Recent News and Releases

October 17, 2018


LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives” initiated a project about writing a monograph “TRANSFORMATION OF ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF CONVERGENT PROCESSES”.
The harmonization process of accounting and reporting systems with the international standards is associated with a number of problems, which arise at different stages of implementation, not allowing to realize properly innovative development of the national economies and international investment projects. The monograph highlights the issues and perspectives of accounting and reporting systems transformation in different countries under the influence of IAS and IFRS.

September 28, 2018

"Business Perspectives" participation in the seminar of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

On September 27, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Sumy National Agrarian University held a seminar for Vice Rectors for Research of Ukrainian agriculture universities. The theme of the seminar was "Urgent issues of fundamental and applied science development in agrarian higher educational institutions". The Elsevier coach Maryna Nazarovets' talk "The Scopus facilities for agrarian sciences" should be noted. "Business Perspectives" (Serhii Kozmenko, the author of the JIC Index, and Liudmyla Ostapenko, the CEO) talked about the state and the future outlook of Ukrainian academic journals.

September 20, 2018

Professor Haber`s visit

On 18 September Prof. Józef Antoni Haber visited LLC “CPC “Business Perspectives”. Prof. Haber is the Editorial Board member of three journals: «Problems and Perspectives in Management», «Environmental Economics“ and “Geopolitics under Globalization”. During meeting with the staff, the issues connected with publishing policy, current activity and further development of the Company were discussed. Prof. Haber underlined his own personal responsibility concerning high level of published papers. Also, he assured that such meetings would be held at the regular base.

August 08, 2018

"Business Perspectives" has adopted Cited-by by Crossref

LLC "CPC "Business Perspectives" has joined the Cited-by service by Crossref. In addition, the Company supported the initiative to develop the Open Citation Index (CrossrefOpenCitationIndex), which means transferring metadata of articles' references and the ability to track how publications refer to other articles.
We believe that developing such services improves the "visibility" of scientific publications, contributes to the quotation growth, etc.

July 05, 2018

About work on the Ukrainian academic journals development

Making Ukrainian scientists and editors aware of the experience of peer-reviewed academic journals is one of the main tasks of the Business Perspectives' activity. Unfortunately, authors from Ukraine often do not follow the basic rules of submitting articles for publication, do not always pay attention to the publication ethics principles, and do not promote their own articles already published.

June 26, 2018

Business Perspectives' journals are in the Academic Periodicals of Ukraine database

The journals Problems and Perspectives in Management and Investment Management and Financial Innovations published by Business Perspectives are added to the Academic Periodicals of Ukraine database of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine – the main scientific and information center of Ukraine.