The role of personality traits, financial literacy and behavior on investment intentions and family support as a moderating variable
Received April 17, 2022;Accepted May 11, 2022;Published May 17, 2022
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Article InfoVolume 19 2022, Issue #2, pp. 143-153
Cited by6 articlesJournal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:Journal title: Investment Management and Financial InnovationsArticle title: Smart investing: Unveiling key drivers of strategic investment for investors in the Indonesia Stock ExchangeDOI: 10.21511/imfi.21(4).2024.13Volume: 21 / Issue: 4 / First page: 156 / Year: 2024Contributors: Ika Yanuarti Loebiantoro, Eaw Hooi Cheng, Nursyamilah AnnuarJournal title: Innovative MarketingArticle title: The impact of taxi drivers’ characteristics on the propensity to do business: Case study from a sharing economyDOI: 10.21511/im.19(2).2023.14Volume: 19 / Issue: 2 / First page: 170 / Year: 2023Contributors: Zoltan Rozsa, Aknur Zhidebekkyzy, Yuriy Bilan, Jana DrahosovaJournal title: Journal of Risk and Financial ManagementArticle title: The Influence of Personality Traits on Stock Investment Retention: Insights from Thai InvestorsDOI: 10.3390/jrfm17110486Volume: 17 / Issue: 11 / First page: 486 / Year: 2024Contributors: Alicha Treerotchananon, Chuleeporn Changchit, Robert Cutshall, Ravi Lonkani, Thanu PrasertsoontornJournal title: Knowledge and Performance ManagementArticle title: Financial literacy exchange and its challenges in Post-Soviet GeorgiaDOI: 10.21511/kpm.06(1).2022.08Volume: 6 / Issue: 1 / First page: 87 / Year: 2022Contributors: Natia Surmanidze , Khatuna Tabagari, Zurab Mushkudiani, Maia AkhvledianiJournal title: Problems and Perspectives in ManagementArticle title: Business sustainability: Functions of financial behavior, technology, and knowledgeDOI: 10.21511/ppm.21(1).2023.11Volume: 21 / Issue: 1 / First page: 120 / Year: 2023Contributors: Bambang Widagdo, Chalimatuz Sa’diyah
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Investment refers to various actions taken by individuals, including the younger generation in Indonesia, to prepare for the future. There are many programs around investment offered by the government in Indonesia for the short to long term. Therefore, this study aims to examine the direct and indirect effects of personality traits, financial literacy, and behavior and family support on investment intentions using a quantitative approach. In addition, this study is also intended to add to the limited empirical evidence regarding investment among students in Indonesia. The model of this research framework is based on collaboration between theory and previous research as a reference in strengthening the justification of the findings. The sample consisted of 341 students spread throughout Indonesia, while the data was collected using a questionnaire distributed online and analyzed using the Smart-PLS. The overall findings of this study indicate that personality, financial literacy, and behavior have a significant effect on investment intentions among students in Indonesia. Furthermore, financial behavior indicates the role of intermediaries, while family support does not strengthen the effect of financial literacy on investment intentions among students in Indonesia. The students who take financial management courses will be more aware of the importance of financial literacy and financial behavior for investment intentions. Recommendations for further research can relate other variables affecting investment intentions that were not examined in this study.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G41, G53
- Figure 1. Study conceptual framework
- Figure 2. Data processing results using SmartPLS
- Table 1. Respondents’ demographics
- Table 2. Convergent validity test results
- Table 3. Reliability test results
- Table 4. Outer test results of the Personality Traits variable model
- Table 5. Results of the outer model test of the Financial Literacy variable
- Table 6. Results of the outer model test of the Financial Behavior variable
- Table 7. Results of the outer model test of the Family Support variable
- Table 8. Results of the outer model test of the Investment Intention variable
- Table 9. Results of direct and indirect effect
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Bambang Widagdo, Kenny Roz
Project administration
Bambang Widagdo, Kenny Roz
Bambang Widagdo
Bambang Widagdo, Kenny Roz
Writing – original draft
Bambang Widagdo, Kenny Roz
Writing – review & editing
Bambang Widagdo, Kenny Roz
Data curation
Kenny Roz
Formal Analysis
Kenny Roz
Financial literacy and business performance among female micro-entrepreneurs
Ndaghu Julius Tumba, Vincent A. Onodugo
, Ekom Etim Akpan
, Gbenga Festus Babarinde
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 19, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 156-167 Views: 1348 Downloads: 1091 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe poor performance of female entrepreneurs, exemplified in their inability to realize their full potential and compete fairly with their male counterparts owing to financial illiteracy, motivated this study. Therefore, this study examined the effect of financial literacy on business performance among female micro-entrepreneurs. Using the survey research design, data were collected from 247 female entrepreneurs from six states in the North-Eastern region of Nigeria. The hypotheses developed for the study were tested using path modeling-structural equation modeling with the aid of SmartPLS software version 3.2.7. The result revealed that all proxies of financial literacy (financial education, cash forecasting, and bookkeeping have significant effects on business performance of female entrepreneurs. Additionally, the paper revealed that financial education contributed more to the variance in business performance of the female micro-entrepreneurs, this was followed by bookkeeping practices, while cash-forecasting has the least effect on the variance in business performance. This implies that financial education is essential for the success of female micro-entrepreneurs. Thus, this study advocates the need for continuing trainings and workshops for female micro-entrepreneurs on financial concepts such as bookkeeping, cash forecasting, and market volatilities.
Financial literacy in Ukraine: from micro to macro level
Oksana Dudchyk, Iryna Matvijchuk
, Mariia Kovinia
, Tetiana Salnykova
, Iryna Tubolets
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 16, 2019 Issue #4 pp. 240-253 Views: 1152 Downloads: 284 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯLow financial literacy of population hinders the financial market development, limits the possibilities of using the savings for investing and creating the additional capital in the country. At the state level it results in inflation, the budget deficit creation, a decrease in country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves, an increase in internal and external government debt. The article analyzes the approaches to understanding the concept of financial literacy, tools for its measuring and comparing at micro and macro levels, dynamics of savings and gold and foreign currency reserves, peculiarities of financial literacy through the analysis of dynamics and structure of revenues and expenditures of the government budget and the population of Ukraine. Factors influencing the financial literacy of the population have been systematized. The findings give an idea of creating the optimal managerial influence based on the estimation of financial literacy of the Ukrainian population with the help of specific statistical indicators to expand the possibilities of such influence and to regulate the economic processes to achieve the financial stability of the state and the population. The study showed low financial literacy at both population and state levels. However, at the micro level, creating the credit relations, as well as income, expenses, and savings is more effective than at the macro level.
Retirement behavior strategies: the attitudes of students from Poland and Ukraine towards the old-age risk
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 350-365 Views: 1072 Downloads: 178 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDigitalization and technological advancement, referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), results not only in technological innovation but also in the changes in society and public awareness. One such tendency is the demographic aging, which implicates two concerns: the instability of the public pension systems and the social awareness related with the risk of major reduction of benefits in contrast to the expectations and the need for the additional private pension security. The research has aimed to identify the opinions and attitudes of the students from Poland and Ukraine in respect to the broadly understood issues of the old age security, as well as to recognize the prospective differences in this field between the researched populations. The relevant research was conducted using the PAPI method in the years 2018–2019. Within the framework of the research, nine specific hypotheses were presented concerning the attitudes towards the selected aspects of the pension schemes and old-age security. The results were compiled in the form of the semantic differential, and the Mann-Whitney U test was utilized to verify the significance of the differences in the distribution of the answers given by the students. Those served as the basis for formulating the conclusions regarding similarities and differences in the opinions expressed by young people studied populations.
This project has been financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the “Regional Initiative of Excellence” Programme for 2019–2022. Project No. 021/RID/2018/19. Total project budget: PLN 11 897 131,40.