Product placement in computer/video games: an analysis of the impact on customers purchasing decision
Article InfoVolume 15 2019, Issue #3, pp. 60-70
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The video game and virtual reality became a new way of doing marketing considering their growing popularity and the advances of new technologies in the past few decades. In this paper is presented a research that investigates the impact of product placement in video games on gamers’ decisions on the purchase of goods from advertised. This research is focused on two of the most played games nowadays: FIFA 19 and Final Fantasy XV. A survey with 465 respondents was conducted to understand the antecedents that impact the purchase decision considering the stimulus originated from the product placement. To conduct the survey, a framework was designed based in the extant literature reviewed and finally considering the constructs of product placement, quality of virtual reality, brand recognition, brand familiarity, emotional response and purchase frequency. The results of the study suggest that gamers generally respond positively towards product placement and that product placement can indirectly impact emotional responses that will impact on consumer’s purchase intention. Hence, advertising in the video game enhances brand recognition and the perception of virtual reality. The framework presented in this paper represents the theoretical contribution of this paper, relating different concepts in the theory of product placement to the purchase intention. Therefore, the findings on this paper can help managers to find the best way to reach customers by improving the product placement strategy in the video games.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M370
- Figure 1. Conceptual model and hypotheses
- Table 1. Descriptive, Cronbach’s alpha, CR, rho_A and AVE scores
- Table 2. Discriminant validity-HTMT ratio scores
- Table 3. Hypotheses test
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