dynamic. The intention of this article is to change this. Based on a literature review, this article shows that job review sites already play a central and valuable role in job change processes by giving inside information through employees who already have experience with employers.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J00, O00
- Figure 1. The 5 phases of resistance to change
- Table 1. Social Structure of Job Review Companies
- Table 2. Content of Job Review Sites
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