Corporate governance mechanism and risk disclosure by Islamic banks in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 15 2020, Issue #1, pp. 1-10
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The disclosure of risk by Islamic banks is very important, as this openness of information is emphasized in Islamic teachings. The purpose of this article is to provide empirical evidence regarding the influence of the number of members of the Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) and their cross membership, the debt and the Syirkah fund ratio (investment accounts), the composition of the board of commissioners, the number of audit committee members, and the amount of assets on risk disclosure by Indonesian Islamic banks.
The study uses content analysis techniques to measure risk disclosure by Islamic banks. The analysis uses panel data regression with observations for the period of 2010–2017. Based on the Fixed Effect Model, the study found out that the number of SSB members, the cross memberships of SSB, the ratio of independent commissioners to the number of audit committees do not influence risk disclosure. The leverage to investment account ratio does not influence risk disclosure. Also, the results of this study demonstrate that only the amount of assets influences risk disclosure.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G32, G24
- Table 1. Risk disclosure by Islamic banks
- Table 2. Results of the descriptive test
- Table 3. Test results of the fixed effect model
- Table 4. Hypothesis acceptance and rejection test
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