Effect of servant leadership on the performance of a regional general hospital


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Currently, leadership becomes the concern of studies in public organizations. However, studies on servant leadership and its impact on hospital performance are still limited. This study aims to identify the relationship and impact of servant leadership on organizational performance (hospital). A quantitative approach was used on a sample of 729 healthcare workers at the Undata Regional General Hospital in Palu. The sampling was based on the Slovin formula with an error rate of 5%, thus it involved 258 respondents. Further, the sample was selected using a random proportional sampling technique to represent each field in the hospital. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and simple linear regression analysis with hypothesis testing. The results of descriptive analysis on the servant leadership variable showed that the highest mean value is the item stating that leadership in the hospital has a thorough understanding of the organization and its goals. Meanwhile, the lowest is the item stating that leaders sacrifice their interests less to meet the needs of healthcare workers. In the organizational performance variable, the highest mean value is the item that states that healthcare workers can work effectively every working day, while the lowest is the item of patients complaining about healthcare procedures. Furthermore, the results of regression analysis through hypothesis testing showed that servant leadership has a significant effect on organizational performance of hospitals with a strong level of relationships.

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    • Figure 1. Conceptual framework
    • Table 1. Item-total statistics of the servant leadership variable (X)
    • Table 2. Item-total statistics of the organizational performance variable (Y)
    • Table 3. Descriptive statistics of the servant leadership variable (X)
    • Table 4. Descriptive statistics of the organizational performance variable (Y)
    • Table 5. ANOVA
    • Table 6. Model summary
    • Conceptualization
    • Data curation
      Daswati, Yoberth Kornelius
    • Funding acquisition
      Daswati, Syahruddin Hattab
    • Investigation
      Daswati, Yoberth Kornelius
    • Project administration
      Daswati, Syahruddin Hattab
    • Supervision
      Daswati, Syahruddin Hattab
    • Validation
      Daswati, Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang, Syahruddin Hattab, Yoberth Kornelius
    • Writing – original draft
      Daswati, Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
    • Writing – review & editing
      Daswati, Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang, Syahruddin Hattab, Yoberth Kornelius
    • Formal Analysis
      Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
    • Methodology
      Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
    • Resources
      Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
    • Software
      Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
    • Visualization
      Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang, Syahruddin Hattab