The effect of political will, information technology, and the quality of financial reporting information on fraud prevention


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This study aims to analyze the effect of political will and information technology on fraud prevention either directly or through the quality of financial reporting information. This study uses a survey method that intentionally targets five village officials responsible for village financial administration. The survey was conducted in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire with a total research sample of 325 respondents. Data analysis was conducted using partial least squares structural equation modeling with the help of the SmartPls 4.0 application. The results showed that political will had a positive and significant effect on fraud prevention (β = 0.198; t-value = 3.230 > 1.97) but had no effect on the quality of financial reporting information (β = 0.053; t-value = 0.696 < 1.97). Information technology had a significant negative effect on fraud prevention (β = –0.198; t-value = 3.019 > 1.97) and a significant positive effect on the quality of financial reporting information (β = 0.186; t-value = 2. 863 > 1.97). Fraud prevention has a positive and significant effect on the quality of financial reporting information (β = 0.161; t-value = 2.598 > 1.97). Political will has no significant effect on fraud prevention through the quality of financial reporting information (β = 0.009; t-value = 0.628 < 1.97), while information technology has a positive and significant effect on fraud prevention through the quality of financial reporting information (β = 0.029; t-value = 2.093 > 1.97).

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    • Figure 1. Theoretical model
    • Table 1. Analysis of common method bias
    • Table 2. Discriminant validity
    • Table 3. Results of hypothesis testing
    • Conceptualization
      Haliah, Hasnawiya Hasan, Syamsuddin, Fatmawati, Andi Ratna Sari Dewi, Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran Oemar, Linda Arisanty Razak
    • Data curation
      Haliah, Hasnawiya Hasan, Fatmawati, Linda Arisanty Razak
    • Funding acquisition
      Haliah, Hasnawiya Hasan, Syamsuddin, Fatmawati
    • Methodology
      Haliah, Hasnawiya Hasan, Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran Oemar, Linda Arisanty Razak
    • Project administration
      Haliah, Syamsuddin, Fatmawati, Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran Oemar
    • Software
      Haliah, Hasnawiya Hasan, Fatmawati, Andi Ratna Sari Dewi, Linda Arisanty Razak
    • Validation
      Haliah, Syamsuddin, Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran Oemar, Linda Arisanty Razak
    • Writing – original draft
      Haliah, Hasnawiya Hasan, Syamsuddin, Fatmawati, Andi Ratna Sari Dewi, Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran Oemar, Linda Arisanty Razak
    • Writing – review & editing
      Haliah, Hasnawiya Hasan, Syamsuddin, Fatmawati, Andi Ratna Sari Dewi, Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran Oemar, Linda Arisanty Razak
    • Investigation
      Hasnawiya Hasan, Fatmawati, Andi Ratna Sari Dewi
    • Supervision
      Hasnawiya Hasan, Andi Ratna Sari Dewi
    • Formal Analysis
    • Resources
    • Visualization
      Syamsuddin, Fatmawati, Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran Oemar