Anis Ali
2 publications
0 books
Travel and tourism: growth potentials and contribution to the GDP of Saudi Arabia
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 417-427
Views: 2394 Downloads: 415 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSaudi Arabia is well known in the world for the holy places Makkah and Madinah. Hajjis and visitors come to perform hajj and Umrah every year in Makkah and Madinah from all around the world. Hajj and Umrah visits play a vital role in the inbound tourism of Saudi Arabia. The tourism revenue of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is increasing absolutely but losing its contribution to the GDP proportionately. So, this paper tries to find out the economic activities of all components of tourism sector which are responsible for the negative trend. It also explains the relationships and variability of tourism revenues and expenditures with GDP and offers suggestions to enhance revenue of tourism sector. This study is based upon secondary data obtained from the website of SAMA (Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority) and General Authority for Statistics of Saudi Arabia. In tourism sector of Saudi Arabia, the increasing trend of expenditures of some economic activities is more than its revenue. The increasing trend of expenditures comparatively its revenues lowering contribution of tourism towards GDP. To improve the level of tourism revenue, government has to provide world class facilities and develop new tourist spots and allow the visitors to visit such places according to the Shariah and Kingdom rules. Government has to focus on developing passenger rail transport and other means of transport to connect all the tourist spots to provide easy conveyance, and on improving and developing tourism sector by helping the government and private organizations that are engaged directly or indirectly in providing services to the domestic and inbound tourists to assure more contribution to GDP.
Service quality, customers’ satisfaction, and profitability: an empirical study of Saudi Arabian insurance sector
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 232-247
Views: 3664 Downloads: 592 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯFinancial performance is the fundamental aspect to test the performance of the companies. The performance of insurance sector, like any other service industry, is supposed to depend significantly on customers. When it comes to customers, it is an established fact that customer satisfaction would be an important element. Customer satisfaction primarily depends on the quality of service it gets. It can be safely hypothesized that better service quality would lead to higher satisfaction, which would ultimately lead to higher profits for the company. Studies on this relationship in the insurance sector for Saudi Arabia are missing. Hence, this study aims at studying both the profitability of companies and quality of service and tries to relate it to customer satisfaction. The results are quite surprising, as the study establishes that although the qualities of services are found wanting in many areas, companies are earning good profits. A probable reason could be the statutory nature of the services. Nevertheless, this study recommends improving the quality of services and differentiating services between age groups for further improvement.
Continued discussion on conventional versus Islamic banks: combining financial ratios and efficiency
Mohammad Imdadul Haque, Mohammad Rumzi Tausif
, Anis Ali
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 15, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 132-142
Views: 1145 Downloads: 440 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTwo different types of banking systems, Islamic and conventional, dominate the banking structure in Saudi Arabia. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the ongoing debate as to which of the two is better. Using data for the period 2014–2018, the study compares Islamic and conventional banks. It combines traditional financial ratios, Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE), with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to perform a comprehensive analysis. In terms of ROA, the performance of conventional banks is better than that of Islamic banks, but in terms of ROE, vice versa. DEA results show that conventional banks are more efficient than Islamic banks. In fact, in terms of ROA and ROE, Al Rajhi Bank, an Islamic bank, is the best performer. But in terms of efficiency scores from DEA, Al Rajhi ranks seventh among all banks, while NCB, a conventional bank, ranks first. Issuing shares and utilizing funds in profitable options, such as loans and advances to increase net income, are the policy recommendations for Islamic banks to further improve. In addition, as the study finds no correlation between the ratio and efficiency scores, it proposes to use a combined measure of ratio analysis and efficiency analysis for a comprehensive assessment of bank performance.
Role of travel and tourism sector in the attainment of Vision 2030 in Saudi Arabia: An analytical study
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 276-290
Views: 2562 Downloads: 483 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTourism is the main service industry significantly developing in the world. It is recognized as the critical factor in economic improvement in various countries. Saudi Arabia is one of the oldest and most famous spots for pilgrimage tourism due to its Islamic heritage. The study analyzes data available on the websites of the Saudi government to specify the contribution of travel and tourism revenue to the economy and its trend, occupancy of residential, and transportation capacity. A tourism satisfaction questionnaire was administered online to get the responses of Saudi nationals and residents related to tourism infrastructure, facilities, and other tourism services in Saudi Arabia. Ranks and percentage analysis were applied to get the relational satisfaction of tourists. Index numbers, ratios, percentages, and coefficient of variations were applied to get the trend, yearly fluctuations, variations, weights, and contribution of tourism avenues. There is a positive but low degree correlation between tourism revenue and the GDP of Saudi Arabia for the period from 2010 to 2018. The results indicate either negative or negligibly positive revenue growth of the accommodation/hotel services, food services, and air transportation. Two-thirds of tourists are either strongly satisfied or satisfied with essential and other tourism services and facilities in Saudi Arabia. Apart from tourist satisfaction, the Saudi government may consider a variety of services as per the economic level of the targeted tourists, and softening of visiting visa procedures and fees to enhance tourism revenue of major contributors for the positive and progressive development to the economy.
The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia, for providing financial support to complete this project (Project No: 2020/02/16978). -
Payment and settlement system in Saudi Arabia: A multidimensional study
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 18, 2023 Issue #1 pp. 38-52
Views: 983 Downloads: 693 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯA country’s payment and settlement system refers to payment means or instruments, procedures, supportive and technical services of clearance, fund transfer, and final settlement. To study the various dimensions of the payment and settlement system, an online survey was administered and 240 responses were collected from Saudi and non-Saudi nationals, while secondary data were obtained from the SAMA (Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority) website. Index numbers, percentages, ranks, Average Trend Growth Rate, and payment weights means are applied to get the mutual growth trend, average growth, and contribution of specific means in payment and settlement in Saudi Arabia. There are negative trends in the traditional payment and settlement system in Saudi Arabia. Based on the value (amount) of transactions, Mada (Debit card) and E-payment (SADAD – a payment system, and SARIE – Saudi Arabian Riyal Interbank Express) are the most significant contributors to online payment (51.63%), while POS (point of sale) is the fastest-growing (158%) means of payment and settlement in Saudi Arabia. The means of traditional payment and settlement negligibly (< 1%) contribute to the payment and settlement system in Saudi Arabia. The analysis of responses reveals that payment and settlement users were unsatisfied with the various dimensions of security (39%) and traceability (35%) of the payment and settlement systems in Saudi Arabia. All dimensions of security and traceability must be considered to increase the degree of satisfaction with payments and, in particular, settlements in Saudi Arabia.
The authors are grateful to the Deanship of Scientific Research, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia, for providing funding to complete this project (Project No. 2021/02/18709). -
Industrial development in Saudi Arabia: disparity in growth and development
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 23-35
Views: 3193 Downloads: 1074 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIndustrial development in any nation plays a vital role in the strengthening of the economy and employs human resources as per specifications and directly towards the mainstream of the nation. In Saudi Arabia, there was rapid industrialization for four decades. Some manufacturing industries performed well, while some internal and external business environment factors influenced the others’ performance. The study focuses on historical development, as well as recent trends of well-performing and poor-performing industries of Saudi Arabia. Small manufacturing industries in Saudi Arabia are underdeveloped and need more attention to attain sustainable and progressive growth rate in the form of the number of establishments to enjoy the potential. Manufacture of tobacco, computer, electronics and optics, pharmaceuticals and transport equipment are the deprived and underdeveloped industries of the manufacturing sector. There should be some easy credit schemes for the development of deprived or underdeveloped manufacturing industries. To attain sustainable growth and development of the manufacturing sector, a positive attitude of the government towards underdeveloped manufacturing industries, favorable labor laws, and entrepreneurial awareness, technical and financial assistance are necessary. The growth and development of the manufacturing sector of Saudi Arabia will be helpful in the attainment of goals of Vision 2030.
Governance of public spending avenues by oil prices, oil revenues, and GDP in Saudi Arabia: proportionate sensitivity and trend analysis
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 17, 2020 Issue #4 pp. 152-164
Views: 783 Downloads: 106 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSaudi Arabia is a petroleum resource-rich country, and half of the GDP of Saudi Arabia is based on the Oil Sector Revenue (OSR). The OSR is governed by the Oil Prices (OP), while GDP is also affected by the OSR in petroleum exporting companies. The volatility of OP governs the OSR and GDP positively and perfectly as the oil sector contributes approximately half of the GDP of Saudi Arabia. The study analyzes the governance of the Public Spending Avenues (PSA) by the OP, OSR, and GDP in the long and short run and based on the secondary data taken from the website of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA). Coefficient of Variations (CV), Chain-based Index (CBI) numbers, Fixed-based Index (FBI) numbers, and Analysis of Variances (ANOVA) of OP and other dependent variables calculated to get the normality, sensitivity, trend, and significance difference among the sensitivity and trend of variables, while Pearson’s correlations establish the cause-effect relationship among the variables. The study reveals that oil price volatility does not affect the OSR, GDP, and ultimately public spending in the long run. However, there is governance of volatility of OP that can be seen on OSR, GDP, and ultimately on PSA in the short run. Saudi Arabian government enhances its spending on PSA and especially on education while lowering the OP. There is a need to diversify the income resources to minimize the reliability of oil prices and budget deficit and consider the sensitivity of oil prices on the economy by the policymakers to formulate the policies to minimize the impact of volatility of OP on the economy.
The author would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
- bank performance
- correlation
- customers’ satisfaction
- data envelopment analysis
- e-payment
- economic activity
- economy
- entrepreneur
- essential facilities
- financial performance
- food services
2 Articles
1 Articles
1 Articles