The effectiveness of the project management application analysis in the Kazakhstani defense industrial complex holding
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #3, pp. 141-149
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Nowadays, leading world companies widely use methodology, standards, and project management tools in many areas of project-oriented activities, including investment, innovation, and information projects. Last years the implementation and functioning of the country’s enterprises’ project management system have been actively discussed in Kazakhstan.
This work aims to identify critical processes of project management planning that affect the effectiveness of projects at the enterprise of the military-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. For this purpose, a survey of top managers of defense industry companies was conducted. A total of 28 respondents were interviewed, working at 18 enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and directly participating in the implementation of projects. Data were personally collected by a questionnaire survey conducted during 2019. To verify the formulated model’s assumptions and success, correlation analysis, and other relevant tests were used. Using the model of project management planning quality (PMPQ), process efficiency has been assessed, and critical factors for the effectiveness of defense industry projects have also been identified. The results show that the Republic of Kazakhstan’s defense industry complex projects has a low level of efficiency and an average score for the use of project planning processes. Project efficiency evaluation has also revealed critical knowledge areas for defense projects like human resource management, schedule development, and define scope. The research expands knowledge in PM, revealing the importance of planning processes for the defense industry that need more focus to achieve top-level success and effectiveness of projects.
This study is the second part of grant AP05134488 that has been funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, L10, O22
- Table 1. Relationship between PM processes and project effectiveness
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