The role of internal auditors as a tool to boost competitiveness of Greek firms


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The role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the modern economy is crucial, and they have emerged as the most alluring and inventive system. To investigate and assess SMEs’ operations, internal auditing was formed as an independent assessment. Internal auditors’ planning and implementation of a quality program of internal audits can result in several advantages to SMEs. The current study investigates how internal auditors might help SMEs become more competitive. To fulfill the study’s requirements, 200 employees of Greek SMEs who were relevant to the internal audit function in their business environment were invited to answer a questionnaire. Internal auditors are viewed positively by most of the (100) employees who responded. Ranging from 34% to 53% in part B of the questionnaire (the role of internal auditors), they strongly agree with the positive role of internal auditors in Greek SMEs. Regarding the evaluation of internal auditors, most respondents gave a relatively negative opinion. From 31% to 34% respondents in part C of the questionnaire (evaluation of internal auditors) agree a little with the positive evaluation of internal auditors in Greek SMEs. Furthermore, the results showed that internal auditors must be professionals, comprehend the audited activities in-depth, offer ways to remedy problematic activities, and voice their thoughts objectively to succeed in the competitiveness of Greek SMEs.

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    • Table 1. Demographic profile
    • Table 2. Opinions on the role of internal auditors
    • Table 3. Evaluation of internal auditors
    • Conceptualization
      Stergios Galanis
    • Formal Analysis
      Stergios Galanis, Michail Pazarskis, Sofia Kourtesi
    • Visualization
      Stergios Galanis
    • Writing – original draft
      Stergios Galanis, Christos Konstantinidis
    • Writing – review & editing
      Stergios Galanis, Michail Pazarskis, Sofia Kourtesi
    • Project administration
      Michail Pazarskis, Sofia Kourtesi
    • Supervision
      Michail Pazarskis, Sofia Kourtesi
    • Validation
      Michail Pazarskis
    • Data curation
      Christos Konstantinidis
    • Investigation
      Christos Konstantinidis
    • Resources
      Christos Konstantinidis
    • Methodology
      Sofia Kourtesi