Functioning of a higher educational institution under force majeure circumstances: A case study of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #2 (spec. issue), pp. 106-113
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Over the last decade, Ukrainian higher educational institutions have faced extraordinary and even dire circumstances three times: russia’s attack on Ukraine in Donbas and occupation of Crimea (2014); a total lockdown caused by a pandemic due to the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (2020); russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine (2022). Each time, Ukrainian higher educational institutions had to reformat the educational process to meet the challenges of the time.
Lviv region began accepting internally displaced people from Donbas and Crimea in 2014. In this regard, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv University) has established itself as one of the regional leaders. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic required the immediate organization of distance learning and, therefore, the improvement of information and technical support. russian crimes against humanity in 2022 caused an enormous wave of internal displacement of citizens. Employees and students of Lviv University have been helping internally displaced people with housing, food, and basic necessities since the beginning of the full-scale war; they have also assisted refugees at checkpoints along the Ukrainian-Polish border. Over a hundred University students and employees serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Those who remain at home work hard to bring victory over the enemy closer. They are volunteering, fundraising, arranging humanitarian aid, cooperating with international charitable organizations, etc.
Under difficult wartime conditions, the University’s academic community continues to fulfil its primary mission: to provide modern, high-quality education.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I21, I29, H56
- Figure 1. Number of applicants from territories close to the Anti-Terrorist Operation zone in 2013–2015
- Figure 2. Number of students enrolled in 2021 and 2022
- Table A1. Main indicators of Lviv University in 2012–2022
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