Strategies for socially responsible recruitment at Ukrainian enterprises under European integration

  • Received November 26, 2018;
    Accepted January 14, 2019;
    Published April 23, 2019
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 17 2019, Issue #1, pp. 15-22
  • Cited by
    1 articles

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The current situation at Ukrainian enterprises is characterized by fail to meet the requirements of socially responsible nature, which is one of the economic crisis factors (lack of trust between employer and employees, transparency in conducting business processes and low level of responsibility resulted in economic disequilibrium). Therefore, a company must apply the social responsibility principles in strategic planning. The success of any enterprise depends largely on the quality and quantity of human resources. A significant competitive advantage that the company has over its competitors is the quality of talented and qualified professionals, which the company was able to attract to work. In order for recruitment to be more effective, it is necessary to apply methods of evaluating candidates that will allow to give a comprehensive conclusion about the quality and compliance with the requirements for an employee in a particular position. The issue of hiring highly qualified personnel is more relevant than ever before in Ukraine, especially in the conditions of developing social responsibility of business. The article deals with the social responsibility of enterprises, the features of socially responsible hiring of personnel and the expediency of its practical use. The main elements of socially responsible recruitment of personnel are analyzed, social responsibility directions are developed in personnel management, and elements for developing the strategy for socially responsible hiring are proposed.

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    • Figure 1. Напрямки соціальної відповідальності на підприємстві стосовно управління персоналом
    • Table 1. Історичні особливості розвитку соціальної відповідальності