Digitalization: Implementation in the tourism business of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #4, pp. 24-41
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Global digitalization has led to the formation of a new contour of the economic environment in tourism due to the inevitable and pervasive transformation of socio-economic systems. All this is happening against the background of the synergy of digital and service economies. Therefore, the study analyzes the genesis and world experience of digitalization to determine the areas and advantages of using digital technologies in the tourism business of Ukraine. Systematization, generalization, and surveying were used. Since the main players of the tourism business are tour operators and hotels, and digital technologies are used by entities located in big cities, a survey was conducted among 57 managers of leading tour operators and hotels in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, and Odesa. The survey was conducted in July 2020–2021 and concerned digital technologies in the business processes. The results showed a dynamic increase in digital technologies, in particular, by an average of 72.2% per year, which reflects their efficiency and dynamics. The leading digital technologies include contactless payments, chatbots, mobile applications, mobile registration, and VR technologies. The data on their 34.6% use as sources of information search, 78.7% as travel planning and organization instruments, and 59.5% as destination orientation instruments are evidence of the large-scale use of digital technologies by foreign tourists. The essence of marketing, economic, innovation, environmental, service, and configuration priorities of digitalization as interdependent drivers for the initiation of the innovation process in tourism has been determined considering the uneven development and fluctuating dynamics of digital technologies.
The paper shows the authors’ results within the frameworks of the study, performed in 2021−2022 at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Digital transformation of trade, economic and tourist systems in Ukraine” (state registration number 0121U112231) and “Forecasting the impact of the tourism system on the country’s economy” (state registration number 0122U001559).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L83, М31
- Figure 1. Segments of tourism business digitalization
- Figure 2. Levels of digital technologies application in the tourism business
- Figure 3. Dynamics of application of digital technologies by tour operators and hotels, %
- Figure 4. Distribution of answers of foreign tourists regarding sources of information about Ukraine, %
- Figure 5. Distribution of answers of foreign tourists about tools for planning and organizing a trip to Ukraine, %
- Figure 6. Distribution of answers from foreign tourists regarding orientation tools in the cities of Ukraine, %
- Figure 7. Prerequisites and results of the use of digital technologies by the subjects of the tourism business
- Table A1. Areas of tourism business digitization
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