The role of political will in enhancing e-government: An empirical case in Indonesia

  • Received October 3, 2021;
    Accepted December 20, 2021;
    Published January 21, 2022
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 20 2022, Issue #1, pp. 69-79
  • Cited by
    1 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

E-government is an issue that is widely discussed by several studies because it has an impact on improving government performance. Weak political will of the heads of state and regional heads reduces attention to e-government, combined with various obstacles to its implementation. This study can answer the importance of the role of political will in maximizing the implementation of electronic government in local government. A total of 263 data were collected to answer the hypothesis quantitatively. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaires directly to the respondents, namely the Heads of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD). The sample selection was carried out with regional heads. Data were tested through multivariate analysis using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The test results found that political will has a direct positive effect on the implementation of e-government as evidenced by the path coefficient of 0.457 and significant wit h an alpha of 5%. Political will also acts as a mediating variable or can act as an intermediary in the relationship between IT infrastructure and human resources in improving e-government. All variables have a T-statistic value > 1.96 and < 5%, which means that IT infrastructure and human resources have a direct and significant effect on the implementation of e-government.

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    • Figure 1. Research conceptual framework
    • Figure 2. Convergent validity results
    • Table 1. Characteristics of respondents
    • Table 2. Validity test results
    • Table 3. Reliability test results
    • Table 4. Bootstraping test results
    • Conceptualization
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Data curation
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Formal Analysis
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Funding acquisition
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Investigation
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Methodology
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Project administration
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Resources
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Software
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Supervision
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Validation
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Visualization
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Writing – original draft
      Siska Yulia Defitri
    • Writing – review & editing
      Siska Yulia Defitri