Unlocking the sustainable value with digitalization: Views of maritime stakeholders on business opportunities
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #1, pp. 401-417
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Digitalization in the maritime sector encompasses interconnected technologies that enhance efficiency, risk mitigation, and safety in marine operations and offshore assets management. Digital twin, or virtual assets, plays a pivotal role within this digital ecosystem. This study aims to explore the transformative potential of digital twins in the maritime industry, focusing on their capacity to improve sustainability, optimize productivity, and drive innovative business models. A quantitative methodology was employed to investigate this potential in the maritime sector, utilizing questionnaires to gather insights and perspectives from key stakeholders in the Northwestern part of Norway’s maritime industry, including ship designers, shipyards, equipment suppliers, and ship owners. Among the 23 respondents, there were individuals holding senior, leadership, management, and specialized digitalization roles. Notably, 65% of these respondents possessed over 20 years of experience in the maritime industry. The survey reveals a strong interest in adopting digital twins within the maritime sector (70% of respondents). The findings underscore the potential advantages of digital twin solutions, including predictive maintenance (16%), real-time operational efficiency enhancements (17%), and design optimization (18%). Nevertheless, implementation complexity (73.9%) and data integration (73.9%) loom significant obstacles. Respondents also recognize the potential for new product opportunities and innovative business models arising from digital twin implementation. Sustainability initiatives are emphasized, particularly in real-time monitoring (83%), retrofitting (74%), and predictive maintenance (65%). Cybersecurity (65%) and data protection (62%) are critical concerns. Furthermore, implementing digital twins is anticipated to promote collaboration and information sharing among maritime industry stakeholders, underscoring their potential for transformative impact.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, O14, Q55
- Figure 1. Interplay between digitalization, digital twin, and servitization, and business model
- Figure 2. Respondent information
- Figure 3. Adopting digital twins
- Figure 4. Anticipated key benefits and challenges of digital twins
- Figure 5. Potential business model structural changes due to the adoption of digital twin
- Figure 6. Potential business model structural changes (within the groups)
- Figure 7. Contribution to sustained performance and optimization
- Figure 8. Data ownership and integrity concerns due to digital technology use
- Figure 9. Supply chain impact and relationship changes due to the adoption of digital twins
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