Green banking disclosure from the perspective of corporate governance, financial slack and human resource slack in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 19 2024, Issue #2, pp. 101-114
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Green banking is a long-term business strategy with the main target of achieving sustainable benefits and preserving the environment. Determining the ability of corporate governance to influence green banking disclosure in banking companies in Indonesia was the aim of the study. Annual reports and sustainability reports of banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are used as secondary data. 84 data were used after selection using the purposive sampling method. The technique used to analyze the research data is SmartPLS. The findings show that good corporate governance can improve green banking disclosure. Financial slack and human resource slack, as moderating variables, can moderate the influence of corporate governance on green banking disclosure. The results also indicate that green banking disclosure has the potential to encourage positive changes in sustainable banking practices and information transparency. In the end, good corporate governance can stimulate bank management to care more about environmental issues. Financial and human resource slack in banking strengthens the relationship between the two and increases a company’s role in maintaining environmental and social sustainability.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)F65, G21, M14
- Figure 1. Research model
- Figure 2. SmartPLS bootstrapping structural model output, equation 1
- Figure 3. SmartPLS bootstrapping structural model output, equation 2
- Figure 4. SmartPLS bootstrapping structural model output, equation 3
- Figure 5. SmartPLS bootstrapping structural model output, equation 4
- Table 1. Green banking disclosure index
- Table 2. Good corporate governance indicators
- Table 3. Output path coefficients, equation 1
- Table 4. Output path coefficients, equation 2
- Table 5. Output path coefficients, equation 3
- Table 6. Output path coefficients, equation 4
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