Recent News and Releases

April 10, 2018

15 years for the Publishing Company "Business Perspectives": past experience and vision of the future

Today, on April 10, 2018, the publishing company "Business Perspectives" celebrates 15 years of the fruitful work on the production of high-quality scientific information content.

Filled with ambitious plans, the publishing team is following the course of continuous development and self-improvement in the scientific journals publishing and the other projects implementation.

April 10, 2018

"Scientific journals: creation, promotion, and estimation": seminar of scientific journal publishers

In order to promote one of the most important means of scientific communication between the experts in scientific journals publication, the seminar "Scientific journals: creation, promotion, and estimation" will be held on May 18, 2018, on the basis of the University of Customs and Finance, with the participation of Serhii Kozmenko, the head of the "JIC Index" project, and Liudmyla Ostapenko, the director of the publishing company "Business Perspectives".

April 06, 2018

"FOR" high-quality research with Unicheck

The Publishing Company "Business Perspectives" advocates adherence to the principles of ethics and integrity of science, which is why it has chosen a reliable partner in ensuring the scientific publications quality and has concluded a cooperation agreement with .

April 03, 2018

Partnership between the Publishing Company and State Scientific-Technical Library of Ukraine

The Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, understanding the need for discussing the problems of assessing national science and analyzing the effectiveness of using electronic academic databases in the work of scientists, took the initiative to become partners with State Scientific-Technical Library of Ukraine in running a Contest for best scientific work.

February 19, 2018

Annual Report 2017

Here is the Annual Report 2017 of the Publishing Company "Business Perspectives".


February 15, 2018

Business Perspectives’ journals entered into the Academic Journal Guide

Business Perspectives’ journals: Banks & Bank Systems and Environmental Economics entered into the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide 2018.