Assessment of behavioral factors influencing cooperation in logistics

  • Received September 11, 2019;
    Accepted September 20, 2019;
    Published January 13, 2020
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 18 2019, Issue #3, pp. 34-44
  • Cited by
    2 articles

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The article explores theoretical and methodical aspects of managing dual relationships that arise between participants in logistic cooperation in the process of formation and functioning of supply chains. The use of a behavioral approach to defining supply chains has allowed identifying and justifying the priority role of behavioral factors that influence modern logistics entities and determine the effectiveness and long-term satisfaction with logistics cooperation. Given the literature summary, the study has classified types of cooperation in logistic activity and proved that among the behavioral factors influencing the of logistical cooperation efficiency, the trust is of particular importance, which remains a limitation, a bottleneck in the process of formation and development of dual relationships in logistics chains. It is proposed to introduce a generic indicator, namely the level of confidence in the supply chain to assess the social, economic and strategic aspects of logistics interaction. A methodological approach to assessing the level of trust in logistic cooperation was adjusted based on determining the composition of criteria that directly affect this indicator and using the expert survey of supply chain participants. The study proposes to use the confidence indicator to form and improve networks and supply chains, taking into account its value when constructing a generalized outsourcing model.

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    • Table 1. Класифікація типів співробітництва в сфері логістичної діяльності
    • Table 2. Теоретичні підходи до визначення поняття довіри в контексті його використання в логістиці
    • Table 3. Склад факторів та критеріїв для оцінювання рівня довіри в логістичній співпраці