Retraction: The effect of human capital on performance of East African commercial banks


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Retracted on the 7th of July, 2020 by the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief request dated July 3th 2020. The type of retraction – plagiarism.
The Editor-in-Chief of the journal was asked to retract this article because of plagiarism. The request came from the author of the article, which was published 8 months before the retracted article was published in “Banks and Bank Systems” journal. The author(s) insisted that the article completely repeated his own, i.e. contained a high level of plagiarism that could not be corrected.
Editorial staff carried out an investigation into plagiarism in the article published. When the manuscript was submitted to the Journals for consideration, the authors signed the Cover letter and attested to the fact that their manuscript is an original research and has not been published before. After that, the manuscript was accepted for consideration by the Managing Editor and was tested for plagiarism using the iThenticate program. Plagiarism was not detected. Later, after the article complaint and the statement of plagiarism, we used all the sources and resources provided by the complainant, the article was re-tested for plagiarism, and plagiarism was established
According to the results of the investigation, the editorial board decided to retract the article on July 7, 2020.
The authors were notified of such a decision.

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    • Conceptualization
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Data curation
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Formal Analysis
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Funding acquisition
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Investigation
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Methodology
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Resources
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan
    • Software
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Supervision
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan
    • Validation
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Visualization
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Writing – original draft
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Writing – review & editing
      Muhammad Zia Aftab Khan, Ji Hyun Park
    • Project administration
      Ji Hyun Park