Green product buying intentions among young consumers: extending the application of theory of planned behavior
Received October 11, 2017;Accepted April 19, 2018;Published May 10, 2018
Author(s)Link to ORCID Index:
Link to ORCID Index:, Sunaryo Sunaryo ,
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Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #2, pp. 145-154
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This research reveals the factors explaining the purchase intention toward green products among young consumers. Young consumers are beginner consumers who are going to play an important role to take a responsibility in preserving the environment. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is selected as the main theoretical framework in this research alongside some other variables (environmental concern, environmental knowledge, and willingness to pay), which are added in the research model to expand TPB application. Three hundred and twenty-six respondents were interviewed through a survey and the data are analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
The findings illustrated that not every explanatory variable influenced the purchase intention toward green products among young consumers. Environmental concern and attitude did not influence the purchase intention toward green products among young consumers.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M11, M31, O32
- Figure 1. The proposed research framework
- Figure 2. Structural equation modeling resultsa
- Table 1. CFA – validity and reliability
- Table 2. Hypotheses testing results on the structural model
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Financial sustainability management of the insurance company: case of Ukraine
Ruslana Pikus, Nataliia Prykaziuk
, Mariia Balytska
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 219-228 Views: 3646 Downloads: 310 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the current conditions of the Ukrainian economy, which is characterized by crisis phenomena and frequent changes in legislation, the insurance organizations are facing a number of difficulties in maintaining their financial sustainability. Moreover, these processes take place under the increased requirements for solvency of insurers. However, a significant part of domestic insurance companies is financially unstable, which is conditioned not only by the lack of funds, but also by the low level of management. This situation hinders the further development of the insurance market in Ukraine and has a negative impact on all areas of the domestic financial system and prevents it from successful integration into the European financial field. In order to address this problem, it is necessary to distinguish the key groups of risks that affect the financial sustainability of insurance organizations, among which there are the following: insurance, strategic, market risk, risk of inefficient capital structure, risk of limiting the insurance company’s liquidity, tax risk, investment risk, operational risk, the risk of ineffective organizational structure of the enterprise, and information risk. It should be noted that under conditions of changing environment, the impact of these risks only increases, and therefore the task of minimizing the impact of these risks on the activities of insurance companies is highly important. Accordingly, the authors of the article proposed a four-stage strategy to manage the financial sustainability of the insurance company, the purpose of which is to identify the risks of limiting the insurer’s financial sustainability, their qualitative and quantitative assessment, as well as the development and implementation of appropriate measures to minimize and eliminate unacceptable consequences.
The risk management practices in the manufacturing SMEs in Cape Town
Clinton Mbuyiselo Sifumba , Kevin Boitshoko Mothibi , Anthony Ezeonwuka , Siphesande Qeke , Mamorena Lucia Matsoso doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #2 (cont. 2) pp. 386-403 Views: 3463 Downloads: 559 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯRisk management is one of the prominent issues which are pivotal to the success of a business and may adversely affect profitability if not properly practised. Therefore, the main objective of this paper was to determine risk management practices in manufacturing SMEs in Cape Town. The research conducted was quantitative in nature and constituted the collection of data from 74 SME leaders, all of whom had to adhere to a list of strict delineation criteria. All data collected were thoroughly analyzed through means of descriptive statistics. From the findings made, it is clear that SMEs in the manufacturing sector do in fact understand risk management initiatives applicable to ‘manage’ their respective businesses towards sustainability, but not to a large extent. It was found that respondents are unaware of the elements which make risk management effective, which ultimately aids to the development of problems for SMEs. All employees, managers and owners must coordinate their efforts together to identify and manage organizational risks within their ambit to obtain total risk coverage, as well as provide assurance that these risks are effectively managed from a coordinated approach. Further studies may be carried out to identify measures that can be taken to improve the effectiveness of risk management practices in SMEs.
Short video marketing factors influencing the purchase intention of Generation Z in Vietnam
Thi Thuy An Ngo, Phu Quach
, Thanh Vinh Nguyen
, Anh Duy Nguyen
, Thi Minh Nguyet Nguyen
Innovative Marketing Volume 19, 2023 Issue #3 pp. 34-50 Views: 2884 Downloads: 1335 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the digital age and technological advancements, short video platforms have become essential tools for online sales and marketing. In addition, shopping through short video marketing has gained significant attention, especially among Generation Z, as it brings unique and novel shopping experiences. The primary goal of this study is to explore the factors of short video marketing that influence the purchase intentions of Generation Z consumers in Vietnam. To conduct this study, a quantitative approach was employed, utilizing a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire administered online through a non-probability sampling method. The sample comprised 350 respondents aged between 16 and 26 from Vietnam, representing Generation Z, who made purchases through short video marketing. The relationships among various variables were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study’s results demonstrated a positive, significant, and direct relationship between all factors of short video marketing, including interesting content, perceived usefulness, scenario-based experience, user interaction, perceived enjoyment, and involvement of celebrities and consumer brand attitude. Among these factors, perceived usefulness is the most influential factor on customer brand attitude. In addition, the study revealed that consumer brand attitude, acting as a mediating variable, had a positive and significant impact on consumers’ purchase intentions. Based on the findings, the study suggested strategies for businesses to enhance the quality and content on short video platforms, thereby improving the effectiveness of their marketing strategies.
The authors express a sincere gratitude to all the participants who generously took part in this research study.