Effects of green HRM practices on circular economy-based performance of banking organizations in an emerging nation


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The concept of circular economy-based performance has gained significant interest within the highly competitive business arena and environment-concerned stakeholders. This study assumes that environment oriented HRM practices have significant effects on circular economy-based performance. This study aims to investigate the contributory effect of five selected components of green HRM on the circular economy-based performance of environment-concerned banking organizations. A total of 418 managers of commercial banks are the unit of analysis, and data were derived using a structured questionnaire from the respondents who are working in managerial positions in banking organizations in Bangladesh. The gathered data has been encoded by SPSS and analyzed through PLS-SEM 4. The results of this study reveal that all components of green HRM, i.e., green employment design, planning, staffing, training, and benefits significantly contribute to the circular economy-based performance of the banking sector. Thus, green HRM effectively promotes the circular performance of banks to provide a distinctive perspective for adding value to the environmental concerns in an emerging economy.

The authors appreciate the support in preparing the article provided by the University of Debrecen Program for Scientific Publication.

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    • Table 1. Respondent profiles
    • Table 2. Measurement model for reliability and validity test result
    • Table 3. Discriminant validity test result through the Fornell-Larcker criterion
    • Table 4. Heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) analysis
    • Table 5. Predictive relevance of the endogenous construct
    • Table 6. Structural model
    • Table A1. Questionnaire items adapted from literature sources
    • Conceptualization
      Mohammad Bin Amin, Judit Oláh
    • Data curation
      Mohammad Bin Amin
    • Formal Analysis
      Mohammad Bin Amin
    • Investigation
      Mohammad Bin Amin, Judit Oláh
    • Methodology
      Mohammad Bin Amin, Judit Oláh
    • Resources
      Mohammad Bin Amin
    • Software
      Mohammad Bin Amin
    • Validation
      Mohammad Bin Amin, Judit Oláh
    • Visualization
      Mohammad Bin Amin
    • Writing – original draft
      Mohammad Bin Amin, Judit Oláh
    • Writing – review & editing
      Mohammad Bin Amin, Judit Oláh
    • Funding acquisition
      Judit Oláh
    • Project administration
      Judit Oláh
    • Supervision
      Judit Oláh