Recent News and Releases

December 13, 2018

Kyiv National Economic University is concerned about the future of its academic journals

It is a year since the Memorandum of cooperation has been signed between LLC "Business Perspectives" and Kyiv National Economic University. According to it, University researchers publish their works in journals founded by our company. We are also a publisher for two university journals: Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics and Social and Labour Relations: Theory and Practice. Such a cooperation is beneficial for both parties and provides synergistic effect. But there are still opportunities for further development of this partnership. This was discussed at a general meeting at the university (Rector, Professor Dmytro Lukianenko). At the meeting, Business Perspectives was represented by Liudmyla Ostapenko and Serhiy Kozmenko – one of the company's founders.

December 04, 2018

The web application “Manuscript Administration System” is developed with the purpose to automate and manage the processes of manuscripts submission, revision, reviewing, etc.

From now on, the Journals of LLC "Consulting Publishing Company" Business Perspectives" start using the web application “Manuscript Administration System”, which was developed by MindK.

The “Manuscript Administration System” is the first web application for academic journals, which was developed in Ukraine for a Ukrainian publisher with purpose to automate and manage the processes of manuscripts submission, revision, reviewing, etc.

The system has been developed in conjunction with React & Node.js. You don’t need to install any software, you just work with the system online.

November 28, 2018

Business Perspectives develops cooperation with the best Ukrainian universities

On November 27, 2018, a series of business meetings between Liudmyla Ostapenko, the Business Perspectives' CEO, Serhii Kozmenko, the author of the Journal's International Compliance Index, and top managers of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv took place.

November 15, 2018

List of journals recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Business Perspectives' journals)

In Ukraine, the practice of creating a list of academic journals (for Ukrainian journals) has long been introduced. The list was formed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. A postgraduate degree seeker should publish several scientific articles in journals from the list. The procedure for the journal inclusion was purely formal, and the requirements were so insignificant that everyone interested should get on the list. In 2018, the Ministry has created new, more severe requirements for journals and classified them into three categories according to complex of formal features.

October 22, 2018

Update of ASJC classification codes of the publishing house's journals

Upon request from the Publisher (LLC “CPC “Business Perspectives”), Scopus made changes to the list of knowledge branches (ASJC classification codes), according to which the papers are accepted to its journals and according to which the evaluation will be carried out. These changes were already reflected in Scopus Sources September 2018.

October 17, 2018

Business Perspectives is in the I4OC project

Recently, a new innovation appeared on the market of academic publications. This is the Open Citations initiative. It is designed to promote the unrestricted accessibility of research data on citation. Soon enough (subject to its general support), it will be possible to have a generally available global network of research data on citation.
According to the Open Citations website as of September 2018, the fraction of publications with open references has grown from 1% to 52% out of 40.8 million articles with references deposited with Crossref.
LLC "Business Perspectives" has joined this initiative (this can be seen on the I4OC website). See the link below to get more information,